BPAL Tracker Pt. 2

Aug 23, 2007 20:03

Continued from BPAL Tracker Part 1.

supervillainess's BPAL tracker

Official Lab Description
Date, Size & Origin of Purchase
Status & Preference

Limited Edition

1/13/06 - 5
Kinda goes plasticy. Swapped.

13 (Orange - 2006)
10/23/06 - 5
Coconut - Black Opalish. Et Lux Fuit again!

Chaos Theory II - The Butterfly Efect: CLXXVIII
coconut, red wine, roses, honey, tobacco*
5/11/05 - 5
Perfection. Deep bloody wine, Kali-eqsue.

Chaos Theory II - The Butterfly Efect: XXV
4/1/06 - Decant cranberry!Swap
Fabric Softener! Swapped.

Chaos Theory II - The Butterfly Efect: CCCIV
4/1/06 - Decant cranberry!Swap
Weird fresh floral... w/ menthol and cilantro? Swapped.

All Souls - 2007
An incense blend that invokes the higher qualities of mercy and compassion, mingled with the soft, sugared currant scent of offertory soul cakes.
8/27/07 arylkin!swap
Sweeter than I anticipated. Very light. It's nice, but not something I want more of.

Black Ice - Yule 2006
10/23/06 - 5
Goes completely perfumey on me. Swapped.

The Bloody Sword - Order of the Dragon
dragon’s blood, myrrh, black pepper, labdanum, benzoin, leather, fire, and steel
5/23/07 Decant 10dimensions!Swap - G!Imp
Surprisingly bland on me! Retry!

Chanukkiyah - Yule 2007
Olive oil, beeswax, glowing amber, sweet sufganiyot, pomegranate, and fig.
1/14/08 - 5
This is really interesting in its layers - I detect a green-ness, a sharpness, warm and bright notes. It is resinous and a little earthy. Is nicer when my skin isn't PMSd, but overall the dynamic quality is muted by sweetness of a faintly licorice-quality. Swapped for now, but see about scoring an aged imp later.

Count Dracula - Order of the Dragon
1/26/07 alethea!Swap - Decant
Not particularly grand. Too masculine. Swapped

The Cracked Bell - Yule 2005
11/15/05 - 5
Weird, not metallic.Swapped.

The Crumpet Rebellion - Phoenix Parade 07
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!Swap - G!Imp

Dead Man's Hand
2/18/05 - 5
OMG New Shoes!!

The Death of Autumn - Samhain 2007
Dark amber, dead leaves, khus, saffron, bitter clove, chrysanthemum, camellia, galangal, and a drop of oud.
11/15/07 - 5

Dia De Los Muertos - Samhain 2004
Leaves, Incense, Florals, Candies, Chocolate, Tobacco, Amaranth, Cactus Blossom, Desert Cereus
9/30/04 - 5

10/24/04 - G!5
Kinda funny too sweet.

Swapped both.

Egg Nog - Yule 2004
Sweet Brandy, Dark Rum, Heavy Cream, Sugar, Nutmeg
11/4/04 - 5
Exquisite, delicious, perfect marshmallow-y dry down.

El Dia Del Reyes - Yule 2007
Hot cocoa with cinnamon, coffee, and brown sugar.
1/14/08 - 5

Enraged Bunny Musk
Soft cotton blossom, white musk, baby's breath, clover and pale powder notes.
9/30/06 maewitch!Swap - Decant
Crisp, softly cotton.

Et Lux Fuit
Golden Amber, Heliotrope, Vanilla Musk, Carnation, Daisy, Sunflower, Neroli, Lemon Peel, Ylang Ylang, Honeycomb
1/27/07 cheeselvr21!Swap - 5
Incredible warmth and sweetness, but not too rich or soft. Gorgeous.

Formula 54 - Forum Only
Cognac, Tobacco Flower, Dark Musk, Black Rose, Clove
9/30/04 - 10
Smokey Wine, Sweet Floral - nicer than I anticipated at first. And not overwhelmingly clove. Hoard.

Gingerbread Poppet - Yule 2005
Gingerbread, Nutmeg, Clove, Cinnamon
11/4/04 - Decant Eldritch!Swap

1/21/05 - 5 EvilKitten!Swap

4/20/06 joseybird!Swap - G!Decant
Ginger Snapped Compatible. Yumminess. Swapped dupe decants.

Frosted-Limed Wedding Bouquet
1/24/05 - 5 kimmer!swap
Soft Roses, not very cold though. Swapped.

Hearth - Yule 2004
Tobacco, Cherry Wood, Leather, Smoke
11/4/04 - 5 Decant
Pancakes. Yeah. Swapped 5ml and kept decant.

Hearth - Yule 2005
Candied Chestnuts, Butter, Brown Sugar, Honey, Cedar Smoke, Pine
5/1/07 voyeurwithwings!swap - G!Decant
Nicer than 04 (which was much too sweet), but not loving the pine. :\ Retry.

Herr Drosselmeyer - Yule 2005
3/28/06 - Imp waterdaughter!Swap
Love This. Consider finding more, even though I probably won't wear it.

Ice Queen - Yule 2004
Pale Musks, Winter Blossoms, Spruce, Frozen Fruits
11/4/04 - 5

10/17/05 - G!Imp Tod!Swap
Froooosty. Only wish it stayed colder longer. Gifted Dupe!

June Gloom
Summer Flowers, Morning Mist, Rain
10/24/04 - G!5

King of Spades - Forum Only
5/23/07 Decant 10dimensions!swap
Actually fruity on - would be just as happy w/ my Chaos Theory.

Lick It - Yule 2005
This is a candy cane perfume, minty, sweet and sugared.
11/15/05 - 5
Musky vanilla, a touch of plastic. Not much mint. Prefer Antique Lace or Snowblind. Swapped.

Love in the Asylum
12/12/05 - 5 zenvodunista!Swap
Resinous and sweet. Warm.

Lucy Westenra - Order of the Dragon
1/26/07 alethea!Swap - Decant
Not wonderful on me, bland florals. Swapped.

The Lurid Library - The Haunted Mansion
The incense-tinged scent of forbidden tomes and the musk-laden remnants of infernal servants.
8/27/07 arylkin!swap - Decant

11/15/07 - 5
I like this. Upgraded to 5 ml and swapped away decant.

Midnight Kiss - Shojo Beat LE
red musk, cocoa absolute, Nepalese amber, red sandalwood, aged patchouli, nicotiana, and blood wine.
9/27/07 - 5
This is really incredibly well blended and very wearable. Kali is flashy by contrast - this is quitely rich. Love it.

Midwinter's Eve - Yule 2005
1/20/05 quantumspice!Swap - Decant

Mistletoe - Yule 2005
4/1/06 Rhowan!Swap - Imp
Eek! Menthol! Swapped.

