Title: To Please The Monster Inside [Chapter 34]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Characters owned by Stephenie Meyer.
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
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Comments 16
I was a little wary about Twilight fic, especially between such an unusual pairing such as this one, but I found this one night and was intrigued, and I am extraordinarily glad I stuck with it. Your writing is excellent, and I absolutely love this story. This scene is phenomenally written and beautiful. The chemistry you write between them is fantastic.
You've converted me. :) I hope to read more of you work in the future. Carlisle and Jasper are just so beautiful together. It seems like the most appropriate word here.
Sorry for jumping on the bandwagon a little late. :P
Your comments are wonderful and I really appreciate them. This scene was a little worrisome to write - because I knew it was the scene everyone had been waiting for. But in the end it was easy enough.
Thank you very much for taking the time to let me know what you think.
And your icon is great!
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