Jun 26, 2004 17:42
I’m going out today with Nathan to get some crazy shopping done. It’s so nice to have money. JOBS ROCK!!!! It hasn’t even been so bad going in as of late. I don’t know who reads this anymore, but I hope you are all having a great summer. YAY FOR….YAY FOR….I don’t know what there is to say “yay” about so you guys come up with something “YAY FOR
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Comments 8
Save pandas.
remember why i said dont knock it till you try it, well i tried it out with premiscuisc sex on rachel and and i am so drunk right now. and i have decided that a lifestyle based on self-indulgence is horrrilbe (man i bet i'll regret this shit in the morning) anyway, i know for a fact that acting like an idiot welll on MICKEYS is demeaning and pathetic abd tomorrow i have to rise above something something, i hate, those pictures will me done soon about the arrow or something, but this lifestyle is weak, reammember the good ol' days, damn, fuckin drive safely boy!~~CALL ~!NO DONT CALL havha james is gay!!sorry
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