Last night Amber and I were bored and short on funds, so we decided to go see "Wild Things" at the Moreland Theater because it is only about $7. Unfortunately, "Wild Things" had been replaced by "New Moon" so we ended up seeing that instead.
Everything about these movies is a train wreck or a squished bug under a shoe. You just . . . cannot . . . look . . . away. Seriously, that relationship is so unhealthy BEFORE you take into account that his main form of sustenance is O positive. He is abusive and COMPLETELY controlling, and she is a total co-dependent that needs to get the hell over herself. Not only that- he looks like a tweaker throughout the whole movie. There is a scene where he takes off his shirt (I am spoiling nothing, it was all over the entertainment news when they were shooting it.) and all I could think was, "Didn't I see him on 'Breaking Bad'?" Pale, bloodshot, eyes, taken to manifesting the wrong emotion at the wrong moment- I hate that character in physical embodiment as much as I do on the page. (I do think the guy that plays him is beautiful, but the character, UGH.)
The kid that plays Jacob though- dang. My whole reason for seeing this movie was hormonal and mostly to do with the fact that they were showcasing the beautiful upper-torsos of five specimens of why some days, it's a good day to be NDN. Beautiful. Indian. Men. There is nothing better. Also, that character is the only one from the books that I actually liked, and I thought the kid they hired did a good job of it.
1. Jacob's stomach. Runner up-the stomach of any other boys from the Quileute tribe.
2. The scene in Italy has nice art direction.
3. Bella's vapid friend is a really funny, cute little actress and handed me the only genuine laughs of the entire movie.
4. I still want to hook up with Bella's dad.
5. The sister-of-Edward's "driving in Italy" outfit was freaking fabulous.
6. Taylor Lautner did a decent job of representing that character, so I was pleased.
1. The rest of the movie.
In other news: I got a great e-mail from V this week. He told me about his journeys and a couple of significant moments. Before he left, I asked him to go see "la Pieta" (my favorite statue) and think of me, so he sent me a picture of him standing next to it that I then printed and put on the wall at work. He comes back in a little under a month and a half. I cannot believe that he is well over the halfway mark. Even though I have missed him the entire time he has been away, it still feels like the fall just flew by. I don't know how I feel about him coming back. I guess I will just have to jump off that bridge with a rock tied to my ankle when I come to it.
I am almost done with my reading goal of 52 books in 2009. In fact, I may exceed it, which is awesome. My favorite author is famous for having said, "Read, read 1000 pages for every one page you write." I think that has been about my average this year, so I need to kick up the writing bit a tad in order to progress as any sort of artist/hack. Right now I am reading "Notes on a Scandal", which is turning out to be a decently well-written book. It's not "The Road" or anything (which changed my life, and I almost do not want to see the movie) but it's consistently solid and the narrator has a really well-defined voice.
Have been having very strange dreams lately. The other night, I dreamed that the ghost of Phil Collins was terrorizing my home and raping women. Yup. The Phil Collins who is not dead. And it wasn't like he was playing drums or like "Su-Su-Sudio" was in the background, it was just KNOWN that it was the ghost of Phil Collins. Weird.
The nice thing about furlough is that it thickens out my vacation a LOT. Next week I only work on Monday, which pretty much rocks this or any other casbah. Have not decided if I am going to Eugene on Tuesday, or will wait until Wednesday morning to go. The sister-of-Drummer-Boy (who recently reported to me that he has a girlfriend, so goodbye Thanksgiving booty) is having a birthday celebration that day, so I may stay for Tuesday, but have not decided. Also, we all know how well it turns out when I go home for several days at a time. Time to stock up on laxatives, anti-itch cream (for the hives), and paper bags I can blow in and out of. Cross your fingers for me.
James, Ignacio, and I are all spending a lot of time together again. Well, Ignacio now lives in SLC, so mostly we talk on the phone, but you know what I mean. James is still getting used to when I say, "No" because apparently, there is not a single friend in his life that would not drop anything to hang out with members of their crew, but he and I are working through that. I am worried about Ignacio though, because of everything that has happened with the divorce. It's hard to watch someone you love go through something like that.
Back to the non-serious, these are my current addictions:
1. "Criminal Minds"
2. "Supernatural"- yes, it found me again.
3. "Glee"- Jane Lynch, I would marry you tomorrow.
4. "Modern Family"-Funniest gay couple on TV. Possibly ever.
Time for me to take a two-hour nap before getting ready for church. Happy Sunday!