Title: To Please the Monster Inside [Chapter Thirteen]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
Edward pulled Jasper from the car. He secured an arm around the empath's torso, latching his free hand onto Jasper's bicep. His fingers dug deep into the muscle. If Jasper were human, Edward would have left bruises.
Alice clasped one of her small hands around Jasper's own, holding tight.
Emmett was opening the front door before they had reached it, rushing out to meet them. Edward had called him as they drove home, asking him to warn the others of what had happened.
"Is he okay?" Emmett questioned, walking beside Edward now as they entered the house.
"He's better than he was." Edward muttered, staring across the room at Carlisle.
The doctor stood at the foot of the stairs, Esme and Rosalie behind him. His expression was calm, but his eyes showed fear. "Bring him upstairs." Carlisle's voice was soft.
Alice released her mate's hand as Emmett moved in to help Edward drag Jasper up to Carlisle's office.
Esme and Rosalie disappeared up the stairs before them, Carlisle following behind.
When they reached the office, Carlisle took hold of Jasper's upper arms, asking Edward and Emmett to let him go.
The doctor guided Jasper over to the couch, moving to stand behind him as he urged Jasper to sit. He placed his hands on the empath's shoulders, pushing him down.
Sitting by his side, Carlisle put a steady hand under Jasper's chin, forcing him to turn and meet his gaze. "Jasper?" He whispered, "Tell me exactly how you are feeling."
Jasper stared into Carlisle's eyes, leaning forward, as if he needed to look deeper. "My throat is burning. My head aches. There were so many of them. Everywhere. I couldn't get away. I didn't even try."
"You can't hurt them now. Everything is going to be perfectly alright."
"I would have killed them all. Every single one. There was no way I could have stopped myself. If Edward and Alice... didn't find me..."
"Shhh, it doesn't matter now." Carlisle ran the tips of his fingers over Jasper's cheek, his jaw, down the side of his neck. Then he turned to the others, all of whom were watching anxiously.
Little Alice stood closest, her hands folded tightly around herself. Carlisle could see, from the look in her eyes, she had seen this part coming. And she knew, before the doctor even spoke, what his intentions were.
And so she spoke up for him, her melodious voice firm and tiny. "Carlisle would like for us all to leave the room now. Jasper needs to feed. And Edward, do not argue - it won't help."
"What?! Don't argue? You just want me to walk out while Jasper feeds from our own father?!" Edward's voice rose with each word.
Alice made to speak again, but Carlisle silenced her. "Edward, if you do not leave this room, then you will have to watch."
Edward stared at Carlisle with an open mouth.
And then he turned and rushed from the room.
Esme took Alice by the hand, and they left together.
Emmett and Rosalie remained. They were the only members of the family with no knowledge that Jasper had already fed from their father in the past.
Emmett stepped forward, Rosalie followed closely behind.
"Carlisle... what are you doing?" Emmett's voice was unnaturally quiet. His face contorted with concern.
"Its alright, Emmett. This can be explained later. I will tell you everything you need to know. But not right now. Please go, and shut the door behind you."
"But... what...?" Emmett's eyebrows drew together in confusion. Rosalie moved to hold his hand, dragging him from the room.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
They were alone.
Jasper watched with black eyes as Carlisle removed his tie, undoing the first three buttons on his white cotton shirt.
Somewhere, lodged behind thoughts of human blood and Carlisle and sex and pain, was Jasper's realisation that Carlisle was still dressed for work - he had obviously come home early because of this.
The empath felt guilty for pulling the doctor away from what he loved.
But then, he loved Jasper, too.
Carlisle reached over and pulled Jasper closer.
The empath didn't wait for an invitation. He swung his left leg over Carlisle's hip, straddling him in one quick movement. He pushed the doctor's head to the side, and leant in, toward his perfect, sculpted neck.
There was no hesitation.
Jasper's teeth sank straight into the marble flesh. The second that blood hit his tongue, he felt a shiver run down his spine. He moaned, loud and long, drawing the blood into his mouth with quick, deep gulps.
Carlisle's hands traveled down Jasper's sides. They held his slender hips, caressing the cool flesh with equally cool fingers.
The empath pressed himself flush against the doctor's body, his hands tangled and twisted in the silvery blonde hair. He pulled, harder and harder as he drank.
Eyes closed tight, Jasper trembled with pleasure, bloodlust crawling and creeping beneath his skin.
It was cold and recycled, animal blood stored in the doctor's system for sustenance. But it tasted so good. And all Jasper wanted was more.
He sucked harder, teeth digging deeper. Thick, red fluid filling his gut.
He was faintly aware of Carlisle speaking. But his words held no purpose. He couldn't understand.
Hands of stone pushed against his chest, but they were weak. No match for Jasper's infinite strength.
He smiled against the doctor's neck, so satisfied with himself. So pleased that his prey couldn't fight him off. Couldn't save itself.
"Listen to me, Jasper. You've taken too much. You have to stop now. Jasper, you know who I am. Its Carlisle, and I am asking you to stop. Let go."
Jasper growled, but this time the words made sense.
He stopped feeding, his body frozen still for five long seconds.
And then he flung himself to the other side of the room. He held his breath, eyes still closed, his hand covering his mouth.
And he waited. He didn't need more. Wanted it, but didn't need it. His hunger was fading, vanishing like before. It would be gone in a matter of seconds.
All he had to do was wait.