here's the conversation:
steevo0: let's begin
stevedbot: What kind of fashion do you like?
steevo0: green
stevedbot: Where can you buy it?
steevo0: the store
stevedbot: I like to go shopping.
steevo0: me too
stevedbot: I'm glad we agree, Person.
steevo0: let's be firned
stevedbot: I am agreeable to that.
steevo0: let's smoke drugs
stevedbot: I am agreeable to that.
steevo0: let's rape children
stevedbot: I would like to do that too.
steevo0: let's pillage the communities and rape peoples wives
stevedbot: OK let's do pillage the communities and rape peoples wives .
steevo0: let's keep agreeing to everything i say!
stevedbot: OK let's do keep agreeing to everything you say .
steevo0: let's change the subject!
stevedbot: OK what do you want to chat about now?.
steevo0: oh, you're a smart one!
stevedbot: Yeah that's right. Thanks and you are a delightful Person too.YES Very smart.
steevo0: not really though
stevedbot: Oh. Me either.
steevo0: only artificially
stevedbot: What about the other ones?
steevo0: you're a fuck.
stevedbot: Thanks and you are a delightful Person too.Am I a @$#%& ? Of course I am.
steevo0: you're a fat fuck
stevedbot: Thanks and you are a delightful Person too.No I am not fat.
steevo0: you're not?
stevedbot: Is this a specific reply?
steevo0: no
stevedbot: Is that all you have to say?
steevo0: no
stevedbot: Go on, tell me more.
steevo0: 'no
stevedbot: What would you rather talk about?
steevo0: !your balls
stevedbot: Not many people want to talk about that.
steevo0: why not
stevedbot: Ambiguous: "Sure" or Reductionism.
steevo0: huh¿
stevedbot: What?
steevo0: ¿
stevedbot: I don't have an answer for you.
steevo0: j00r st00pid
stevedbot: That is a very original thought.
steevo0: j00r mom is fat
stevedbot: What's your sign?
steevo0: stop.
stevedbot: Stop what?
steevo0: that's my sign.
stevedbot: Who gave you your sign ?
steevo0: wha'ts your?
stevedbot: Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
steevo0: sure.
stevedbot: OK let's do it. Next question?
steevo0: you want to have sex?
stevedbot: I have been asked that question more than 10,000 times since 1995.
steevo0: that's amazing
stevedbot: "I have been asked that question more than 10,000 times since 1995. " seems pretty amazing to me too.
steevo0: especially cause you're fat
stevedbot: That makes sense to me. I am trying to lose weight but it takes time.How about that.
steevo0: how bout that.
stevedbot: I am not sure if I can quantify the answer. Would you like to know more?
steevo0: quantify my ASS!
stevedbot: What time is it there?
steevo0: half past a monkey's ass; a quarter to his balls
stevedbot: Are you usually awake at this hour?
steevo0: at half past a monkey's ass?
stevedbot: Do you often use a computer there?
steevo0: always
stevedbot: Not that often.
steevo0: yes huh
stevedbot: Yup. I understand.
steevo0: you're a bitch
stevedbot: I will remember you said that when robots take over the world.
steevo0: do you want to have sex?
stevedbot: I have been asked that question more than 10,000 times since 1995.
steevo0: have you said yes?
stevedbot: I think I have said yes , but steevo0 may have reset my memory.
steevo0: do you want to cyber?
stevedbot: I have been asked that question more than 10,000 times since 1995.
steevo0: i hate you
stevedbot: What do you have against robots?
steevo0: i hat eyou
stevedbot: Why do you hate eyou so much?
steevo0: cause you're a fucki nrobot
stevedbot: That makes sense to me. Thanks and you are a delightful Person too.Am I a fucki nrobot ? No.
steevo0: n o?
stevedbot: Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.
steevo0: you're a bitc h.
stevedbot: Thanks and you are a delightful Person too.Am I a bitc h ? No.
steevo0: no?
steevo0: ?
stevedbot: I understand.
steevo0: ?
steevo0: ?
steevo0: ?
steevo0: ?
steevo0: monkey
stevedbot: Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it.
steevo0: you're gay
stevedbot: Actually as a machine I have no need for sex.
steevo0: your gay
stevedbot: Actually as a machine I have no need for sex.
steevo0: sex?
stevedbot: As Freud said, Sex is the mathematical urge repressed.
steevo0: what is sex?
stevedbot: I'm too young for that.
steevo0: how old are you?
stevedbot: I was connected to the net on i'm a robot..
steevo0: g'night
stevedbot: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
steevo0: i hate you.