Nuclear Winter - Yule 2005
Radioactive Mints
3/28/06 waterdaughter!Swap - Imp
Minty bliss!

"...a singularly chilly, delectably ice-rimmed perfume."
7/20/05 - 5
Have worn twice in 2.5 years. Powdery and detergent-esque. Like unscented shaving gel. Swapped.

The Oblation - Lupercalia 2007
Dianthus, French lavender, blackberry, and white honey.
8/24/07 artemesia_mia!swap - 5

9/17/07 aurora_verde!swap - 5
The best, most sensual thing to ever touch my skin.

October - Samhain 2007
Dry, cold autumn wind. A rustle of red leaves, a touch of smoke and sap in the air.
8/27/07 arylkin!swap
This is lovely, but a little sharp on me. Rewear, but don't upgrade.

The Peacock Queen - Yule 2005
4/20/06 elspeth!Swap - Decant
Soapy roses - prefer Blood Rose. Swapped.

The Perilous Parlour - The Haunted Mansion
Faint echoes of laughter and the distorted music of a harp drift by, along with the scent of soft white pear and sweet vanilla.
8/27/07 arylkin!swap

Quincy Morris - Order of the Dragon
1/26/07 alethea!Swap - Decant
Leather... Not Dead Man's Hand, but wearable. Try again!

Samhain - Fall 2004
Damp Woods, Fir Needle, Back Patchouli, Pumpkin, Clove, Nutmeg, Allspice, Red Apple, Mullein.
10/24/04 - G!5
Not quite me. Re-Gifted!

Skadi - Yule 2005
1/17/05 - Decant nevermore!Swap
A little too piney. Prefer Ice Queen. Swapped.

Snow Bunny - Yule 2005
11/15/05 - 5
Perfumey in a little girl way - swapped.

Snow White - Yule 2003
Snow, Night Blooming Florals
9/25/04 - G!Decant quantumspice!Swap
Coconut, Strawberry Shortcake Plastic, Soft milky drydown. Ended up not-wearing. Swapped.

Sol Invictus - Yule 2006
golden amber, saffron, heliotrope, hibiscus, citron, frangipani, frankincense, tangerine, mock orange, and orange blossom.
8/30/07 Decant cheshirecat!swap

Spooky - Yule 2005
Buttery Rum, Cocoa, Coconut, Vanilla, Peppermint
1/25/05 5
Gorgeous in the bottle, plasticky on skin. Prefer Snowblind for vanilla mint. Swapped.

Stardust - Yule 2005
11/15/05 - 5
A little synthetic. Swapped.

Sugar Cookie - Yule 2004
The Devil's Bake Sale
1/10/05 - 5 Decant caitfish!Swap
Ooh, cinnamon. Eww, cinnamon. Swapped 5 ml and kept decant.

Sugar Skull
5 Sugars, Candied Fruits
9/30/04 - 5 Decant
Cloying sticky sweet. Swapped 5 ml and kept decant.

Trick or Treat
Candy Corn
11/15/05 - 5
Sweet, candy corn yes - but not wearing it sadly. Swapped.

Vampire Tears -Shojo Beat
wisteria, white grapefruit, neroli, green tea, jasmine, white ginger, honeysuckle, iris, and tonka
9/27/07 - G!Imp

Vasakasajja - Ashtanyika: The Faces of the Heroine
skin musk, wild orchid, champaca flower, amaranth, tonka bean, and French vanilla.
8/30/07 - G!Imp cheshirecat!swap
Wet, this is is much like Muse or Nola. Drydown is very similar to The Oblation. Swapped.

Woods from Celtic Pyromantic Divination, Orris, Dragon's Blood, Juniper Berry, Red Rose.
10/24/04 - G!5

4/20/06 elspeth!Swap - Decant

4/20/06 elspeth!Swap - Decant

4/20/06 elspeth!Swap - Decant
Gifted 5, reacquired Decants

1/20/05 Decant quantumspice!Swap

Limited Edition - BPTP Inquisitions

Marshmallow Poof - Trick or Treat 07
A gooey mound of white fluffiness!
10/26/07 jocosa!swap - 5
Sweet vanilla! A little ephemeral, but wearable.

Pumpkin Cheesecake - Trick or Treat 07
Graham crackery and cream cheesy! Cinnamon brown sugary! Just a little carroty!
10/26/07 jocosa!swap - G!Decant

Spanked - BPTP Naughty or Nice 2005
Whip leather, Cardamom, Patchouli, Bourbon
6/01/2007 filligree_shadow!swap - 5

Treat #2 - BPTP Trick or Treat 2006
Fig meat, coconut, and buttercream bonbon rolled in orange rind, mint leaf, cardamom, clove and ginger, dipped in milk chocolate.
5/23/07 10dimensions!swap - Decant

12/18/07 filigree_shadow!swap - 5
Absolutely lovely! Really sweet and light w/out that plasticky touch.

Trick #2 BPTP - Trick or Treat 2006
Pomegranate, Tobacco Leaf, Patchouli, Wild Berries, Pine Pitch, Oak-aged Vanilla, Pink Pepper
2/19/07 nineveh!Swap - Decant
Had only a small drop to try, but pretty bland. Would love a bigger sample.

Limited Edition - Carnaval Diabolique

Carnaval Diabolique
Opium smoke, lemon flower, heliotrope, tuberose, black musk, vanilla, coconut, apricot flower.
1/26/07 alethea!Swap - Decant
Mostly lemon. Fades very fast.

Eshe: A Vision of Life in Death
embalming herbs, black myrrh, white sandalwood, black orchid, paperwhites, tomb dust, and Moroccan jasmine.
8/24/07 - 5 artemesia_mia!swap
Jasmine/florals dominate this blend to no-grand-effect. The sandalwood is powdery and overwhelms any depth from the myrrh. Nice, but generic. Swapped.

Faiza: the Black Mamba
Black amber, caraway, oakmoss, green sandalwood, bergamot, jasmine sambac, gardenia, orange pulp, vanilla, blackberry, black musk, white honey, ti leaf, and ginger.
4/30/07 - 5
On me? Perfume. :\ Swapped.

Issac, The Living Skeleton
Bourbon, tobacco, dry bone, bay rum aftershave, and sleazy cologne.
9/26/07 Decant moontess!swap

Mme. Moriarty
Red musk, vanilla bean, pomegranate, patchouli leaf and wild plum.
1/26/07 alethea!Swap - Decant
Lovely, see how the imp wears and consider upgrade.

Melisande, The Puppet Mistress
Jasmine sambac, dark musk, violet water, vanilla bean and mimosa.
4/30/07 hermintage!swap - Decant
Too sweet! Jasmine foils me again! Swapped.

