What is the point of extra curricular activities?? to have fun and to devote your time into something you like. Is it me or do instructors/coaches tend to screw the fun part out of them. I know the reason why I do band is because I enjoy it and it is a lot of fun. And even though I have only been to one practice this season, it seems as though its already headed down this stressful and agonizing road. Everything this year is about being the best and winning pretty much and being this amazing band, but if having no fun is what it cost to get there then I'm not sure if I want to be apart of it. I know it sounds like im bitching and moaning about the hard work, which I am no doubt, but also at the end of the year if we come out as champions and had no fun getting there.. then what was the point? In the end it probably wouldn't even be worth it. I don't want that feeling at the end of this season especially with the amount of time I would have to put in to get there. I think I am just going to call it quits. No band for me this season, or at least that is my decision right now.
"It comes down to I have come to damn far and have to much heart to just call it quits.."
I wish this could apply to me, but the fact is my heart is not in it anymore.