njusance2u: Well met.
DragonOrb01: Well met traveler, what brings you to these remote parts?
njusance2u: What else, good sir, but a noble quest?
DragonOrb01: ah, and what are you questing for?
njusance2u: I seek the 1337 h4x0r.
DragonOrb01: ah, a most noble quest indeed
DragonOrb01: Do you have space for another member in your party?
DragonOrb01: njusance2u: I seek the 1337 h4x0r.
MizeraEh: lol that's adam pelcs AIM SN
MizeraEh: 337h4x0rr
MizeraEh: er
MizeraEh: 1337h4x0rr
DragonOrb01: I seem to have found it, or accurately him :P
njusance2u: Oh dear.
DragonOrb01: now all you need do is hunt him down
njusance2u: Well, first you must prove your honor!
njusance2u: honour, even!
DragonOrb01: Very well, what shall my task be?
njusance2u: Hmm...
njusance2u: DEFEND YOURSELF! *attacks with a thin, rather whippy stick*
DragonOrb01: *leaps backwards, swings wallscroll into line to block whippy stick*
njusance2u: Well done. You have proven your bravery. Oh, dear, wrong virtue.
DragonOrb01: It would appear that I must now complete another test to show the correct virtue
njusance2u: A farmer and his hired help were carrying grain to the barn. The farmer carried one sack of grain and the hired help carried two sacks. Who carried the heavier load and why?
DragonOrb01: depends if the sacks were the same weight.
njusance2u: all sacks in the question weigh the same amount.
DragonOrb01: are either of them carrying anythign else?
njusance2u: The farmer is carrying one sack of grain and the hired help is carrying two sacks.
DragonOrb01: You can't blame me for checking. It could have been a trick question if the farmer carried soemthing heavier as well.
DragonOrb01: unless the farmer is also carrying the hired help, the hired help carries the heavier load.
njusance2u: Incorrect.
DragonOrb01: ah well
DragonOrb01: explain why *can feel the obviousness of what I did wrong coming*
njusance2u: The farmer is carrying a sack of grain. The hired help is merely carrying two sacks.
DragonOrb01: They weren't carrying sacks of grain to the barn then, only he was. *contests wording*
njusance2u: Aha! That proves your ability to weasel out of a tight spot!
njusance2u: Oh, shoot, wrong test again.
DragonOrb01: Not quitee honor, but oh well
njusance2u: ER... let me remember the right test.
njusance2u: *drops wallet*
DragonOrb01: At least I am everything else
DragonOrb01: *picks up wallet, inspects for who it belongs to, realizes that Elliot took Grimmer's wallet*
njusance2u: er... give me that!
DragonOrb01: *returns to Grimmer*
njusance2u: *drops own wallet*
DragonOrb01: *picks up wallet, inspects wallet, returns it to Elliot*
njusance2u: *steals Grimmer's wallet*
njusance2u: Aha, how honourable of you!
DragonOrb01: Huzzah!
njusance2u: You have passed my test!
DragonOrb01: Now let us sally forth on your most honorable, and honourable quest.
njusance2u: Yes, but first, let us pick a colour to paint my neighbour's house as a favour. Then we can study his behaviour when he sees the fruit of our labour. Maybe he'll have a sense of humour about it.
DragonOrb01: How about black? 'Tis the new pink I have heard.
njusance2u: How about pink? It's last year's black.
DragonOrb01: That could work too
DragonOrb01: How about Harvest Gold, 'tis every year's explorer
njusance2u: And I believe that it's a pretzel-making company.
DragonOrb01: that as well
njusance2u: So! Off to find the 1337 h3x0r! Onward and upward!
DragonOrb01: Onward!