only a couple pics since mirie didnt post them all on her myspace...
me uggh im so ugly i hope im reincarnated into a pretty rich girl.
me and mirie being wierd-0s
i hate myself
she was on the phone w/ steven..miries so cute....uggh
in my bathroom(if u didnt realize this already)
mirie i taught her how to take a pic like this.
ewww. icant stand looking at myself.
not lesbos we promise.
atleast my hair looks pretty(smooth)
i dont even remember taking this.
im so stupid lol.
i look like im saying..oops did i do that??
mirie w/ destinis glasses on.
me eating a cherry.
me digging for a piece of pineapple.
me and destini were taking pics in my living room in the dark.
i put my hair up all weird...i was bored.i did it w/ bobbipins(sp?)lol.
destini wanted to do my makeup lol.
once i took it down my hair was like in cool looking i took pics...
boredom kicked it.
i was spinning in a circle when i took this.
uggh i look stoned or something.
chico(my dog) look emo lol.he takes better pics than i do.
micah (my nephew)is so0o0o0o0 adorable..