Final Winners and Nominees:
Length: (Must be complete except for Epic)
--Best Overall Super-Short (100-500 words)
Where the Heart Is by alphielj
Also Nominated:
A Welcome Ache by saavikam77
Is It Real, or Is It Memorex? by moosesal
--Best Overall Ficlet (500-2,000 words)
Unconditional by repmetsyrrah
Also Nominated:
Mosaic by KlynneL
Past Tense by saavikam77
Smells by x_tangy
That Which Survives by SHADO Librarian
The Lost Goodbye by RouthFan
--Best Overall Short (2,000-10,000 words)
Winner: TIE
Pieces of the Past by RouthFan
Illuminated: A Tale of the Multiverse by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
1 Art Proposal and 4 American Melodies by fresne
Truth and Just Us by htbthomas
It Takes Two by Perkulator
Settling by saavikam77
--Best Overall Mid-Length (10,000-50,000 words)
Sessions: From the Files of Dr. Elliot Marrin by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
A Family Story by Beatrice Otter
The Man Who Falls (links to all tagged entries) by mithen
--Best Overall Epic (50,000 words plus)
Revelations by repmetsyrrah
Also Nominated:
Proximity by RouthFan
A Most Precious Gift by Wahoogal06
Genres/Pairings: (Any length or WIP can be nominated in these categories)
--Best Fluff
Across the Universe: As Long as There's Christmas by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
Walking in a Winter Wonderland by moonshinefaerie
Perfect Little Accidents by repmetsyrrah
1 Art Proposal and 4 American Melodies by fresne
--Best Action
The Man Who Falls by Mithen (links to all tagged entries)
Also Nominated:
The Tragedy Known as Clark Kent by Storm Anara
--Best Angst/Drama
Winner: TIE
Whataya Want from Me? by saavikam77
Illuminated: A Tale of the Multiverse by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
The Man Who Falls (links to all tagged entries) by mithen
Mosaic by KlynneL
Caught in the Middle by alphielj
--Best Humor
Words to Live By by mithen
Also Nominated:
Navigating an Orchard of Mines by kalalanekent & anissa7118
What I Did In My Christmas Vacation by MarcusRowland
Distress Managed by Pervyficgirl
--Best Family-Oriented
Sessions: From the Files of Dr. Elliot Marrin by kalalanekent
Also Nominated:
On The Bright Side by Misha
Unconditional by repmetsyrrah
Pieces of the Past by RouthFan
A Family Story by Beatrice Otter
Caught in the Middle by alphielj
--Best Clois Romance
Illuminated: A Tale of the Multiverse by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
Pillow Talk, Part 5: Insatiable by alphielj
Now or Never by mistressbabette51
It Takes Two by Perkulator
--Best Non-Clois Het Romance
Winner: Lois Lane/Richard White in
Settling by saavikam77
Also Nominated:
Ella Kent/Theodore Gregg, in
Revelations by repmetsyrrah
--Best Slash/Femslash Romance
Winner: Richard/Jimmy in
Monumentally Screwed by saavikam77
Also Nominated:
Clark/Bruce in
The Man Who Falls (links to all tagged entries) by mithen
Clark/Richard in
Is It Real, or Is It Memorex? by moosesal
Lois/MJ Watson in
Distress Managed by Pervyficgirl
Clark/Bruce in
The Human Condition by x_tangy
Moments: (Any length or WIP)
--Best Kiss
Illuminated: A Tale of the Multiverse by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
The Man Who Falls, Chapter 7 (the second kiss in the chapter) by mithen
Take Another Picture by saavikam77
--Best Love Scene
Remember What You Told Me: A Reeveverse Red-K Tale by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
Is It Real, or Is It Memorex? by moosesal
Settling by saavikam77
--Best Cliffhanger
Heirs to the House of El: Abort, Retry, Fail, Terminate by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
Caught in the Middle, chapter 1 by alphielj
Truth and Just Us by htbthomas
Just Three Simple Words, Chapter 5: Three Revealing Words by mouserocks_nerd
Revelations, Chapter 23 by repmetsyrrah
--Best Reveal
Perry White Knows All, Chapter 1 by mouserocks_nerd
Also Nominated:
The Lost Goodbye by RouthFan
LS Snapshots: A Predestined Alignment by kalalanekent & anissa7118
The Man Who Falls, Chapter 8 by mithen
Truth and Just Us by htbthomas
and the gates of heaven were opened... by barb1808
--Best Parenting (not limited to Clark or Lois with Jason, could also include OCs or the previous generation, i.e. Jor-El or Jonathan Kent with Clark)
Truth and Just Us by htbthomas
Also Nominated:
On The Bright Side by Misha
Pieces of the Past by RouthFan
Navigating an Orchard of Mines by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Unconditional by repmetsyrrah
--Best One Liner
Winner: TIE
“I stopped and smiled at her. "It's called masturbation, Lois. I'm sure you've heard of it."” (Clark to Lois),
Pillow Talk, Part 5: Insatiable by alphielj
"Falling was so much like flying... at least until one reached the ground."
