so, people are making a big deal over bristol palin's prgnancy. normally, id be all for telling people to shut the eff up, but for real this is why its important to discuss
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usually, when a person wants to sign up for the military, it doesnt take them two months to get the person the paperwork they need. usually, its done within a matter of a week.
Heard from my recruiter last night regarding my medical waiver. It is 99% sure to be approved. WOOHOO! By this time September I will have a departure date for when I leave to go to Chicago. STOKED!
so in the last two weeks since ive posted absolutely nothing has changed. im still tired, im still annoyed, i still abhor my job, and im still waiting to hear from the navy regarding my medical waiver
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im hungry. im tired. im tired of waiting for the NRS to get back to me... freaking call me already; i want to go to chicago asap, bitches
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so, the aap wants to put kids with high cholesterol onto statins to lower it. how about this: INSTEAD OF MEDICATING YOUR KIDS YOU SEND THEM OUT FUCKING SIDE TO PLAY!!!! That way, they cant sit on their lardy asses and eat the cupboards bare while Wii-ing themselves into oblivion. People are so freaking lazy.
i feel this wierd sense of calm suddenly. its really refreshing for once, instead of carrying around the looming sense of dread i have had since november. it lifted, finally, for good and for ever
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mmmmm.... something smells like pizza in the office. i wish i could eat pizza.
going to sals for a barbeque. havent been out somewhere alone in a longass time. this will be nice-- no one tailing me around and shitting on the people i care about.
have a couple of dates lined up for next week. pretty stoked.