Title: To Please the Monster Inside [Chapter Three]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
Alice spent the night alone, sitting perfectly still on the couch in her room. Jasper should be there with her, as he always was.
Sometimes they would talk, but most of the time they just sat, together. As friends. Lovers. Mates. Statues.
It was hard for Alice not to feel panic, even though she knew Jasper was not lost to her - it still hurt. For the first time in her eternal life, she felt tired. Exhausted. Plagued night and day and every second by visions. Worse still, the visions never changed. They were never altered by indecision.
Every flash and scene that she replayed was occupied by the same two beautiful, inhuman immortals. Father and son. Carlisle and Jasper.
Carlisle and Jasper.
No longer Jasper... and Alice.
Just Alice. On her own.
Alice and her visions.
She knew that if she could cry right now, she would.
She would cry, and maybe she would never stop.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Edward didn't know yet, Jasper was certain of that. He was suspicious, naturally, because Jasper was careful to control his thoughts around Edward. And he knew that Carlisle did the same... as did Alice.
It was impossible to believe that Edward would never have to find out. But for the time being, there was nothing he needed to know.
Carlisle sat quietly watching the news. Or rather, staring at the screen. No human catastrophe could hold his attention right now. Not when he knew what horrors could so easily be splattered across the news headlines if he was unable to control Jasper's hunger. He could see it now, even without the talent of foresight, he could see the devastation. Hundreds... Thousands? Of human corpses, cold and rotten and drained of blood.
He imagined Jasper's face. Pale and handsome... but those large, deep golden eyes. Carlisle couldn't see those eyes. Now he imagined dark red irises, looking at him from behind dark lashes.
It broke his dead heart.
"What's wrong?" Jasper asked, suddenly sitting beside Carlisle.
Of course there would be no point lying. He knew Jasper could feel the pain burdening his body.
"I'm scared, Jasper. I worry about you, and what will happen if... in the end... I can't save you."
Jasper reached over and placed his fingertips against the doctor's temple, giving him peace.
"Thank you." Carlisle whispered.
Jasper's fingers moved from the doctor's temple, down along his jaw, resting on his smooth neck. Both vampires were completely still for a moment. Not even breathing.
"You want it now, don't you?" Carlisle's voice trembled softly. Jasper knew the doctor's lack of characteristic calm and confidence was because of him. The usually peaceful demeanor had been replaced with uncertainty.
"Yes..." Jasper's voice shook too. He had uncertainties of his own.
"We should leave. You cannot do it here."
"I know." Jasper leaned forward, placing his lips against the doctor's ear and a hand over his frozen heart. "Let's go for a walk."