Stars by kyrene
Also Nominated:
''She [Lois] reminded him of certain barn cats back home, the sort that would hiss and spit if you picked them up, give you a disdainful look if you tried to approach them when they were otherwise occupied, but if they wanted attention, they'd worm their way into your lap meowing and purring until you had to pet them or be smothered in cat fur.''
LS Snapshots: A Predestined Alignment by kalalanekent & anissa7118
“"Lois, while we do love your temper, maybe we should dial back the urge to kick Captain America in the face," Peter suggested[...]” (Peter Parker to Lois while she's delivering Jason),
Distress Managed by Pervyficgirl
“Funny. he thought. It seems that the only people at the Daily Planet who don't know that Clark Kent is Superman are the reporters.”
Extra Duties by Lucilla
"It started with something like a hot poke, right beneath her ribs, and Lois would've thought for sure it was the pot roast they were just finishing, except Clark had cooked dinner, and he'd never serve anything underdone, on penalty of his mother's wrath."
Past Tense by saavikam77
--Best Ending (for completed fic)
Heirs to the House of El by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
Pillow Talk, Part 5: Insatiable by alphielj
Words to Live By by mithen
Trouble Double (Part 3 of the Perfect Little Accidents series) by repmetsyrrah
Technique/Characters/Other: (Any length or WIP; consider the fic as a whole for these categories, as opposed to moments)
--Best Dialogue
Sessions: From the Files of Dr. Elliot Marrin by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
1 Art Proposal and 4 American Melodies by fresne
Pillow Talk, Part 5: Insatiable by alphielj
Distress Managed by Pervyficgirl
The Human Condition by x_tangy
--Best Description
Upon a Throne of Bone and Ashes by saavikam77
Also Nominated:
A Family Story by Beatrice Otter
Smells by x_tangy
Sessions: From the Files of Dr. Elliot Marrin by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Pieces of the Past by Routhfan
--Best Plotting
Across the Universe by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
The Man Who Falls (links to all tagged entries) by mithen
Revelations by repmetsyrrah
--Best Canon Characterization (nominate the fic that you feel best captures the canon characters - Lois, Clark, etc)
Shattered Picket Fence by saavikam77
Also Nominated:
A Family Story by Beatrice Otter
Time After Time by kalalanekent & anissa7118
--Best Use of Supporting Characters
Sessions: From the Files of Dr. Elliot Marrin by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
The Man Who Falls (links to all tagged entries) by mithen
Perfect Little Accidents by repmetsyrrah
What I Did In My Christmas Vacation by MarcusRowland
Distress Managed by Pervyficgirl
--Best Villain
Winner: Mercy Graves in
Heirs to the House of El by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
Ursa in
With Fortune's Hand series by saavikam77
‘Smith’ in
Revelations by repmetsyrrah
--Best Original Character
Winner: Dr. Elliot Marrin in
Sessions: From the Files of Dr. Elliot Marrin by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
Becca Kent in
Identity Crisis: Interim by mak5258
--Best WIP of any length
Across the Universe by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
Caught in the Middle by alphielj
A Most Precious Gift by Wahoogal06
Just Three Simple Words by Mouserocks_nerd
--Best Completed fic of any length
1 Art Proposal and 4 American Melodies by fresne
Also Nominated:
Remember What You Told Me by kalalanekent & anissa7118
The Man Who Falls by mithen
A Family Story by Beatrice Otter
Pieces of the Past by RouthFan
--Best Series (two or more works in the same related 'universe', sequel or otherwise)
Sessions: From the Files of Dr. Elliot Marrin by kalalanekent & anissa7118
Also Nominated:
With Fortune's Hand by saavikam77
Perfect Little Accidents by repmetsyrrah
Just Three Simple Words by Mouserocks_nerd
Identity Crisis: Interim by mak5258
--Best Overall Author
Winner: saavikam77
Also Nominated:
--Best Beta
No eligible nominees
--Best Reviewer
Winner: saavikam77
Also Nominated:
Many thanks to the maintainers of the comm, who put in so much effort this year, and to every one of you who nominated and voted during the awards!