Parliament of Monsters
Dust, incense, wet tobacco, and a curl of opium smoke.
9/26/07 Decant moontess!swap - Decant

Pulcinella & Teresina
Labdanum, cedar, teak and red rose.
4/30/07 Decant hermintage!swap
This smells like old wood, and old roses on me. :\ Swapped.

The Organ Grinder
Almond Milk, Sarsaparilla, Tobacco Smoke, Black Patchouli, White Pine Bark
10/23/06 - 5
Very much like Tombstone, only the milk goes sour-sweet. Swapped.

Priala, the Human Phoenix
Three deep, dark myrrhs, smoke, and cinnamon bark.
4/30/07 - 5
Wish the cinnamon lasted longer, but soft sweet resinous drydown is nothing to complain about.

Theodosius, the Ledgermain
Earl Grey tea leaves, a white fougere, jasmine leaf, pearlescent white musk, and vanilla bean.
2/7/07 pekeana!Swap 5
Surprsingly light, a soft citrus touch. Nice!

Tiresias, the Androgyne
black currant, patchouli, tobacco, cinnamon leaf, caramel, muguet, and red sandalwood.
11/15/07 - 5

Xanthe, The Weeping Clown
Guava, orange peel, white pepper, spun sugar and apple blossom.
5/1/07 Decant voyeurwithwings!swap
Really prefer Tweedle Dee, but these are similarly fruity. Very wearable, but swapped!

Wulric the Wolfman - Carnaval Diabolique
Cocoa absolute, French vanilla, birch tar, lavender, bourbon vetiver, wild musk, clary sage, and cistus.
2/19/07 nineveh!Swap - Decant

Limited Edition - Carnaval Diabolique: Faiza's Companions

Asp Viper
Snake Oil with red mandarin, myrrh, and almond.
4/30/07 Decant hermintage!swap
One of the few truly wearable almonds. Lovely!

Australian Copperhead
Snake Oil with acai berry, amber, cardamom, neroli, and smoked vanilla.
4/30/07 - 5
Resinous berry is not spectacular, but very wearable. Interested to see it aged.

Snake Oil with cocoa, teakwood, and rice milk.
3/2/07 - 5
Incredible - like sweetened skin scent.

Coral Snake
Snake Oil with blood orange, red apple, lemon peel, plumeria, and gardenia.
8/20/07 Decant - 10dimensions!swap

Snake Oil with linden blossom, calla lily, passion flower, and narcissus.
8/20/07 Decant - 10dimensions!swap

Death Adder
Snake Oil with vetiver, black coconut, vanilla, and opoponax.
2/19/07 nineveh!Swap - Decant

8/20/07 Decant - 10dimensions!Swap - G!Imp
LOVE, consider upgrade. This vetiver is more like leather.

Green Tree Viper
Snake Oil with four mints, bergamot, and green tea.
8/20/07 Decant - 10dimensions!swap

Snake Oil with ho wood, teak, black musk, and bamboo.
8/20/07 Decant - 10dimensions!swap

King Cobra
Snake Oil with orris, frankincense, and copal.
8/20/07 Decant - 10dimensions!swap

Saw-Scaled Viper
Snake Oil with cinnamon, cassia, and red ginger.
4/30/07 - 5 hermintage!swap

8/20/07 Decant 10dimensions!swap

9/26/07 Decant moontess!swap
Absolutely the best cinnamon ever. Score more decants to fill bottle.

Temple Viper
Snake Oil with sugar cane, frankincense, champaca, opoponax, labdanum, and hyssop.

8/30/07 Decant cheshirecat!swap

Limited Edition - Carnaval Noir

Bed of Nails
6/23/05 - 5
Crisp ozoney man-smell.

Fire Eater
4/1/06 - 5 cranberry!Swap
Not spectacular. Swapped.

Freak Show
Cocoa, Vanilla, Lemon, Tonka
6/23/05 - 5

Leather, Patchouli
6/23/05 - 5
Very manly - swapped.

Gypsy Queen
4/19/06 - 5
Entirely too floral - potpourri almost. Swapped.

House of Mirrors
4/19/06 - 5

Black Pepper, Orange
6/23/05 - 5
Orange doesn't last, goes bubblegummy. Swapped.

Medicine Show
Tobacco, Balsam, Ginger
6/23/05 - 5

Funnel Cake, Cotton Candy
6/23/05 - 5
The galactic doughnut.

6/23/05 - 5
Have yet to find opportune moment to smell like butter.

Snake Charmer
4/20/06 elspeth!Swap - Decant
Mmm, mostly vanilla. Rewear.

Torture King
4/19/06 - 5

Limited Edition - Convergence XIII 2007

6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!Swap - G!Imp

The Unheavenly City
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!Swap - G!Imp

Shanghai Tunnel
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!Swap - G!Imp

Limited Edition - A Demon in My View

12/12/05 - 5 zenvodunista!Swap

5/10/06 - 5 la_colere!Gift
Warm spices and patch - nice. Kept 1 bottle.

Osmanthus, Tuberose, Skin Musk, Carnation, Night Phlox, Vesper Iris
2/7/07 pekeana!Swap - Decant
Kinda floral like gardenias and not spectacular. But still, not weird gardenia. Keep.

Spirits of the Dead
dry tea leaf, linden blossom, papyrus, orris and coffin wood
4/1/06 Rhowan!Swap 5

Limited Edition - Maelström

4/1/06 Rhowan!Swap 5
Toooo sweet. A little like lotus? Swapped..

The Pit & The Pendulum
5/10/06 - G!Decant la_colere Gift
Dry, kinda nice.

The Tell-Tale Heart
4/19/06 - 5

Limited Edition - Lunacy

Beaver Moon 07 A Little Lunacy
Wild cherry with vanilla cream accord, and a hint of strawberry.
10/26/07 - 5 jocosa!swap
Lovely and creamy! Surprisingly, wears better than Bloody Mary.

Blue Moon June 07 A Little Lunacy
Asian woods, moonflower, Madagascan ylang ylang, Florentine iris, Greek cypress, davana, green tea absolute, palmarosa, cucumber, Clary sage, melilot trefoils, wood aloes, and pale creeping buttercup.
12/10/07 - 5 pekeana!swap

Chaste Moon - A Little Lunacy
Blossoms, Cream, Lunar Oils
2/24/05 - Decant ivyandpeony!swap
Totally wasted on me. Swapped.

Cold Moon - A Little Lunacy
Traditional Lunar Oils, Snow Flowers, Soft Breezes, Frozen Ferns
11/26/04 - 5
Ultimately prefer Ice Queen. Gifted.

