Application for Second City

Jul 16, 2010 01:55

[OOC Information]

Name: Sarah

Age: 20

AIM / E-mail / LiveJournal: Universe Juice/ / universejuice

What characters do you play here already, if any? Agent Spin

[IC Information]

Character Name: Franky

Series: One Piece


Age: 34

Species: Human with cyborg modifications

Appearance: If this man is within eyeshot of you, you will notice him. There is nothing about his appearance that makes him easy to overlook, any which way you go about it. It's not enough that the man is just shy of seven and a half feet, that he has bright blue hair piled into a high pompadour, or that he's apparently muscled hard enough to grapple with a giant zombie gorilla monkey. No, that is the more average part of Franky's magical visual experience.

Much more bizarre is his taste in wardrobe-or, more specifically, his lack thereof. Being as tall as he is, that means people are going to get a nice, long look at his legs, because this man has a keen distaste for anything of a trouser-like nature. Proudly sporting his pair of speedos, Franky insists that all a man needs to wear is his spirit for all to see. Or something like that. He just doesn't like pants, really. He also has a penchant for brightly colored shirts, unbuttoned in order to show off how unbelievably and epically ripped he is, and a hefty metal chain hanging across his chest. He's also got a sweet pair of those pointy sunglasses, because he's awesome like that. Other than that, there's just a whole lot of skin to look at.

Or, mostly skin. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the guy isn't fully human, namely due to two prominent features; firstly, his nose has been entirely replaced with metal. Secondly, his forearms bulge in a wholly bizarre way, looking almost like an imitation of Popeye the Sailor. The parallel is emphasized by Franky's choice to tattoo each forearm, with a bright blue star.

Personality: Franky can be summed up in one word: Bizarre. The man's a total weirdo, and he takes the utmost pride in that fact. This is the man who gets all sheepish and embarrassed when you call him a pervert-out of appreciation and thanks. He loves nothing more than to show himself off and make a spectacle. People can be screaming insults or praise, but it's all attention to him. He's prone to striking poses or dancing for no discernible reason beyond just feeling like it.

Though, Franky's penchant to share everything goes beyond just his behavior. If he thinks poorly of a person, he won't hide it. Any thought that crosses through his head is up for sharing, no matter how inappropriate or harmful. This isn't a man who makes frequent use of the idea of tact. It's not to say he's completely incapable of thinking his actions through or using foresight-he actually has some skill at reading a situation. He just thinks that the benefits of handling things with explosives (be they metaphorical or literal) are far too underrated these days.

Once you get past the shock of his appearance and behavior, though, he really is a genuinely likable person. He thrives around others, and can't stand to be on his own long. For all his gruff behavior, the guy's really a bleeding heart, empathetic and really pretty much a good person when he doesn't feel like being a dick.

History: Raised by pirates, the young boy called Cutty Flam was abandoned on the island of Water Seven and left to fend for himself. He was taken in by a powerful fishman known as Tom, who was impressed by Flam's technical prowess in making fantastic weapons from nothing but junk. Tom happened to run a small shipwright group, called Tom's Workers, and Flam was taught the ways of a carpenter. Tom's other apprentice, Iceberg, decided Flam was a weird name and took to referring the newcomer as Franky.

Tom, however, was considered a criminal for building the ship that had been given to the Pirate King, Gold Roger. He was sentenced to death, but Tom stalled his execution by promising to build a train that could run over the waters, and effectively save the sinking city of Water 7 through increasing trade and travel. With Iceberg and Cutty Flam's help, over the course of ten years, the train was built, and the city was put on the tracks to safety.

Cutty Flam enjoyed spending his spare time making ships with as many weapons built into them as possible, despite Iceberg's protests of their danger. Cutty Flam didn't see what the problem was; he didn't plan on hurting anyone with them, he just wanted to see how powerful he could get. Over the years, he build thirty-five different Battle Frankys, each more powerful than the last. The last one was completed just before Tom's final trial, fourteen years after his last, where he would be pardoned for the crime of building Roger's ship.

Unfortunately, the World Government had other plans. As it turned out, Tom held the blueprints to the powerful weapon known as Pluton. Members of the government wanted to have this weapon to crack down on criminals, and put a violent end to the age of piracy that had overtaken the world. Tom, however, knew that should anyone ever use Pluton, the world would quickly descend into a vicious cycle of violence and destruction. When an agent known as Spandam arrived and began to question Tom about the blueprints, Tom knew that it was no longer safe to hold on to them, and handed them off to his two apprentices, warning them of the danger of Pluton. There was already one Pluton out in the world, hidden away, but as long as it could be revived and used by the wrong hands, there needed to be these blueprints available to build a second weapon, and combat it. There was, currently, only one person in the world able to revive the hidden weapon, a girl named Nico Robin. So long as she was alive, the world was not safe, and the blueprints needed to be protected.

