ooc ❥ permissions

May 23, 2010 19:15

This version of Jack has something like antisocial personality disorder (for more information, see more information on Jack, and the Wiki article on APD here), and will not hesitate to do something, if only for the amusement that he shall get out of doing so.

Therefore, to those that I will possibly play with, please give me your permissions on what Jack can do and what he cannot, as your preferences as a mundane. I don't want to make anybody uncomfortable, so just to be safe \o/

Physical damage? When triggered, Jack will do his best to cause as much pain for a person as possible; he kills on a whim. He also has a history of sexual deviance. How much damage/badtouch/etc is he allowed to do to your character?

Take note that I will always consult the mundane first before killing and/or triggering sexual behaviour, but if you want, you can already state your preferences here.

Psychological damage? He loves doing this. He can infer a lot of things from body language and by listening carefully to his subject. I try my best not to godmode, and to make his assumptions and reasoning logical. How much am I allowed to infer from your character? How easy would it be? Would it be feasible for a mentalist like him to do so?

What are the character's triggers? Should Jack be able to mention them, or would you feel uncomfortable playing out that aspect of the character? Can Jack manipulate your character?

Special permissons: Anything else you want to say or if you want to punch me over the internet for playing such a horrible character ;A;, stick it here!

Here's the form:

Physical damage? &bull

Psychological damage? &bull

Any other special permissions? &bull

Thank you!

On an additional note: everything is free game with this Jack, save for killing and non-con. Consult with me first for these. Else, bring it on.

Disclaimer: I will not be completely accurate with the depiction of APD (it's too mentally exhausting to play a complete psychopath and/or sociopath, and it would defeat the purpose of character development), but be warned that this Jack Vessalius is probably one of the most dangerous people in any one game.

!permissions, !ooc

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