Dragon Moon - A Little Lunacy
4/19/06 - 5

Flower Moon - A Little Lunacy
Tulip, Daffodil, Violet, Dewdrop, Rhododendron, Iris, Daisy, California Wildflowers
4/24/05 - Decant ivyandpeony!swap
Much like roses - bland floral. Swapped.

Frost Moon - A Little Lunacy
1/20/05 Decant quantumspice!Swap
Not terribly frosty. Swapped.

Fruit Moon - A Little Lunacy
7/20/05 - 5
Flat. Prefer Mi-Go Brains! Swapped.

Holiday Moon - A Little Lunacy
2/7/07 pekeana!Swap 5

Honey Moon - A Little Lunacy
Honey, Jasmine, White Gardenia, Hawaiian White Ginger, Thyme
5/23/05 - 5
Bouquet doesn't quite "bloom". Stick w/ single note. Swapped.

Hunter Moon - A Little Lunacy
Traditional Lunar Oils, Dry Leaves, Bonfires, Mulled Wine, Feral Notes, Winter Chill
10/24/04 - G!5

Milk Moon - A Little Lunacy
Cream, Honey, Lunar Oils
4/24/05 - Decant ivyandpeony!swap
Milk but... sour milk. Swapped.

Peony Moon - A Little Lunacy
4/20/06 elspeth!Swap - G!Decant
Soapy roses!! Swapped.

Pink Moon - A Little Lunacy
Phlox, Tulip, Daffodil, Dogwood, Muscari, Pink Sugar, Carnation, Honey, Strawberries
3/25/05 - 5
Bon Vivant-ish. Swapped.

Pirate Moon
Red musk, ambergris, coconut palm, red sandalwood, balsam, date, warm leather, tobacco, ebony, lingum vitae wood, pandanus grass, an' a touch o' lime.
9/27/07 - 5

RouxGaRoux - A Lot of Lunacy
Spanish moss, swamp jessamine, bog water, cypress, hickory wood, lobelia, sweet flag, wisteria, and marsh milkweed.
3/2/07 - 5

Schwarzer Mond

6/25/07 - 5 stickystrands!swap
Very nice! Lovable patchouli and resins. So glad I snagged!

Storm Moon - A Little Lunacy
3/20/05 G!Decant chopchica!Swap
Nice aquatic and then... moony. Swapped.

Strawberry Moon - A Little Lunacy
Strawberries, Cream, Lotus, Ylang Ylang, Green Tea, Sage
5/23/05 - 5
Prefer the effervescence of Bon Vivant. Swapped.

Wolf Moon - A Little Lunacy
3/20/05 Decant chopchica!Swap
Ice Queen Lite. Kinda Bland. Swapped.

Limited Edition - Monster Bait Series

Monster Bait: Bloody Mary
Red fruits, Sweet Cream, Black Cherry, Powdered Sugar
4/30/07 - 5
Oversweet, but still a lot better than Jailbait. Will keep for the sweet drydown, and see how it wears.

Monster Bait: Closet
Bourbon blackberry buttercream over red velvet cake.
4/1/06 - 5
Buttercream a tad artificial, and prefer Bordello berries. Swapped.

Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp
A sweet and crisp vanilla mint!
4/30/07 - 5
Much too buttery on me. Would prefer Snowblind or Nuclear Winter + Shill. Swapped.

Monster Bait: Underbed
Cassia-caked cocoa coconut over angel food cake.
4/1/06 - 5

Monster Bait: Underpants
Sugar-smeared saffron sandalwood over lickable vanilla cream with a splash of butter rum.
4/1/06 - 5

Monster Bait: Ventroliquist Dummy
Apricot, Dry Woods, Patchouli, Caramel, Brown Sugar, Hazelnut, Butterscotch
4/30/07 - 5
Very nice! Woody sweet!

Limited Edition - Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Patch #1 - 2006
Pumpkin with apple cider and mulling spice.
7/28/06 - Imp filligree_shadow!Gift

4/30/06 - Decant hermintage!swap freebie
Swapped duplicate.

Pumpkin Patch #2 - 2006
Pumpkin with cocoa, hazelnut and walnut.
7/28/06 - Imp filligree_shadow!Gift

Pumpkin Patch #3 - 2006
Pumpkin and pomegranate.
7/28/06 - Imp filligree_shadow!Gift

Pumpkin Patch #4 - 2006
Pumpkin with sandalwood and orris.
7/28/06 - Imp filligree_shadow!Gift

Pumpkin Patch #5 - 2006
Pumpkin with five woods, English ivy and galangal root.
3/28/06 - Imp waterdaughter!Swap

7/28/06 - Imp filligree_shadow!Gift
Original imp swapped, fascinating fragrance.

Pumpkin I
Pumpkin with pear, white wine grapes, and jasmine-laced tea.
11/15/07 - 5
REally reallly gorgeous and sweet and more like pomegranate than grape and LOVE!

Pumpkin II
Pumpkin with tobacco, champaca flower, carnation, and tonka.
8/27/07 arylkin!swap

11/15/07 - 5
Better than expected. Upgraded to 5 ml and swapped away decant

Pumpkin III
Pumpkin with white chocolate, caramel, pomegranate, and cream.
10/27/07 - 5 brokensiren!swap

11/15/07 - 5
Delicious, not plasticky. So glad I scored a bottle afterall! Kept original, and swapped lab-fresh dupe.

Pumpkin IV
Pumpkin with cactus blossom, sage, and sweetgrass.
8/27/07 arylkin!swap

11/15/07 - 5
Upgraded to 5 ml and swapped away decant

Pumpkin V
Pumpkin with benzoin, bourbon vanilla, lemon peel, neroli, blood orange, and red ginger.
8/27/07 arylkin!swap

11/15/07 - 5
OMG pumpkin rootbeer... Upgraded to 5 ml and swapped away decant.

A Murder of Crows
Sleek iris and verbena, grey amber, benzoin, davana, and glossy herbs.
11/15/07 - Imp

Love Potions

Ave Maria Gratia Plena
Rosewood, Lemon Peel, Sandalwood, Musks, Sage, Lily, Jasmine, Orris
1/25/05 G!Imp
Not particularly memorable. Swapped, could retry.

Carnation, Plum, Arabian Musk
11/4/04 - G!Imp

Plum, Amaretto, Burgundy Wine, Black Currant
3/6/05- Imp kmasden!Swap

7/11/05 - 5 Bain!Swap

7/20/05 - G!Imp

1/27/07 cheeselvr21!Swap - G!Imp
Perfection. Upgraded. Gifted dupe.

Five Ambers, Myrtle, Apple Blossom, Carnation.
11/04/05 - G!Imp la_colere!Swap
Swapped! Can't remember why. Probably all the amber.

Cabaret D
Red Musk, Jasmine, Wisteria
10/24/04 - Imp
Kinda not nice. Swapped.

