Title: To Please the Monster Inside [Chapter Four]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
Carlisle could feel Edward watching them as they exited the house through the back door. Concern filled his thoughts even as he tried to block them from the mind-reader. Edward would be angry, yes, but this business was not his. And Carlisle knew that Edward would understand there were very few options left on the table. Jasper could drink from him, or an innocent human.
Edward would understand.
The two vampires stalked the forest, heading further from their home as the seconds passed. Minutes later they were deep in the woods. It was quiet, and private and they would not be disturbed.
It hadn't rained for a few days and so, for once, the ground was dry. Jasper sat, cross-legged, on the forest floor. Taking hold of Carlisle's right hand, he pulled the doctor down to sit with him.
Jasper watched the doctor's face for a long while. He looked so... delicious. His lilly white skin was a stark contrast to the green around them. Silvery blonde hair was slightly dishevelled, strands hanging loosely around his marble face. His golden eyes stared ahead, giving away nothing of the trepidation that Jasper knew he felt.
"I'm sorry I needed this now." Jasper confided. "But I thought it would be the best night... I know you are going hunting with Esme later."
Carlisle nodded.
"Probably a good idea... for you to hunt, I mean. Especially after this. You'll need it."
"Yes I will." Carlisle's voice was so serene, opposite in every way from the feelings crawling under his skin.
Jasper searched, picking out particular emotions swimming through the doctor's body.
He found fear, though it was not strong. Worry and uncertainty. Nervousness. Hope. And, though it was very weak, and almost impossible for Jasper to pick out, he also found lust.
Smirking, Jasper latched onto that feeling, pulled it to the surface. He let it linger for a moment, in the forefront of Carlisle's mind, before strengthening it to a passionate extreme.
He watched as Carlisle blinked, his hands becoming fists in his lap.
Jasper chuckled. "Is that better, Carlisle? Will it make this easier for you, if you want me too?"
Carlisle didn't speak.
Jasper continued to smirk, moving closer, sliding a hand along the doctor's inner thigh. "I can make this good for you, Carlisle. You know I can." He caressed the strong muscle and cold flesh of the doctor's leg, careful not to let his hand travel too far up.
A low growl crawled from Carlisle's throat. He turned his head to meet Jasper's gaze. The doctor's eyes were black.
"Fuck..." Jasper breathed as Carlisle's desire washed over him in massive waves. Leaning closer, Jasper took the doctor's bottom lip between his teeth, sucking softly.
Carlisle didn't react. He didn't make a sound.
Jasper began to push with his hands, forcing the doctor onto his back. Carlisle growled again, louder this time, and suddenly he was standing ten feet away from Jasper.
"This is not a game, Jasper." his voice was low, no trace of the usual tranquility.
"I know." Jasper whispered, standing to move toward the other vampire.
"Then why are you playing with my emotions?" he almost spat the question.
"I - I wasn't playing with you, Carlisle. I know you're afraid, I can feel your nerves. And I told you... I thought... I wanted you to find pleasure in all of this. Not just me."
"I do not want pleasure, Jasper. I don't want to feel your lust or your hunger. I want you to feed from me so that you don't kill a human. That's it."
"No, that's not it. And it wasn't my lust or my hunger, Carlisle. It was yours - it was already there - I just forced you to recognise it."
Carlisle turned his back to the younger vampire, closing his eyes, breathing deeply. "This should not feel good for either of us, Jasper. You are not making love to me, you are feeding from me. You need to be as in control as possible."
"Yes... okay. I'm sorry."
Sighing, the doctor turned and moved to stand beside Jasper. "Don't apologise."
Carlisle rest a hand against the back of the younger vampire's neck and raised the other to move a few wild strands of hair from his dark eyes.
"Close your eyes." The doctor's voice was calm again.
"Close your eyes, Jasper."
The youth obeyed, and gently shut his eyes.
Carlisle was quick to memorise the peaceful, innocent mask that slipped into place the moment Jasper's eyes closed. He looked as if he were sleeping, dreaming. Carefully and cautiously he pulled Jasper's face to his neck.
Jasper's eyes flew open as he inhaled deeply. He moved to pull away, but Carlisle's firm, cold hands held him close.
"Drink, Jasper." He spoke softly.
"Are you sure?"
"Shhh... yes, just drink. You need it."