The day of Tom's pardoning, hell broke loose in Water 7. No doubt ran in the mind of anyone involved that Tom would be pardoned, for the Sea Train was a miraculous invention that couldn't be denied for its saving of the city. While many gathered at the docks, where the judge and other government officials arrived in order for the trial, a sudden explosion ruined the good cheer of the day. Several small, but heavily weaponized ships attacked the government ships: the Battle Frankies, discovered by Spandam and his men. Cutty Flam himself was horrified at the sight of the disaster; he'd never once suspected that someone would use his inventions for such destruction, but before his eyes were innocent men, women and children running in terror of what he had built with his very hands.

Tom, Iceberg and Cutty Flam were arrested for the crime of attacking the government with the fleet of Battle Frankys, and any attempt to convince their accusers that Spandam was the one responsible was met with hilarity. What point would there be for a government agent to attack his very own colleagues? No, it had to be the work of Tom, that violent fishman who had worked for pirates and was clearly insane. Well, it was good that they had the opportunity to arrest him, now, and he and Spandam could have a nice, long interrogation in jail about Pluton.

Cutty Flam decided, however, that this was utter bullcrap and wasn't willing to idly hang back and watch his mentor be dragged away, beaten and drugged. He struck out against Spandam, smashing the smug bastard's face in with the butt of a gun. The attack, though, instantly pinned him as a criminal, and he was forced to retreat as the Marines opened fire on him. He refused to keep hidden long, though; as the sea train started its route to Enies Lobby, the island that would lead to the inescapable prison where Tom would be imprisoned, Cutty Flam appeared on the tracks, determined to derail the train through brute force.

Spandam, predictably enraged by the reappearance of his attacker, encouraged the idea of running over Cutty Flam, and the boy himself refused to budge, even as the cannons he'd brought with him did nothing to slow the train's approach. As the sea train was upon him, his desperation and rage still spurred him to try and grapple with the very train itself-nothing was going to make him back down from trying to save Tom. It was too bad that it didn't work, anyway. Cutty Flam was declared dead, on that day.

Well, only mostly dead, in reality. His broken body still had some small life in it, clinging to his need to make up for all the failures he'd managed. He couldn't do it with this ruined thing he had, though, drifting on the ocean. It was luck that the waves led him near an old, scrapped ship. Through grit, determination, and some haphazard craftsmanship, Cutty Flam began the slow and painful process of rebuilding his body into something that would serve him better, this time around.

It took a good four years before he was back in working condition, a cyborg with a vastly changed appearance, and able to return to Water 7-only to find his former colleague, Iceberg, had gone on to run for mayor of Water 7, working for the very same government that had taken Tom away. Despite their argument on the subject, Iceberg was still thrilled to see his surrogate brother alive, and entrusted him with the blueprints of Pluton, that Tom had left them before being taken away. Cutty flam was instructed to leave the island of Water 7 and abandon his name, so that the government would never be able to find him. In time, people would have to try and come for Iceberg and look for the blueprints, but if they were under the care of a man who was supposedly dead, they would be safe.

Cutty Flam did only half as he was told; he did abandon his childhood name, taking up his old nickname Franky. But he refused to leave the island that Tom had sacrificed so much for, and instead started up an underground crime organization, gathering up the outlaws of the city under his care, and making a group known as the Franky Family. Over the years, though Franky became an infamous underground boss, and feared for his destructive tendencies, he was still generally well liked throughout the island. He was even a pretty good leader, with a loyal gang behind him.

After four years, though, some of Franky's followers happened to have the luck of running into some weird loser carrying a huge amount of money on him-two hundred million beli, in fact. This was exactly the amount needed to buy wood of the ancient Adam Tree, which Franky had for years desired to buy and carve into a great ship. The opportunity was too great to pass up. The kid was apparently a member of the Strawhat Pirates, which made him fair game for mugging. However, while Franky left town to make his purchase with the newly acquired fortune, the rest of the Strawhat Crew found the Family's headquarters and destroyed it, in vengeance. Franky's attempts to get back at the Captain, Strawhat Luffy, were interrupted, so instead Franky tried to lure Strawhat out for battle using a method already proven effective; attacking a crewmate.

He found the kid they'd mugged before trying to rebuild their ship alone on the shore. Franky kidnapped the kid and took him back to a hidden base-the old workroom of Tom's Workers, in fact-while his followers searched for Strawhat Luffy to let him know where to find Franky. And that's when things really started to hit the fan.

A group of people suddenly barged in on Franky and Usopp-people Franky knew from around town, several of them Iceberg's most trusted workers. As it turned out, they had been undercover government assassins, working for years to gain Iceberg's trust and discover where he was keeping the blueprints to Pluton. With the arrival of the Strawhat Pirates, they had finally put their plan into action, as none other than the woman Nico Robin was a crewmate on that ship. With her ability to control Pluton, the assassins decided it was time to move against Iceberg and take the blueprints. When they discovered Iceberg didn't have the papers, however, they used their years spent getting close to him to put together where the true blueprints were; they had been working for Iceberg already once Franky made his return to Water 7, and the urgency of their mission's conclusion helped them recall the event. With the instructions from the Franky Family, they found Franky and arrested both him and Usopp, to take to Enies Lobby.