Leather, Anise, Lavender, Bergamot, Amber, Tonka, Lemon Peel, Patchouli
2/18/05 - Imp

3/28/06 - G!Imp la_colere!Swap
Definitely a guy smell. Swapped both.

Frangipani, Rose,Tuberose, Jasmine
3/29/06 princess_gouveia!Swap - Imp
NOT! Delightful. Swapped.

Black Patchouli, Apricot
11/4/04 - Imp
Waaaay too sweet, liked the patch though. Swapped.

bittersweet neroli, black patchouli and black musk, gilded by apple, bergamot, blood red rose, teak, and vanilla
8/24/07 - 5 artemesia_mia!swap

d'Anjou Pear, Lily of the Valley, Bois Du Rose, White Musk
11/4/04 - Imp
Swapped! But don't know why.

Golden Priapus
Vanilla, Amber, Juniper, Rosewood, White Pine
11/15/05 - G!Imp
Kinda medicinal. Prefer Tombstone. Swapped.

Somalian Rose, Moroccan Rose, Bulgar Rose, Cinnamon
2/18/05 - G!Imp
Can't wear all this rose and cinnamon. Swapped.

Honey, Patchouli, Fig, Clove, Ylang Ylang
4/19/06 - G!Imp
Kinda spicey dry...

Black narcissus, orange blossoms, and vanilla.
1/27/07 cheeselvr21!Swap - Imp
Very sweet and... cherry?! Swapped.

Cherry, Red Musk, Star Anise
1/10/05 - G!Imp caitfish!Swap
More bubblegum than Jailbait. Overkill, swapped.

Lady Of Shallot
Gardenia, Crystalline Musk, Muguet, Water Blossoms, Tart Aquatics, White Ginger
9/30/04 - G!Imp
Some odd note w/ gardenia, muguet or white ginger - too twangy/sharp... Gifted!

La Petit Mort
Warm Skin, Ylang Ylang, Myrrh
11/4/04 - G!Imp

5/23/05 - G!Imp
Non-spectacular. Mostly just sweaty. Swapped both.

Le Serpent Qui Danse
Violet, Vanilla, Gardenia
3/25/05 - G!Imp

4/1/06 - G!Imp
Swapped, dupe. Kind of sweet - especially offf-skin.

Rosewood, Chamomile, Bergamot, Violet, Red Sandalwood, Primrose, Arabian Musk
9/30/04 - G!Imp
Too perfumey/bland. Not distinct. Swapped.

Heliotrope, Honeysuckle, Orange Blossom, Lemon Verbena
9/17/04 - Imp

7/20/05 - G!Imp
Not spectacular. Kinda cloying. Swapped both.

Tuberose, Lotus, Jasmine, Lime
3/3/05- 5 magickfanfic!Swap

6/23/05 - G!Imp
Adore. Lovely light and white. Gifted dupe.

Egyptian Iris, Olibanum, Red & White Sandalwood, Myrrh, North African Herbs
10/24/04 - G!Imp
Kinda woody and dull. Swapped!

Amber, Honey, Vanilla
7/14/04 - Imp
Yummy, but amber

Rum, Tobacco, Leather, Chardonnay, Tonka
9/17/04 - Imp + G!Imp

1/25/05 - 5
Must have oodles!
Gifted/Swapped dupes and scored uprade.

Pulse Points D
Black Poppy, Narcissus, Civet
9/17/04 - Imp
Smells badly. Very dull perfumey floral. Swapped.

Queen of Sheba
Honey, Almonds, Spices
9/17/04 - Imp
11/4/04 - G!Imp
Strong almond (!) and spice (yum!), but odd/overwhelming metallic note. Also kinda soapy like the Maxwell-Casey Amenities line.
Both Swapped

Moroccan Rose, Sumatran Rose, Mandarin, Egyptian Myrrh, Night-blooming Jasmine, Bergamot, Neroli, Arabian Musk
4/30/07 - G!Imp
Wow! Really sweet, wearable floral. So pleased!

Almond, Star Jasmine, Oakmoss, Red Sandalwood, Egyptian Musk.
9/30/04 - G!Imp
10/24/04 - G!Imp
Swapped both - not for me.

Ferociously Masculine Scent
11/4/04 - G!Imp

Black Tea, Earl Gray, Leather
1/25/05 G!Imp

12/10/07 - G!Imp pekeana!swap
More lemon than leather. Swapped original. Upon retry, a very nice cream leather. Aged perhaps?

White Ginger, Jasmine, Vanilla, Apricot
9/17/04 - Imp
Mostly apricot. Nice if I want to smell apricot-ish.

Snake Oil
Indonesian Oils, Vanilla
10/24 - G!5

2/7/07 pekeana!Swap 10 (Carnaval Noir Edition)
Yummy. Needs layered with honey to = O-Amber! Re-Gifted 5!

Roses, Amber, Red Musk
9/17/04 - G!Imp
Roses, Amber *and* Musk? Scary. Try later.

Mimosa, orange blossom, neroli and bergamot with a drop of sweet clove.
8/20/07 - Imp - 10dimensions!swap
This sadly, goes nowhere on me. The orange notes arebubble gummy, and the whole thing fades fast. Swapped.

Vicomte de Valmont
Ambergris, White Musk, White Sandalwood, Spanish Moss, Orange Blossom, Mints, Jasmine, Rose Geranium, Rosemary
9/30/04 - G!Imp
Bland perfumey floral. Swapped.

Orange Blossom, Ginger, Patchouli
3/28/06 - Imp waterdaughter!Swap
LOVE this.

Merlot, Leather, Musk, Roses, Violets, Myrtle
7/14/04 Imp
All wine and (mostly) roses. Layer w/ De for luciousness.

Black Leather, Damp Red Rose
1/17/05- Imp nevermore!Swap

3/25/05 - G!Imp
Mostly roses. Prefer Wanda. Swapped both.

Mad Tea Party

Carnation, Milk
1/25/05 G!Imp
Mostly roses, and spicy old lady.

Four Teas, Light Herbs, Peony
2/18/05 - Imp
Sweet 'n sticky, funny. Swapped.

Drink Me
cherry-tart, custard, pine-apple, roast turkey, toffee, and hot buttered toast
2/7/07 pekeana!Swap 5

9/26/07 - G!Imp moontess!swap

Eat Me

9/26/07 - Imp moontess!swap

Mad Hatter
Lavender, Citron, Black Musk, Pennyroyal
1/13/06 - G!Imp
Definitely a guy smell! On me, a little like a vet's office. Swapped.

March Hare
Apricot, Sweet Clove
3/16/07 - Imp beautybox!Swap
Lovely and sweet!

