I am unwinding from the first of four gigs this weekend. Enjoy!
1. Who was the last person you talked to in...
Person: Pierre
Texting: hahahaha!
IMing: D or R, I am not sure
Phone: Pierre again
Comments: Nik was the last one I got, but I commented Ryan recently
Messages: uh I don't recall
2. Do you think you're approachable?
Depends on the situation. At the bar? No. Hanging out with kids? They seem to like me.
4. Do you regret doing anything in the past week?
Could do, I suppose.
5. What advice would you give to your ex's new love interest?
If you like terrible spelling you'll be perfect together.
6. Are you a partier?
No. Not anymore.
7. What do you think of when you hear the word "slag"?
England, and walking around Tonbridge and purchasing the button that says 'slag' which has resided on my bag for the last four years.
8. What is your hair color?
9. Have you been pressured to do anything recently?
A little. More like guilted into spending money for presents.
12. Who's the sweetest person you know right now?
Pierre is pretty sweet. R is sweet too.
14. Do you know anyone with a serious illness?
I do know some people with serious mental illnesses, and I'm not being funny. My stepmother's father has cancer. Sort of a jacked up question.
15. Do you like your name?
Yeah, it'll do. Better than Bertha or Margaret.
16. Is anyone interested in you right now?
I think so.
17.Who is the fifth text in your inbox from? and what does it say?
If I had a cell phone... I don't even have that many messages on my land line.
18. What's your favorite number?
I say 40 bazillion a lot.
20. Do you have a facebook?
And a myspace, and what?
21. Do you hate anyone?
I don't have the time or energy to hate anyone. Are there people with whom I'd rather not have to socialize? Certainly.
22. What's your favorite molecule?
uh... H20?
23. When was the last time you went to the movies?
On my wedding anniversary in July... damn.
24.Are you a good speller?
No, thank Jesu for spell check.
25. What's your worst habit?
Complaining to no one in particular if I have cramps, hunger, headaches, too hot, cold, receding gums, whatever the latest stupid thing that is making me uncomfortable...
26. Are you listening to any music? What song?
I am... it is a swanky new-age streaming
radio station. Pretty much rulz.
27. Would you ever give your number out over the internet?
Not unless it was in a private message.
29. If you could know when you were going to die, would you want to?
No, I don't think I'd like that.
30. Do you love someone?
Oh yes. Many someones.
31. If you could have any superpower, which would you choose and why?
Flying. I always dream about it.
32. What would you do if you found out your ex is engaged?
Most of them are/have been. Whatever, good for them.
33. no
mer.... oui?
34. Would you rather feel pain or be numb?
Pain, totally.
35. Favorite color?
Blue, for reals.
36. Do you like competition?
It's healthy. I think it makes me work harder.
37. Would you ever stay with someone, just because you didn't want to be alone?
No no no. I can't fake genuine interest.
38. Have you ever taken anyone/anything for granted?
Of course! I take it for granted all the time what an awesome life I have.
39. Do you hate being alone?
No, I can find many thing to occupy my time. Practice, for instance, of which I should do more.
40. Who has recently moved, do you miss them?
I miss
fairymaiden tons. I wish I could give her a hug. :(
41. Do you still love them with all the little pieces?
Wtf does this mean?
42. Who was the last person to send you a message?
My sister Korrie maybe.
43. Last time you went swimming in a pool?
It's been too long for a girl who grew up with a swimming pool in her back yard.
44. Where was the last place you went shopping?
Target Boutique? No, I lie, I went to
this shite hole.
45. How do you feel about your hair?
Augh. Really.
46. Want to kick anyone's booty?
Booty? Like, playfully? How about if I just stroked someone's booty? I can think of a couple I'd love to do that to...
47. Last time you were hugged, from who?
Pierre is really sick at the moment, so I sadly have been keeping my distance.
48. Are you over your last breakup?
Pfft, yes.
49. Is life good?
Busy, but good. Too much chocolate, but good.
50. How is your heart?
Physically speaking I think it's in good shape. Mentally, I am pretty confident that it too is in excellent working condition. Always room for improvement.