(no subject)

Sep 06, 2006 01:19

Favorite soda: Coke--->I do drink diet more, but I like the taste of regular better.
Favorite band: of the moment... The Fray, LBC, and Snow Patrol
Favorite animal: Pandas or Kualas (sp)
Favorite weather: 75-85, some humidity (60-80%)

Do You:
Like someone: Who knows...
Want more piercings: actually...yes.
Want a tattoo: yup.

Person you talked to in person?: Amanda
Person you talked to on the phone?: Mike.
Person you talked to online?: Becca
Person you hung out with?: Amanda doing laundry
Last movie watched: Beerfest
Last Movie Saw In Theater: see above

Have you:
Ever cried over a girl or boy: Nope
Ever been arrested: been chased...
Ever had a friend die: nobody super close
Ever used a gun: yeah, I kind of miss it
Ever finished a puzzle: yeah
Ever got surgery: nothing major
Ever hated someone: not really, I feel like everyone has a right to do what they want, even if its treating me like crap (obviously murder, etc are exclusions)
Blue or red?: dark blue
Spring or Fall?: spring

Random stuff:
Criminal record?: nope
Do you have any pets?: I want a dog

Level 1
Been fired -- nope
Been in a fist fight -- not yet

Level 2
Snuck out of your own house -- hahaha... yes.
Gone on a blind date -- No, god, I'm awkward enough as it is.

Level 3
Had a crush on a teacher -- no
Skipped school -- most definately
Slept with a co-worker -- Nope...ew.
Saw someone/something die -- Yeah.

Level 4
Been to Canada -- Yes
Been to Mexico -- Yes--have no desire to go back
Been on a plane -- one of the flyin boxes?

Level 5
Eaten Sushi. -- Ew, no. EW ew ew... fish suck
Been surfing. -- yup.

Level 6
Taken painkillers -- who hasn't?
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by -- yeah
Made a snow angel -- for a video frosh year... in shorts and short sleves, sooo cold.

Level 7
Had a tea party -- no...
Flown a kite -- yup
Built a sand castle --God, I miss the becah... yes.
Gone puddle jumping -- does puddle running count?

Level 8
Jumped into a pile of leaves -- yeah, but they're more fun to drive thru
Gone sledding -- yes, and I still f-ing hate snow
Cheated while playing a game -- uh, yeah.
Been lonely -- Yes
Fallen asleep at school -- yeah, and its hella uncomfortable

Level 9
Used a fake ID -- define fake
Watched the sunset -- yeah
Felt an earthquake -- yeah... in Illinois (I'm being serious too...)
Touched a snake -- yup, slimey.

Level 10
Been tickled -- often.
Been robbed/vandalized/had anything stolen from you -- yeah,that shit's not cool.

Level 11
Won a contest -- yes.
Suspended/expelled from school -- nope...
Had detention -- yes. Waste of everyone's time, cuz It wouldn't stop me.
Been in a motorcycle accident -- nope

Level 12
Had braces -- yes, for 4 long years
Danced in the moonlight -- no...

Level 13
Hated the way you looked -- from time to time
Witnessed a crime -- probably not, there weren't mirrors around.
Questioned your heart -- yeah, it never does the right thing (I said beat dammit!)

Level 14
Barefoot through the mud -- yech
Been lost -- not really, I like maps.
Been to the opposite side of the country -- yeah, I miss the opposites
Swam in the ocean -- It has been years
Felt like you were dying -- yup

Level 15
Cried yourself to sleep -- I've cried in bed, but usually it wakes me up
Played cops and robbers -- yup
Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers -- oooh physics lab.
Sang karaoke -- we're totally doing that soon
Paid for something with only coins -- yeah... starbucks people don't like $5 in pennies...

Level 16
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't -- yeah, not always a good thing
Made prank phone calls -- yep yep
Laughed until some kind beverage came out of your nose -- yes, and it burns like a mo fo
Caught a snowflake on your tongue -- yeah. they're cold.

Level 17
Written a letter to Santa Claus -- probably
Been kissed under a mistletoe -- nope
Blown bubbles -- Yep
Made a bonfire on the beach -- Good times. where's my beach now?

Level 18
Have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people -- uh almost, not quite consecutively
Gone rollerskating/blading -- yeah, and I nearly broke my wrist
Had a wish come true -- kind of

Level 19
Worn pearls -- ...no...
Jumped off a bridge -- yes
Ate dog food -- ew.
Told a complete stranger you loved them -- creeper much?

Level 20
Sang in the shower -- yep
Glued your hand to something. -- nope

Level 21
Got your tongue stuck to a pole -- ok, not that stupid
Kissed a fish. -- ew fish.
Worn the opposite sex's clothes -- nope
Sat on a roof top -- I love sitting on roofs

Level 22
Screamed at the top of your lungs -- yeppers
Done a one-handed cartwheel -- coordination what?
Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours -- i think 4 hrs is my max
Stayed up all night -- and then some!

Level 23
Didn't take a shower for a week -- I think so, I don't remember though
Climbed a tree -- yeah
Had a tree house -- not really
Scared to watch scary movies alone -- not really

Level 24
Worn a really ugly outfit to school -- meh, probably

Level 25
Played chicken -- nope
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes?? -- I worked in a health club... so yes.
Been told you're hot by a complete stranger -- yeah, and they just loved the look of shock/amusement they got back
Broken a bone -- yup
Been easily amused -- show me some blinky lights, i'll show you easily amused

Level 26
Caught a fish then ate it -- caught, but other people ate it for me
Caught a butterfly -- tomorrow in lab!
Laughed so hard you cried -- almost
Cried so hard you laughed -- as oxymoronic as it sounds, almost.

Level 27
Cheated on a test -- hasn't everyone?
Forgotten someone's name -- Can we just all stop using names, I'm ok with answering to "hey you...douchebag!".

Level 29
Rode a roller coaster -- it's been a while, and I'm still not a huge fan
Went scuba-diving -- nope
Had a cavity -- yeah...but no new ones lately!
Black-mailed someone -- well... not exactly
Been black-mailed -- everyone has to some extent, but nothing major

Level 30
Been used -- i think so
Fell going up or down the stairs -- ok, that's just embarassing. (yes)
Bitten someone -- not since I was like 8

Who was the last person you told I love you to?: no clue, but whoever I was drunk with last
What was the last thing you ate?: popcorn
What was the last thing you drank: water
What color pants are you wearing?: jeans
What is the closest item near you that is blue?: jeans or the mouse pad
What are you wearing on your feet?: naked!
What instant messaging service do you use?: AIM/MSN/Yahoo!
What is your favorite shoe brand?:Adidas
What do you wear more, jeans or shorts?: jeans.
Where is your phone?: desk.
Where is your mom?: at home
Where do you sleep?: in my bed?
Where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now?: JR year of Track
Where did you last take a car ride to?: moved Chris's car in the driveway

Five States in the U.S. You've Been To
1. Cali
2. Washington
3. Florida
4. Virginia
5. Massachusetts

Five Foods/Resturants You Like
1. Chipotle
2. Maggianos
3. Jimmy John's
4. Empire
5. Pot Belly's

Five Drinks You Adore (adore? who the fuck wrote this thing?)
1. water
2. coke
3. americano's
4. captain and coke
5. jack and coke


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