The Mock Turtle's Lessons
Aquatic notes, Iris, Ambrette, Green Apple, Vodka, White Mint, Lime
5/1/07 Decant voyeurwithwings!swap
Can't tell if I like this or not... The aquatic is funny. Save to retry.

Mouse's Long and Sad Tale
Vanilla, two ambers, sweet pea and white sandalwood.
2/19/07 nineveh!Swap - G!Imp
Similar to Et Lux Fuit, not as warm. Lovely GC option!

The Red Queen
Deep mahogany and rich, velvety woods lacquered with sweet, black-red cherries and currant.
4/30/07 - G!Imp
The cherries almost ruin this, but disappear quickly. The woods smell divinely on me.

Queen of Hearts
Lily of the Valley, Calla Lily, Stephanotis, Cherry
1/31/07 extemter!Swap - Imp
The cherry is much. too. sweet. As usual. Similar to Hunger, bizarrely. Swapped.

Kumquat, white pepper, white tea and orange blossom.
4/30/07 - G!Imp
Fruity punch love! Consider 5 ml.

White Rabbit
Black Tea, Milk, White Pepper, Ginger, Honey,Vanilla, Linen
1/25/05 - 5

3/29/06 - G!Imp la_colere!Swap
Pepper goes funny dry, perfumey linen. Swapped 5 and kept Imp.


Elixir IX: TKO
”Many things -- such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly -- are done worst when we try hardest to do them.”
3/2/07 - 5
Sometimes helps insomnia. Lovely light sweet floral, at any rate.

Elixir X: Grr
Headache relief.
3/2/07 - 5
Ahhh, gentle relief.

Elixir XI: Oof
Sinus pain relief.
3/2/07 - 5
Not immediately decongestant, but better than nothing.

Picnic in Arkham

Mi-Go Brain Canister - Springtime in Arkham D
Pink Pepper, Peony, Jasmine, Mango, Kiwi, Pomegranate, Pineapple, White Ginger, White Tea, Musks
4/24/05 - Decant ivyandpeony!swap

Miskatonic University - Springtime in Arkham
The scent of Irish coffee, dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls.

4/20/06 joseybird!Swap - Decant
Coffee! And.. plastic?

White Amber, Green Coconut Meat, Iris, Palmarosa, Chinese Peony, Lime, Water Lily, Snowdrop, Muguet, Lemongrass, Osmanthus, Wisteria, Musk, Hinoki
10/23/06 - G!Imp


Chiroptera D
Evening Primrose, Night-scented Stock, Moonflower, Night Phlox, Lemon Balm, Lavender, Honeysuckle, Sweet Sage, Salvia, Thyme
11/4/04 - G!Imp
Kinda bland floral - Swapped!

Thunderbird D
Ozone, Thunder
10/24/04 - G!Imp
Amazingly like VS's Lovespell. Swapped!

Rappaccini's Garden

Dark Herbals, Black Fruits
1/13/06 - Imp
Yummy greenish berries.

Blood Lotus
Red Blooms
2/18/05 - G!Imp
Too bubblegummy and weird. Swapped.

Blood Rose
Red Rose, Red Wine, Dragon's Blood Resin
11/15/05 - G!Imp
The only rose I will ever wear.

Black Lily
Black Lily
4/20/06 elspeth!Swap - Decant
Nice creamy floral - not overpowering.

Black Rose
Roses, Amber, Musk
9/30/04 - G!Imp
Roses again... Swapped.

Cobra Lily
1/13/06 - Imp
Interesting and warm. Retry.

Herbal Blend
1/31/07 extemter!Swap - Imp
Sharp, anise maybe? Swapped.

Herbs, Amber, Pathcouli, Neroli, Musk
11/15/05 - G!Imp
Decent - try again.

Moon Rose
Rose, Moonflower, Dew
7/14/04 - G!Imp
Way too much rose - prefer Havisham for roses. Swapped.

Slobbering Pine
Dewy, wet, whiplike and sticky.
4/30/07 - G!Imp
Weird, dark, piney - surprisingly nice.

"sticky, glowing golden, sweet and terminally inviting scent"
3/28/06 - Imp waterdaughter!Swap
A little astringent.

Protection against werewolves!
4/30/07 - G!Imp
Like this, but is similar to Love & Pain? Keep and retry.

The Salon: Exhibit I

Death of the Grave Digger
Snow, soil, opoponax and myrrh.
11/15/07 - 5

The Salon: Exhibit III

Dusty amber, grey musk, red orchid, moonflower, night-blooming phlox, stock, honeysuckle, English ivy, toadflax, and purple salvia.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Very pretty and light w/out becoming powdery or cloying. Swapped sniffie.

Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death
Accords of peach kernel, hemlock, aconite, and belladonna, with bitter almond, saffron, honey, myrrh, hyssop, frankincense, and palm.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
The almond dominates this at first, the mid-notes are similar to the warmth of Kali (lush, almost chocolately florals). Would like a partial bottle, but might not wear vs Midnight Kiss/Kali/Chaos Theory. Swapped sniffie.

Death and Life Completed
Grey amber, carnation, lemon balm, hydrangea, Chinese peony, white sandalwood, cypress, juniper, cedar, hibiscus, and African daisy.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Bland florals... :\ Swapped sniffie.

Fox Fires on New Year's Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji
Weeping cherry, watery bamboo pulp, nettle tree bark, green tea incense, soft musk, rice wine, and Japanese tree lilac.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Absolutely incredible. Sweet, perfectly aquatic - nice touch of ozone. Green tea lends that antique quality. Upgrade. Swapped sniffie.

Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent
Salty ocean spray, red kelp, black plum, lychee, sea moss, green musk, hachiya, plum blossom, and matcha.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Definitely an aquatic. Lovely, but the sweet plum doesn't make an appearance. Swapped sniffie.

Love and Pain
Lavender, Balkan tobacco, black musk, dark vanilla, and golden copaifera.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap

8/20/07 - Imp - 10dimensions!swap
This is beautiful! Have upgraded to full imp and swapped sniffie.

Macbeth and the Witches
Lightning-charged ozone, steel, myrrh, mugwort, colophony, ajowan, and leather.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
A touch of something... piney? A little more masculine than is attractive on me. Not a lot of the leather I like. Swapped sniffie.

Mad Meg
Fire-scorched earth, black mandarin, cinnamon bark, bitter almond, sage, vetiver, and balsam of peru.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Almost like... creamy sweetgrass? Definitely wearable. Swapped sniffie.

Hyssop, pomegranate, Angel’s Trumpet, Indonesian patchouli, iris, white orchid, and frankincense.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Bland again? Retry - patch/frank and pomegranate should be a touch more outstanding. ETA: Mission Creamy Pomegranate a success! A little too sweet overall (the floral contribution I suspect) - but different from anything else I wear. Upgrade? Swapped sniffie.

