Title: Your Little Whore [Sequel to: My Thoughts Perverse] Pairing: One-sided Peter/Edmund Rating: R Warnings: Rape. Incest. Summary: Hold still, it will be over soon.
Cold, twisted, wicked, disturbing and haunting. You convey the emotions very well, I really feel for Edmund. Overall, perfect i love it.
Sometimes at night when I can't find sleep, I roll onto my side and open my eyes, and my breathing stops when I see you right there, wide awake and, motionless and watching.
That broke my heart. Poor Ed:( And here I thought he, in some twisted way, liked what his brother was doing... Anyway, good sequel. I cannot wait to see more of Narnia (P/E) of you!!
I loved this in a sick way. I really enjoy your writing and I hope you continue to write Peter/Edmund! They are just so delicious and they will live forever in my heart. <3 :)
Comments 19
Sometimes at night when I can't find sleep, I roll onto my side and open my eyes, and my breathing stops when I see you right there, wide awake and, motionless and watching.
^ esp Creepy.. o_O
And here I thought he, in some twisted way, liked what his brother was doing...
Anyway, good sequel. I cannot wait to see more of Narnia (P/E) of you!!
Thanks a bunch for commenting :D
It was great to have Edmund POV.
lol. Thanks so much xox
I really enjoy your writing and I hope you continue to write Peter/Edmund!
They are just so delicious and they will live forever in my heart.
<3 :)
Thank you very much for your comment, it is much appreciated.
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