More Quotes

Dec 26, 2004 20:49

"Tongues wag their ways on great adventures with ease. Feet oft find it harder to follow."
-Mespert of Baldur's Gate
Book of the Coast
Year of the Talking Skull

"Try as we may, none of us can be in all places at all times. Not even the gods can do that. So we do what we can and measure our success, if we are wise, by what our hearts tell us at the end of a day, and not what our eyes tell us of how much we have changed Faerûn."
-Storm Silverhand
To Harp at Twilight
Year of the Swollen Stars

"It is one thing to face a rival with your blade in hand and make a bloody end to all rivalry between you. It is quite another to wage war with coins in the shadows and softly striking words in hidden chambers. The second way can kill just as surely-but no one who follows it is lauded as a hero, or grudgingly granted as brave even by one's enemies. There is something in us all that admires those who stand tall and bold in the bright light of day-even when they pay for this boldness with their lives."
-Azlundar, Lion of Neverwinter
One Warrior's Life
Year of the Sighing Serpent

"When Death comes unlooked-for, it finds a way into the strongest fortress. It does no good to set extra guards at the gates."
-Asargrym of Baldur's Gate
A Merchant Master's Life
Year of the Blue Flame

"An inn is like a very small and poorly lit realm: It holds arrogant nobles, those who think they rule or believe they're important, the downtrodden who do the real work, and the outlaws and dark-knives whose work is preying on others. The problem is the constant stream of arrivals and departures that robs ye of the time ye need to learn which guest belongs to which group. So ye end up having to be constantly wary of them all. Just as in larger realms."
- Blorgar Hanthever of Myratma
Doors Open To All: Forty Winters An Innkeeper
Year of the Sriking Falcon

"When dealing with trade-rivals or slaughtering ruling dynasties, start at the top. 'Tis more dangerous, but a lot more entertaining for bystanders-and will earn you an enviable reputation. Remember: Men stand back to gaze at those they admire but leap forward to aid those they respect (or, to use a more blunt word, those they fear)."
-Brathmur Engelstone, Sage of Saerloon
One Trail Chosen: A Path Through Life
Year of the Highmantle

"Some of us fight with swords, and some with nimble tongues or poison or coins. Oh, aye, and some of us blast Faerûn around us with spells, or call down dragons, or set roofs afire. When you think right down through things, we're all just shaping different sorts of swords to cut our ways through life. Some measure success by the amount of blood they leave as their trail-and some by how little they manage to spill."
-Elvryn Auraunt, Sage of Everlund
Sword of Ink, Boots of Fancy: A Sage's Tale
Year of the Stag
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