Title: To Please the Monster Inside [chapter one]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
It frightened him at first. Shook him, startled him. Pushed against his rock hard flesh, causing the composed, serene exterior to crumble, allowing uncertainty to slip through the cracks.
“I… I don’t know what I can do, Jasper. I don’t know how to help.”
Jasper watched the doctor, his smooth blonde hair and lily white face, pale lashes framing the honest, golden eyes. All he needed was to touch. Reach out, carefully, and just touch.
He lowered his eyes, now dark from hunger. Desire. Repressed bloodlust.
“Carlisle, Alice has told me what she has seen. She has seen me kill. Kill humans. Hundreds of them. And I know her vision is definite. I am growing weak. It hurts to resist, Carlisle… I don’t even want to resist… anymore.”
“Why… How - how long have you felt this way? You should have come to me sooner. You have few options here Jasper. I will never allow you to feed here, in Forks. You know the danger that would put this family in. But, furthermore, I will not allow it because you are my son… because I love you and you won’t disappoint me in such a way. You won’t break my heart… not like this.”
“Then what do I do? Leave?”
The doctor was quiet for a moment, face drawn tight, void of emotion. And Jasper continued to stare, still, to this day, in awe of the doctor’s peaceful beauty.
Softly, in a voice not even a whisper, Carlisle answered, “That is one option… yes. If you must feed from a human, then you will leave.”
“One option? What others are there?”
“I… helped you once… a long time ago. Do you remember what I did for you?”
Closing his eyes, Jasper nodded. “Of course.”
“Then Jasper, that is your only other choice… unless you are strong enough to resist, then I can think of no other way to help.”
“You would allow me… to do that again?”
Stepping closer, Carlisle pressed his cold fingertips against his son’s cheek. Breathing deeply, he inhaled Jasper’s scent, and a small smile - a sad smile - flickered across his pink lips.
“Yes.” He answered, quiet and tranquil. “If you need… me… then come to me when you are ready.”
“Thank you.” Jasper leaned in, placing a cold, cautious kiss on the corner of the doctor’s mouth. “What about… Edward? Do you think he will he understand?”
“We will deal with Edward when we must.”
Nodding, Jasper turned to walk away. “You will wait for me then?”