Title: "One onto the Other" Author: mrsronweasley Fandom: due South Pairing: F/K Rating: NC-17, naturally Notes: With enormous thanks to kristiinthedark and strangecobwebs for such quick and last minute betas! ♥ (785 words)
he had always imagined doing. He saw himself touching the person, imagined the way his fingers would move on unfamiliar skin, the way he would lick and mouth it, the way he would bring that person to the very brink with his own body. He only belatedly realized that he never truly thought about how that person would make him feel in return.
oh, oh, I LOVE that! I GET that! and it's SUCH a Fraser thing, such a totally Fraser way to THINK, and I love that you got it written there so eloquently. I love how CAUGHT UP Fraser is in this whole thing, and how Ray pushes him here, pushes all his buttons, until Fraser just has to GIVE, you know?
They scrambled, and if Fraser hadn’t actually acted out this particular scenario in his mind, he was certainly no stranger to trying to predict Ray’s next move. He was unsurprised when Ray broke off their kiss, hands braced on either side of Fraser’s head, and looked him in the eye, cheeks flushed and mouth glistening.
Comments 33
::fans self::
This is mighty fine.
oh, oh, I LOVE that! I GET that! and it's SUCH a Fraser thing, such a totally Fraser way to THINK, and I love that you got it written there so eloquently. I love how CAUGHT UP Fraser is in this whole thing, and how Ray pushes him here, pushes all his buttons, until Fraser just has to GIVE, you know?
Thank youuuu! ♥
Coherent? Totally overrated. Incoherent Fraser is made entirely of WIN.
*looks about in a daze*
Superbowl? What Superbowl?
Thaaaank you! :)
They scrambled, and if Fraser hadn’t actually acted out this particular scenario in his mind, he was certainly no stranger to trying to predict Ray’s next move. He was unsurprised when Ray broke off their kiss, hands braced on either side of Fraser’s head, and looked him in the eye, cheeks flushed and mouth glistening.
got to me something fierce. Wonderful!
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