Seeing that I've recently become a pot-head, Kevin and Anna - like my two bestest friends EVER! - and I are going to celebrate Marijuana Brownie Day! What will we do on Marijuana Brownie Day?
11am: Go to Pick n' Save Grocery Store, the one on Port Washington Rd by Kevin and Anna's house, and buy the necessary ingredients: brownie mix and marijuana
11:15am: Witness the following conversation between Anna and Kevin:
KEVIN: Anna, did you get the marijuana?
ANNA:, what?!
KEVIN: Isn't it in aisle five, or something?
ANNA: Kevin! They don't sell marijuana here, its fucking Pick n' Save!
KEVIN: ummm...I'm so fucked up...what time is it?
BEN: Hey guys, I got the marijuana! It was hiding in aisle 7!
ALL: Silly Marijuana!
11:30am: Start making marijuana brownies
11:45am: put marijuana brownies in oven
12:15pm: Take marijuana brownies out of oven and participate in the following conversation:
BEN: Kevin! Anna! the marijuana brownies are finished! let's eat!
ANNA: Ok, hold right there...
BEN: Kevin! Anna! The marijuana brownies are finished! Let's eat!
KEVIN: Ok, umm, Golden Girls is almost done...
BEN: Ok! They smell really good!
ANNA: Shut the fuck up Ben! Fucking Golden Girls is on!
BEN: Guys...umm...the marijuana brownies are...umm...cold
KEVIN: Jesus Mary-Fucking Christ Ben! Just chill the fuck out! Holy God! We can eat them tomorrow!
ANNA: (to KEVIN) Let's just go in there and eat them or he'll never stop...
2:35pm: Eat marijuana brownies! YAY!
2:40pm - 10:00pm: Watch Golden Girls
BEN: Ok, bye guys! Marijuana Brownie Day was really fun!
ANNA: uh...
BEN: umm...right Kevin...we
KEVIN: yup...
BEN: Cool! Hey, you guys wanna hang out tomorrow?
ANNA: ummm...sure...
BEN: Awesome! Should I call you or should you call me?
ANNA: yup...
BEN: umm...ok...ok...I'm gonna go...bye guys...I had A LOT of fun!
BEN: Ok, yeah, its' getting really late! Man, we ate marijuana brownies! So Cool!
BEN: Ok, talk to you guys tomorrow!
- Man oh man! Marijuana Brownie Day is gonna be so much fun!