ooc ❥ extended personality

Oct 31, 2010 02:50

❥ He never takes responsibility for anything; he is never at fault, even if the murder weapon is still warm in his hands. An extension of this is that he finds it very hard to apologise genuinely, because he almost always never sees reason to.
❥ He does know how to deal with affection, but only from those he's lied to - those that do not know that he's just keeping up a façade. Coming from those who know that he's a lying and remorseless murderer, affection just confuses him, because why on earth would you even do such a thing?

This stems from his firm belief that he is not, and never will be, wanted. When dealt with such affections, he will automatically find a way to justify it i.e., he'd feel obligated to return or repay the person with a favour or something of that sort.
❥ He reverts to childishness at times: he finds childish delight at the despair of others (because they look so earnest, it's funny), he will mope and pout and probably throw things when nobody's looking, he will jump on the bed when he feels the desire to. Attaching honorifics or calling someone pet names ('bluebird', or adding a 'mister') is a habit of his.
❥ Related to above: He simply does not care for anything else if there is something that he wants, bar someone actually seeing him. Jack has a tendency to become obsessed with things that he wants - there are no boundaries, no holding back. He always gives his all, and beyond, without a care for the consequences. This is the only way to earn his loyalty.
❥ Whenever confronted with authority, Jack swings to and from the extremes: defiance or subservience. There is no middle ground.
❥ He hates losing control of himself, and placing trust in others. However, he will gladly take control of someone else; he loves the feeling of having power over someone. Therefore he will always try to take over a situation, subtly or outright - the latter only if he's desperate.
❥ The thing he hates most is being a burden for others. He's lived alone for so long, that shouldn't change.

[last updated: 10/31/10]


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