mexico was awesome. our guide was very boring, i threw up three times. Chase on the balcony. The trip was to short, i fell in love with mexico city and graffiti
March 7, 2005
Today I awoke at 4 A.M., ate some chocolate pop tarts and headed to the airport. It took us 26 minutes and we arrived exactly on time. We checked in, went through security, and sat in the terminal for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. We played dice. Then we took the plane and arrived in Atlanta, Georgia. We got some food and sat around. I had some mango chicken . The plane to Mexico was a long ride. We arrived in Mexico, it was crazy. I had to check in somewhere and it was hard because the people spoke very little English and yo hicé un poco espanol. We also waited for people to get pesos. I was smart and got pesos in the Atlanta airport. We went to our hotel and I saw lots of graffiti. It was really tight and I wanted to take some pictures of them. I think we drove through the ghetto. We arrived at the hotel and chilled for a little bit. Then we went walking through the city. We saw many sweet building. I learned that some people say that Mexico City is sinking and that the Aztecs saw a sign from their god to settle in Mexico City and the sign was an eagle on a cactus holding a snake. That sign is on their flag and on every coin peso. I saw tons of poor people and trash, but I really like this city and I would love to live here. All the girls get yelled at and it is crazy.
March 8, 2005
I awoke at 6:30. I did not feel like sleeping anymore even though I had half and hour more to sleep. The breakfast was eggs and an awesome croissant. Lance would not eat it so I ate his. First we headed to the biggest cathedral in South America. I learned that having a bishop, make it a cathedral. So without a bishop you do not have a cathedral. It was really cool. I have to get rosaries for my parents. We walked through the subway and I thought I was going to get my money stolen. We saw some ruins which was pretty tight. We also saw dogs getting frisky, it was funny because you do not see that often in the streets. Then we went to the place with a bunch of paintings. They were cool and abstract. It was crazy because some of the eyes on the people follow you when you walk. Then we ate lunch on the floating boats and I had a good meal. I thought there was going to be a lot of flowers because it was called the floating gardens but, it was fun. All the Mexicans whistled at the girls, it was psycho. I saw more of graffiti. I really like graffiti and I got some sweet pictures of them. Then we came back to the hotel and chilled. We went out to eat at an alright restaurant. The drinks cost 22 pesos or about $2.20. There were lots mariachis. I think about two different bands. Then these people danced with clogs or something like that and it was really cool. Next there was some cock fighting, kind off. I think their claws were clipped, but it was cool. It took the restaurant forever to get my food. I think they forgot it and to make another one but, who cares. Today I learned about the calendar stone, and I wonder how they make stuff like that and move it, when they had no metal tools but, they did have jade, which is the second strongest stone.
March 9, 2005
I’m watching the Mexico versus Argentina soccer game. Mexico is winning 1-0. I want Argentina to win. This morning we had pancakes. They were not very good. We all got on the bus and headed to a very famous church, it was pretty cool. Hicé mucho calor. Then we headed to the pyramids and drove through the ghetto. The ghetto was cool. The pyramids were gigantic and rad. They were hard to climb up but the view at the top was beautiful. It was well worth it. There were lots of dude trying to sell us stuff. Some dude wanted something for $60 but I got it down to $25. We are going to the bling-bling city (Taxoco) tomorrow. I’m going to pick me up some bling. Chance is going to go crazy. Argentina just scored. It is now 1-1. We rode the subway today after dinner. It was scary because I thought I was going to get pick pocketed, but we survived.
March 10, 2005
Today I woke up and got some breakfast. I came back to the room and was getting ready to go then I threw up. I have no clue why but I took some peptoe bismal and I was good to go. We headed to the bling-bling city (Taxoco). It was a long bus ride, but it was fun. Taxoco is a very cool city, the house and store setups are sweet. People said it looked like Italy. We ate lunch, it was alright. This whole week I have not been very hungry, it is weird, I just do not feel like eating. Then we checked out another church. I found out that the gold on the church stuff is gold painted on, which is cool. Then we headed to another city and looked at another church. The city is were all the rich Mexicans go for the weekend or the summer. I was on the main course of dinner when I went to el baño and puked again. I took some more pepto bismal and I was good to go.
March 11, 2005
This morning I awoke with lance knocking on our door. After that I could not go back to sleep. I got ready and went to breakfast. I ate two bites of the eggs, one glass of chocolate milk, and one glass of pineapple juice and went up to my room and threw up again. Then we packed all our stuff and out it on the bus, we left the hotel and drove to the market. I bought a baja jacket for me and my brother. Mine was $7.50 and Dustin’s was $4.00. It is amazing how much cheaper some stuff is in Mexico. They are very cool though. Then we left and headed to the airport. When we check in and stuff we were allowed to walk around. We came back and sat for a long time. Nobody told me and that the meeting place changed so I got scared and nervous. We walked around and found Mr. Morrand. We took the plane and had a good flight, then our plane in Atlanta got delayed one hour. Joan got left with Mr. Morrand because she did not have a visa and stuff so she was having trouble getting back into the country. But we all made it home. I miss Mexico. YO ♥ MEXICO
and you have no life