Title: To Please The Monster Inside [Chapter 32]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper, Jasper/James
Rating: M
Disclaimer: Characters owned by Stephenie Meyer.
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
James watched them from the open doorway. Carlisle really was quite spectacular, he thought. No wonder Jasper had come back to him.
His lips lifted in a grin that suggested mischievous thoughts, eyes narrowing as he witnessed Jasper initiate a kiss with the doctor. Their lips brushed gently, Jasper’s eyes fluttering closed.
Suppressing a chuckle, the hunter turned to walk away, and came face to face with Edward. This vampire didn’t trust him, that much was perfectly obvious. There was a threat in his eyes, making James take a small step back.
“I know what you’re thinking, James. If you so much as try, I will kill you.” Edward’s voice was low, his words dripping with sincerity.
“You know what I’m thinking?” James raised his eyebrows.
“Every single thought.” And then Edward walked away.
~ ~ ~
Jasper found Edward in the early hours of the morning, playing the piano with a heavy heart. Sitting down beside his brother, Jasper filled Edward with serenity, smiling as he felt his powers take effect. “What’s the matter, Edward? Is it me?”
The mind reader continued to play, swaying slightly to his own rhythm. “No, Jasper. I have decided that being angry with you would be pointless. What’s done is done.”
“Oh…” Jasper breathed.
Edward smiled.
“So, what’s wrong, then? You’re in a bad mood.”
Edward sighed. “I don’t think James should stay here. I don’t trust him, at all.”
“Well, that’s understandable. But I want Carlisle to help him, and I wouldn’t have brought him here if I didn’t believe he could change.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“Is that all it is, you don’t trust him?”
Edward switched to another melody, this one slower, sadder. “I read his thoughts earlier. He was watching you and Carlisle. He doesn’t want us to have you back, Jasper.”
“What was he thinking?”
“Of all the ways he could hurt Carlisle, tear the two of you apart.”
“Just be careful, okay?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Don’t worry yourself about this, though. Alice and I will keep an eye on James.”
The two sat quietly for a while, accompanied by the music Edward made with his fingers.
“Have you spoken to Alice yet?” Edward asked.
“You broke her heart, you know that, don’t you?”
“And you don’t love her anymore, not like you used to.”
“What happened, Jasper? How did you just stop wanting her?”
“I don’t know. I still love her, Edward. But she’s not my mate… not anymore. There’s something that’s just not there - something that’s missing. And, though I don’t know why, I have no desire to find it again.”
“I know.”
“Reading my mind?”
Edward hesitated. “No, actually, I’m not. Alice has told me a lot of things, Jasper. Some things she showed me with her mind, others she spoke to me about over many nights. She has looked far into the future, and doesn’t see the two of you together again. It’s hard for her, very painful, but she is accepting the fact that you don’t belong to her anymore.”
Jasper just nodded, feeling guilty. He had done the most horrid, unforgivable things, yet nobody seemed intent on making him suffer for his actions. “Edward, tell me something, honestly?”
“Of course.”
“Do you think I am bad, that my soul is evil?”
“I don’t know if we even have souls, Jasper. Regardless, you are what you are, and you will be what you will be. Don’t dwell on the things you’ve done, just let them go.”
“I can’t. The things I’ve done are going to haunt me for decades to come.”
“Would it help if I were upset with you? Do you want me to shout and tell you that you’re terrible?”
“I don’t know…”
“Well, I’m not going to.”
They spent the rest of the morning just sitting there, Edward changing melodies every few minutes, Jasper closing his eyes and breathing in the sound.
Eventually, they were interrupted.
Carlisle came to say goodbye, he had to leave for work.
Emmett, Rosalie and Alice left soon after, for school.
“You’re not going with them?” Jasper asked Edward.
“I’m not too keen on leaving James alone with you.”
“Edward, I can handle myself.”
“Doesn’t mean you can handle him.”
“But Esme will be here, she can watch out for me.”
“It would be better to have two of us here with you, just incase.”