Poor Jace - you have to feel bad for him that he lost soo spectacularly. Granted there's no way he was going to win Clark from Lex, but still the porr kid was out of the running before the race was even on.
And it's about time Lex and Clark get to the hot smooching!
So Happy TogethersuperwoobieJanuary 22 2008, 00:18:41 UTC
I hope I showed why he lost and will continue to do so. He was just a normal guy, something of an obstacle I'd never seen in most fics. There had to be real reasons besides the meteor killer of the year to break them up.
And it's about time Lex and Clark get to the hot smooching!
ITA on the getting busy part! I never knew the four play would take this long. I think I gave myself blue balls, and I don't even own a pair.
Yay for the breakthrough! Good for Lex for sticking around and then letting himself be convinced it was the right thing for both of them. I was so happy to see more. *twirls*
Timing is everything. Lex can be so vulnerable and sharp at the same time, it's a fine balance to draw with him. I also feel like I showed why Clark was turning towards him despite the competition from Jace.
Comments 11
And it's about time Lex and Clark get to the hot smooching!
And it's about time Lex and Clark get to the hot smooching!
ITA on the getting busy part! I never knew the four play would take this long. I think I gave myself blue balls, and I don't even own a pair.
Poor woobie has his heart stomped on far too much.
::fangrrrls you!::
I'm going to do a happy dance that Lex finally got time with Clark by himself to say what he wanted to. The hot sex certainly didn't hurt. ;)
Hot sex never hurt a fan girl...in a bad way. :)
this was sooooooooo cute, and sweet, and god, they finally got it!
and lex is just ever the polite gent :D
“Most pleasurable.”
Lex is just so dirty and aristocratic at the same time!
MMM...bawdy poet of my heart.
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