Does anyone want to do this with me? I just sent an email saying I'd do the 1-3:30 shift. Any takers?
We need the assistance of Spartan staff, students and faculty again for
this week's 3:30 PM football game on Saturday, September 10. This fund
drive, like the one last Saturday is sponsored by the University
(President's Office, Athletics, Student Affairs and Services, Student
Life, Service Learning and Civic Engagement, MSU Counseling Center,
students and others)
You may volunteer for one or more of the following shifts:
Set up shift: 12 noon to 1:30 PM
Collection Shift One: 1:00 to 3:30 PM
Collection Shift Two: 6:00 to 8:00 PM
If you are able to represent the University and volunteer this Saturday,
please call 355-7535 before 2:00 PM Friday,
September 9, 2005. (In the interest of security, we will not be able to
accommodate Saturday walk-up volunteers.) When you respond, you will be
asked to provide the times you will work, your name, PID # (students
only) and email address. Student volunteers will need to bring their
student ID with them on Saturday. Staff and faculty volunteers will
need to bring a picture id with them also.
VOLUNTEER CHECK IN will be located next to the Library Book Drop Box on
Red Cedar Street right across from the north end of the stadium, near
the foot bridge south of the MSU Library. Look for the neon green