Damn, I need to become successful fast before I lose my mind. Bustin my ass is almost getting to me, but it's kind of fun. Being busy keeps my mind from getting depressed about stupid shit, so this is good for me
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Yes! More Leo comics, please! And I definitely need to see this Hermes thing when it's done, because I have seen virtually none of the behind-the-scenes action like I usually do and I'm curious to see how it turns out.
Oh you will see Hermes soon enough. I just want the short to be a suprise. I'll be the only one witnessing the editing this time around. I'm trying to build the hype!
I love your comics,.. if I ever get my book off the ground I'd like to have some of them published in the back of my books, I think that would be pretty cool. Or have you do a strip with some of my characters, that would be pretty sweet too. Sorry about crashing at your house,.. it seems when I come over, there's always a mess, but I super appreciate the hospitality. When I get back in about 3 weeks, I'm gonna take you and Matt out for some beers. Get ta' crackin'!!
Dude, you are always welcome to stay at the place anytime. Don't worry about the messes either, Matt and Eric makes plenty of them when you're not around. But yeah, I'll be glad to make some comics for your books, just hit me up when you're ready and bring beer!
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