Title: To Please the Monster Inside [Chapter Eleven]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper
Rating: M
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
Jasper spent the entire night in Carlisle’s arms, in silence.
Eight hours had passed. It felt like minutes.
His mind had emptied, almost shut down. He was only aware of the body next to him. Aware of the cold warmth that seeped through his skin.
Hard, powerful muscles pressed against own.
Gentle, strong hands kept him near.
The soft sound of breathing filled his ears.
And then the sun had risen through the window, soaking the room in pale yellow light.
Carlisle released his embrace, pulling his body away with slow, delicate caution.
“I have to go to work.” His voice was quiet. “School goes back tomorrow - I’m sure you remembered that. So if there’s anything you need, you should go and get it sometime today. Alice and Edward are going for a drive to Port Angeles, you might like to join them.”
Jasper laughed darkly. “I doubt it.”
Carlisle sighed. “I understand your anger toward Edward. But don’t let Alice suffer too.”
Jasper rose to his feet with grace and headed quickly for the door.
“Have I upset you now?” Carlisle asked sadly.
The doctor’s emotions caused Jasper to stop. He didn’t turn around.
Carlisle moved to stand behind him, placing an unsure hand on his shoulder. “I didn’t mean for it to offend you. I only ask that you not let her suffer because I know you will regret it, if you push her too far away.”
Jasper nodded and Carlisle let his hand drop.
“Don’t you despise me for what I’ve done, Carlisle?”
Frowning deeply, the doctor asked, “What do you mean? You’ve done nothing.”
“But I have! I’m breaking this family apart.”
Carlisle exhaled loudly. “Jasper, you are being dramatic. Go to Port Angeles with Alice and Edward. Enjoy yourself. Spend as much money as you can. And when I get home tonight, I’d like to hear all about your day.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jasper dressed all in black for the occasion. He would do as Carlisle asked. He would let himself be dragged along by Alice and death glared by Edward.
He would not enjoy himself. But he would spend as much money as possible - if not on himself, then he’d spend it on Alice.
And when Carlisle returned from the hospital, he would tell him every single detail of his completely fucking shit day.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
They took Edward’s car, naturally.
Jasper sat in the back, sulking beautifully with big, dark sunglasses covering his eyes.
Alice sat up front with the mind reader, staring out the window, singing along softly with the songs on the radio.
Edward’s temper had weakened since yesterday. It had all but simmered down to a medium between brooding and furious.
Jasper didn’t bother to hide his thoughts. And he allowed Edward to see what had happened that night.
The mind reader didn’t give much reaction to the images Jasper replayed in his mind. The feel of Carlisle’s body, the grace of his soothing hands. Edward didn’t acknowledge any of it.
Jasper tried harder, a small grin on his lips.
He completely opened up his mind, forcing his thoughts into Edward’s head.
Salty, thick blood. Luscious and rich on his tongue, his lips. Cold, resistant flesh, giving way beneath the strength of his teeth. Pure, seductive bliss. Firm, icy hands on his back, in his hair, digging into his scalp. Small, delicious gasps. Venom. Burning. And pain.
“Stop it, Jasper.” Edward hissed through gritted teeth.
Jasper smirked.
Lust. Black eyes. ‘I can make this good for you, Carlisle. You know I can.’ The doctor on his back. Growling.
The car screeched still. “Get out of my car.” Edward’s voice could kill.
Jasper didn’t care. “Make me.”
Edward’s door flew open. His hand was at Jasper’s throat two seconds later. Alice shouted for him to stop. Let go.
Edward growled, crushing his fingers around the empath’s wind pipe.
Jasper laughed. “I can’t die from strangulation, you fucking cunt.”
“Then maybe I’ll break your neck. Tear your head off. Dismember your body and burn your flesh to fucking ashes.”
Still laughing, Jasper circled his hand around Edward’s wrist, squeezing and twisting, harder and harder until he heard a snap.
Edward snarled, pulling his hand back to nurse the broken wrist.
“Stop it! What is wrong with you Jasper? Edward?! You’re acting like feral animals.” Alice placed herself between the males, pushing Edward away with a delicate hand. She looked Jasper in the eye. “What’s happened to you?” She whispered.
Stepping back, she closed the car door in Jasper’s face and asked Edward if he needed her to drive. He shook his head, glaring at Jasper through the tinted window. “I’m fine. Vampire strength, you know. My wrist has healed.”
He stormed back to the driver’s seat, slamming the door as he got in.
Alice closed her door without a sound, returning her gaze to the scenery outside, no longer singing in her happy, little voice.