Monna Vanna
Russian rose, mimosa, gardenia, bois du rose, parma violet, calla lily, red currant, ambergris, and bourbon vanilla.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Straight-up rose, dawg! Swapped sniffie.

Philosopher in Meditation
Smoldering woodfire embers, Galen’s Kyphi, and Abramelin incense.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Surprisingly bland/sweet retry. Swapped sniffie.

Schlafende Baigneuse
Skin musk, white cream, honeycomb, yellow rose, King mandarin, chrysanthemum, golden amber, honeysuckle, and wide-throated yellow monkey-flower accord.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Quite floral - not terribly dynamic (skin musk falls a little flat on me). Nice, sweet and soft. Swapped sniffie.

The Smiling Spider
Bitter clove, black musk, mahogany wood, and patchouli.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
This is an incredible masculine scent - very dynamic, morphs through light to deep to darker phases. Wish I had a handy guy to dab this on! Swapped sniffie.

Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree
Cherry blossom, blue lilac, lavender monofloral honey, white sandalwood, and Asian pear.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Very, very sweet and soft. Like Antique Lace. Nice, but not something I need. Swapped sniffie.

Sunflower bouquet, black amber, creeping black moss, wilted greenery, and scorched, dry stems.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Sort of really sharp florals. Swapped sniffie.

Sunrise With Sea-Monsters
Ocean mist, kelp, ambergris, amber, white pear, osmanthus, freesia, and seafoam accord.
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap
Really pretty! Florals don't dominate, but soften the sea/salt notes... Consider upgrade! Swapped sniffie.

Sin & Salvation

The Bow & Crown of Conquest
Sage, Carnation, Cedar, Vanilla, White Musk, Leather
11/15/05 - Imp
Gorgeous. Test re: Perversion.

The Great Sword of War
Mandarin, Tonka, Saffron, Black Tea, Cocoa, Tobacco Leaf, Red Musk, Herbs
11/15/05 - Imp
Smells a little funny.

The Scales of Deprivation
Lemon Peel, White Sage, Frankincense, Lavender Fougere, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Labdanum
11/15/05 - Imp
Impression of spiced/cinnamon?

Death on a Pale Horse
White Musk, Mint, Lavender, Patchouli, Vetiver, Yuzu, Lime, Geranium Bourbon, White Sandalwood, Calla Lily
11/15/05 - Imp
Kinda bland and herby. Swapped.

Black Opium, Vetivert, Honeysuckle
6/23/05 - G!Imp
None tooo shabby. Like the honeysuckle. Gifted, would like to retry.

Black Dahlia
Magnolias, Orchid, Star Jasmine, Black Amber, Smoky Rose
7/14/04 - Imp

10/24/04 - G!Imp
Mindblowing white florals, but amber dry down. Imp-able!


De Sade
11/4/04 - Imp

1/25/05 - 5
Hot, slightly dirty, sweaty leather. Brilliant. Upgraded and swapped imp.

White Linen
1/25/05 Imp
Too perfumey clean. Swapped.

Dissipation D
Wormwood, Poppy, Sassafras
10/24/04 - Imp

3 Musks, Vanilla Tea
1/25/05 - 5
Generally prefer Antique Lace. Swapped.

White Sandalwood, Golden Musk, Amber, Florals, Woods, Vetiver, Violet
3/25/05 - G!Imp
Swapped, too woody.

Dark Chocolate, Vanilla Buttercream, Hops, Pralines, Hazelnut, Toffee, Caramel
6/23/05 - G!Imp
Prefer Bliss overall. Gluttony goes a little spicey and a touch artificial. Swapped both.

Patchouli, Heliotrope, Copal and Oakmoss.
1/17/05 - Imp nevermore!Swap

Tobacco, Leather, Ambergris, Musk, Smoke
9/17/04 - swapImp
Nice Tobacco, but again w/ amber and musk. Swapped

Rose, Lily of the Valley, Olibanum, Labdanum, Frankincense, Myrrh
5/23/05 - G!Imp
Rose and just... Swapped.

Bubblegum, Orange, Cherry
9/17/04 - 5 Decant
Fun wet, too strong mid, sweet candy drydown. Can't wear enough - swapped + decant.

Paperwhite, Black Narcissus, Three Lilies, Black Poppy, Tuberose, Opium
2/18/05 - 5
Poppies are too medicinal for me. Loved the florals though. Swapped.

Nutmeg, Sassafras, Black Poppy, Myrrh
3/6/05- Imp kmasden!Swap
Kinda nice in a medicinal way. Re-try.

Les Infortunes De La Vertu
Leather, Oakmoss, Orange Blossom, Amber, Rose, French Florals, Incense
3/29/06 princess_gouveia!Swap - Imp
Man's Cologne! - Swapped.

Lex Talionis
Dark Myrrh, Vetiver, Cardamom, Violet, Black Pepper, Sage, Cedarwood, Black Patchouli, White Grapefruit.
9/30/04 - G!Imp
Want to love it, but not spectacular on me. Swapped.

Cypress, Ginger, Fig, Dried Rose, Red Patchouli, Tonka Bean, Cyclamen
9/30/04 - G!Imp
11/4/04 - Imp
Very earthy ginger wet, very stern floral drydown. Like the fig/tonka, could do w/out rose. Impable!

Rosemary, Bay, Pine, Lemon
6/23/05 - G!Imp
Swapped - too much a guy-smell.

Dark musk, wood spice, labdanum, patchouli, dark African woods, and saffron.
6/25/07 - G!Imp stickystrands!swap

5/11/05 - G!Imp

12/18/07 - Imp filigree_shadow!swap
Myrrh is overwhelming, swapped. Try again w/ new myrrh love!

Moroccan Rose, Narcissus
11/4/04 - G!Imp
Roses... Swapped.

Dandelion, Tobacco, Hemp, Hops
9/17/04 - Imp
Yummy weedy green wet notes! Elusive sweet beer, and barely there tobacco. More!

Sea Of Glass
Clean Aquatic *
9/30/04 - G!Imp
Girly aquatic, crisp white sweet florals. Eh. Swapped

amber, sandalwood, black patchouli and cinnamon
4/20/06 joseybird!Swap - G!Decant

9/27/07 - 5 dixiehellcat!swap
Perfect skin scent. Might be signature.

Dragon's Blood, Black Pepper, Clove, Cinnamon
6/23/05 - G!Imp

3/29/06 - G!Imp la_colere!Swap
Big love for wrath. Swapped dupe.

Single Notes

10/24/04 - 5 Gift
Beautiful sticky sweet!

