Hope all the USAers on my flist had nice Memorial Day Weekends! Mine was mostly spent indoors, since it was pretty rainy. :( But the rain enabled me to have a guilt-free WWII movie/The Unit-watching marathon yesterday, so that was good.
Also, Happy Belated birthday to
sjhw_tolerance!! Sorry I missed it, Sue, but here's hoping that you had an excellent birthday
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Comments 17
- Vic was my favorite last night.. the buffalo, the punching... the over all angstyness. The ferg was sweet too... I loved how she made him leave so he wouldn't see her cry.
- sorry no advice on productivity. Mine comes and goes... and somehow when I do have time and should be cleaning,laundry, dishes, etc, I find myself caught making graphics and such.Which granted is a lot more fun, but doesn't really help with the messy house. The kids are out of school for the summer starting next week... maybe I'll just make them clean the house *L*
-Yeah, the Vic-Ferg scenes were so great! And when he comes rushing out of the office with the phone, "IT'S WALT!" in a whisper-shout. *hearts The Ferg*
-LOL, I guess I really should have had kids so I could have me a built-in cleaning crew too! ;)
- LOL.. yeah the kid cleaning crew is good in theory, but sadly they make 90% of the mess and only clean up about 40% (on a good day) so the odds are rarely in my favor ;)
I was a little disappointed in the premiere. The plot was lifted directly from one of the novels in the series (Hell Is Empty), which is one of my favorite books in the series, but the storyline needs at least two hours, or a few more episodes to focus in on the elements leading up to Walt's hallucinations and Vic being so rattled that he's on the mountain alone. Ambitious in scope, but they fell short in execution. Otherwise, I loved the beginning with the bison and Walt's "Depends on traffic" comment, and Ferg and Vic and Henry. And even Branch, because there needs to be conflict and the kind he's causing doesn't feel forced or out of place at all. I'm happy it's back, regardless. :)
I'm a procrastinator by nature, but it's been really bad the past few weeks. How do you guys regain focus and drive?Um... lol. I am the worst for being able to self motivate, but what works for me is carrot and stick. But in little steps, like "if I complete ( ... )
Re: productivity, can you relocate for part of the day? Like to a library or coffee shop with Internet? I find change of scenery to be helpful sometimes.
Or just go with the distraction and write some nice fic. ;)
ETA: oops. Meant to reply to the POST. *waves to zip anyway*
OK, relocation - that is a really good suggestion! I'm going to try that tomorrow!
But the carrot usually works for me, too--"If I get the dishes done, then I can start a load of laundry too and watch Farscape while it runs."
How do you guys regain focus and drive?
Um, lots and lots of coffee???
Hee! Yay, coffee!
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