Luckily enough for Franky, other members of the Strawhats were not willing to let their crewmate Robin be taken away, and a man named Sanji snuck on the train to free her, stumbling upon Usopp and Franky as he went through the cars. Touched by their solidarity, Franky agreed to help them-eventually sacrificing himself in capture in an attempt to let the Strawhats escape with Robin. Unfortunately, it didn't work, leaving Cutty Flam and Nico Robin, the keys to the apocalypse in the government's hands.

Luckily, during their escort through the island, Franky managed to escape, though Robin was not so lucky. Putting his faith in the Strawhats, Franky decided to burn the blueprints to Pluton, so the weapon couldn't be rebuilt. Now, they just needed to get Robin back before they could use her to resurrect the existing Pluton. And, fighting alongside the pirates through the government assassins, Franky accomplished protecting her and getting her back to the crew.

Upon their escape and return to the now-safe Water 7, The Strawhat's ship was destroyed, and Franky decided the Strawhats were worthy of his purchase; the wood from the Adam tree. Franky's dream for years was to build a ship that could make it all around the world, much like the Pirate King's ship, built by Tom. He built them the Thousand Sunny, a huge sloop to fulfill all their needs. But one problem still remained; the disaster at Enies Lobby had earned Franky a massive bounty, of 44 million beli. Though Franky was willing to deal with being hunted, in order to keep with the Family and keep protecting Water 7, everyone knew his deep desire was to sail alongside the Strawhats, to be sure the Thousand Sunny made it all the way. With some clever and family-unfriendly convincing, Franky joined the pirate crew as their carpenter.

After that, they went on to gain more and more attention from the government, from taking on some of the most powerful figures in the sea, to trouncing an island of zombies, to punching out some of the most highly-protected figures in the world. Unfortunately, it meant that the action against them increased exponentially, until they finally met their match.

Several powerful marines appeared before the crew, and it only took a brief battle to realize that they were severely outclassed. Though they tried to split up in order to escape, it was quickly proved futile as the man called Bartholomew Kuma used a strange power to teleport them all away from each other. Franky bore witness to half of the crew's disappearance, before he himself was sent away…

TL;DR: Franky got hit by a train, became a cyborg, joined some pirates, then got teleported to Chicago.

Supernatural Abilities: As a cyborg, Franky's physical abilities far surpass that of a normal human. With huge sections of his body entirely replaced by machinery, his strength is enormous, with enough power in his forearms to swim up a damn waterfall. In many places, his skin is largely synthetic, with bulletproof steel lining it underneath.

When Franky was rebuilding his body, though, he figured, "if I get to pick what this body's going to be like, why should I stop at the basics? I can make myself as awesome as I want, with all the trimmings." So he did.

Every good cyborg is loaded to the brim with weapons; the more guns, the better. His left arm is specially prepared, allowing the firing of full cannonballs, along with smaller, bulletlike pellets. Any good cyborg's gotta have detachable parts, too; Franky's right hand can shoot out and punch long-distance, attached by a chain. His most powerful attack, though, is the Coup de Vent, which involves compressing air to the point that it can be shot out as a cannonball itself, powerful enough to destroy steel. He's even able to dislocate his shoulders in exchange for firing homing missiles! Sort of. It's the principle of the thing.

Most cyborgs have some sort of awesome jetpack, too, right? So clearly Franky had to put one in. Or he tried. See, jetpacks are hard to figure out. He came close, though; by reversing the direction of the Coup de Vent to come from behind, he can fly a distance into the air. The main difference between the two is that one involves farting.

And anyone who's ever watched any show about robots ever knows that a robot has to have a second, more powerful form. Even people who come from worlds that don't have televisions know this. So Franky added his second, horribly fearsome form: the Franky Centaur. It's not something that can really be put in words, and with luck, its horror will not need to be unleashed on the city.

Unfortunately, all these things don't come without a little fuel. Rather than gasoline or electricity, Franky relies on another power source; cola. He's rigged up a fuel tank/fridge in his stomach that can hold up to three litres. As soon as he runs out, though, his power reduces to a mere fraction of its original, and most of his extra abilities are entirely useless.

Long story short, Franky's body has been rigged up into a walking weapon of epic destruction. But, as anyone in the magical world will tell you, technology has a tendency to go awry when the mystic energies run high, and it seems that said energies have truly spiked to a constant, recently. At least Franky's well-accustomed to fixing himself up…

Natural Abilities: Franky has an innate talent for building things. He spent his whole childhood practicing his skill in carpentry and weapon design, and now is a veritable master of construction. For years pre The One Piece canon loves to exaggerate this skill to the umpteenth degree, to the point of building an elaborate bridge in a matter of seconds, but for realism purposes we'll leave it at he is very good and very fast at what he does. Also he can play the guitar.

Possessions: Franky doesn't really carry much on him, not the least because he has very few places to store things on his person. He does, however, somehow manage to conceal his carpentry tools in his speedo. No one knows how. He has a piece of paper called a Vivrecard, which supposedly should show him the direction to find his other friends, but considering it doesn't work interdimensionally, the thing is entirely useless. Other than that, he's got no more than the clothes on his back and a hefty arsenal of weapons wired up through his body.


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