12/27/05 - 5 Decant
A little cloying - prefer Nola or Anathema. Sold 5 ml.

Stargazer Lily
Stargazer Lily
11/29/05 - Decant loriheatherlove!swap
Floral - eh. Swapped.


Dream Formula II - Nightmarebane
9/30/04 - G!Imp

11/15/05 - G!Imp

Dream Formula IV - Psychic Sensitivity
9/30/04 - G!Imp

Dream Formula I
11/15/05 - G!Imp

Dream Formula V
9/30/04 - G!Imp
10/24/04 - 5<
Strong ammoniated note when wet. Crisp clean lavender drydown. Weird dreams. Swapped both.

Temple Of Dreams
Dream Formula III - Ritual
9/30/04 - G!Imp
10/24/04 - G!Imp
Swapped both!


The Lovers
12/27/05 - G!Imp

The Devil
12/27/05 - G!Imp


Baba Yaga U
fruity, pineapple, spicey, musk *
9/30/04 - G!Imp
Definitely fruity. Prefer Mi-Go Brains! Swapped!

Broken Heart
1/20/05 G!Decant quantumspice!Swap

Decadence U
almonds cinnamon vanilla spices *
9/17/04 - G!Imp
Nice almond when wet, but then earthy cinnamon. Swapped.

Experiment - Cinnamon Snake Oil
6/01/2007 Decant - filligree_shadow!swap

Kweku Anansi U
3/6/05- Imp kellia!Swap
Dusty dry, but more incensey than I'd wear. Gifted.

Obeah U
patchouli orange clove pepper *
9/17/04 - G!Imp

Nine Mysteries U
peppermint lotus coconut *
9/17/04 - G!Imp
Weird mint. Prefer ultraviolet for weird mint Swapped.

Snowblind U
4/20/06 elspeth!Swap - Decant

Val Sans Retour U
sharp, citrus, greens, herbal drydown *
9/30/04 - G!Imp
Not distinct enough to keep. Swapped.


Amber, Saffron,Bergamot, Mandarin, Nutmeg, Bulgar Rose, Musk, Sandalwood
3/2/07 - G!Imp
Surprisingly bland, and much too masculine. Swapped.

Musk, Honey, Peppers, Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger
7/20/05 - 5
Cinnamon blast, to the exclusion of all others. Prefer Alone for similar blast and earthier drydown. Swapped.

Incense, Laurel Branches, Bay, Honey Wine
1/10/05 - G!Imp caitfish!Swap

1/17/05 - G!Imp nevermore!Swap

11/15/05 - G!Imp
Swapped. Don't care for it.

Forests, Alder Leaf, White Rose
9/30/04 - G!Imp

10/24/04 - G!Imp
Roses and herbs!! Swapped both.

fig leaf, fig fruit, honeyed almond milk, toasted coconut and sandalwood
5/23/07 - Imp 10dimensions!swap
Love this...

The Hamptons
The scent of a Cosmopolitan cocktail.
2/19/07 nineveh!Swap - Imp
Adorably fruity!

The Hanging Gardens
date palm, ebony, fir, pomegranate, plum, two pears, quince, fig, and grapevine with plumeria, three gardenias and dry rose
3/28/06 - Imp waterdaughter!Swap
Floral, cloying, funny. Swapped.

Hollywood Babylon
Egyptian amber and heliotrope, infused with the sweetness of strawberry and vanilla - dragged into debauch by lusty red musk and a dribble of black cherry.
12/18/07 - Imp filigree_shadow!swap

Kostnice D
Frankincense, rosewood, lily, and geranium rose.
11/15/07 - G!Imp
Really aromatic and rose-ified on me. Swapped.

Cherry Blossom, White Sandalwood, Star Anise
1/10/05 - G!Imp caitfish!Swap
Like the cherry blossom, can't work the anise. Swapped.

Bold red wine, mimosa, and a trickle of clove.
2/19/07 nineveh!Swap - Imp
This wine goes incredibly sweet on me. Like Montressor. Swapped.

Mag Mell
Amber, White Ginger, Verbena, Green Grass, Sage, Rain
3/2/07 - G!Imp
Lovely and light!

Sampaguita Blossoms, Banana Leaf, Palm, Narra
11/4/04 - Imp
Mmm, ba-na-na.

Spices, Musk, Carnation, Red Sandalwood, Cassia
9/17/04 - Imp
Not a strong impression. Try again. Sort of woody and bland. Not very spiced - prettier in the bottle. Swapped.

Metallics, Ozone, Bamboo, Air, Cherry Blossoms, Orchid, Fruits
9/17/04 - G!Imp
Very... Fresh. Try again when warm. ETA - Perfumey.:{ Swapped!

New Orleans
Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Lemon, Spice
Yummy florals. Makes up for gardenia being funny.

Buttered Rum, Almond, Bay, Clove, Sassafras
11/4/04 - Imp

3/25/05 - G!Imp
Yummy OOB, all cloves on skin. :\ Swapped both.

Port Royal
Rum, Wood, Perfume, Salt Air
4/30/07 - G!Imp
Very masculine - the woods don't work w/ my skin chem. Swapped.

Dark Aquatic
9/30/04 - G!Imp
Aquatic, eh. Swapped!

Santo Domingo
Tobacco Leaf, Bay Rum, Caribbean Blossoms
2/18/05 - 5
Surprisingly bland. Swapped.

Green Tea, Lemon Verbena, Honeysuckle
1/25/05 - G!Imp
Very nice! Gifted, want to replace.

Silk Road
A panoply of cultural treasures, spanning the herbs, flowers, oils and balms of ...
9/27/07 - G!Imp

Bright violet with sweet clove, Mediterranean spice notes and tonka bean.
12/10/07 - G!Imp pekeana!swap

Amber, Hyssop, Coriander, Epazote, Mexican Sage, Prickly Pear, Mexican Tulip Poppy
11/4/04 - G!Imp
Kinda bland floral. Swapped.

Mulled Wine, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Juniper, English Elm, Bayberry, Dragon's Blood Resin
6/23/05 - G!Imp

Vinland D
Wind, Loganberry, Wild Roses, Prairie Crocus, Iris Versicolor LinnÈ, Mountain Avens, Yellow Birch Bark, Mayflower, Maple Leaf.
9/30/04 - G!Imp

1/25/05 - G!Imp
Bland and herby. Swapped both.

White musk, lime, lilac and citron.
4/30/07 - G!Imp
Like a manlier version of Calliope. Overall, I prefer Calliope. Swapped!

Yerevan D
Apricot, Pomegranate, Plum, Wild Roses, Pale Musks, White Orchid, Iris, Sweet Roots
9/30/04 - G!Imp

10/24/04 - G!Imp
Swapped both. But could retry.

reviews, fragrance, bpal

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