I think maybe I won the date in a contest? But I was staying at his house and we seemed to know each other, so maybe it was just the dinner part that was novel? I dunno. But we walked to the restaurant hand-in-hand, and we seemed to be in downtown Vancouver. The restaurant had a small stage, and Nathan began an improve-type acting contest, and invited people to come up and act random scenes with him. The winning couple would be able to join us for dinner. So I'm watching all this from our table through the first couple of courses, wondering if he's actually going to stop and eat with me. And the chef comes out and watches with me for a bit, and goes "oh, he does this all the time; are you ready for the next course?" And Nathan just keeps acting out all these scenes - comedy, Shakespeare, stuff called out from the audience... Then Adam Baldwin shows up and sits with me and yells at the stage "Knock it off, Fillion! Your date is waiting!" But he keeps going - well past the time the restaurant closes, so I have them fix him a doggie bag and Adam walks me home. At the door he says, "Nathan should show up soon. He usually gets in around 2 or 3 AM." And I'm like, I am not staying up that late. So I put the food in the fridge and go to bed.
Then the next morning I go down to his kitchen for coffee and he's sitting there eating the restaurant leftovers. And he's all "Thanks so much for getting this for me!" and then seeing that I was not impressed with his behavior the night before, apologizes profusely and tells me "I just gotta act, you know?" I rolled my eyes at him and told him that it was fine, but he was still buying me a car. Then I woke up.
So. Marvel's Agents of SHIELD isn't perfect, but so far I am entertained.
* The tech is great. StarkTech, maybe? I love the 7 Dwarves mini helicopter/scanner thingys. And Lola!! *hearts* And The Bus is fast becoming my favorite character, after Coulson.
* Speaking of The Bus, it looks to be a Boeing C-17 Globemaster, painted black with an extra set of engines/wings towards the tail. (The practicality is questionable - the intakes are pretty much inline with the front engines, so they'd just be sucking in their exhaust. But I'm wondering if, like the USS Impossible Physics helicarrier from the Avengers movie, all engines are going to be able to rotate for vertical takeoff/landing?) ANYWAY. I'm handwaving the flight mechanics. The interior is dope, and the black SHIELD eagle logo on the main wings is pretty rad looking.
* Speaking of Coulson. I'm still not sure what he is? A clone, kind of like how they brought Carson Beckett back in SGA? I am definitely curious about the magical place of Tahiti.
* The science twins are cute. Agent May is badass. The others I don't really care about, except I am curious about that throwaway line in the pilot ep about Ward's family history. A quick look into the Marvel wiki shows a couple of promising SHIELD connections:
Senator Stewart Ward/Sentry, and
Terrance Ward aka Trauma. So far they've been referencing a lot of stuff from the current Marvel movies, like Extremis (from IM3), and the Tesseract tech, plus Sam Jackson's Nick Fury and Agent Hill. So it would be great if they gave this new Ward character some established Marvel universe tie-in. Because other than that, he's the bland white male lead, yawn.
ziparumpazoo was rightly complaining about the lack of spaceships on TV right now. If you need a spaceship pr0n fix, try this zoomable graphic of
all the major spaceships in one amazing comparison chart. Stargate ships are in this general area:
I had jury duty this week, and although I got called in with a group of jurors for jury selection, I ended up not making the cut. Which I am fine with. It was a criminal case (vehicular homicide / DUI), so not exactly fun stuff. So only 3.5 days not working instead of a couple of weeks! ION, Seattle just set a record for all time wettest September, and most of that rain came in the last 4 days of Sept. Plus, it came with thunder and lightning and high winds. Makes me not want to do anything but curl up with my iPad and eat soup.
The Story of how Sleepy Hollow Already Got Renewed for a Second Season. WOOt!!!!