To Please The Monster Inside [Carlisle/Jasper][Chapter Fifteen]

May 03, 2009 15:05

Title: To Please the Monster Inside [Chapter Fifteen]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper
Rating: M
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.

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twilight slash, carlisle/jasper

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Comments 10

:D you_ravish_me May 3 2009, 08:03:20 UTC
One word ... COCKBLOCK!!!! I'm hooked on this story. Hooked I tell you! God help me I like this pairing. I can't wait till the next chap. This little tale is immensly interesting and well written. Agian, I'm hooked. Keep up the good work ^_^

Peace and Love,



Re: :D surgical_rush May 3 2009, 08:24:17 UTC
Thank you, thank you very much.

And let me just say that I am enjoying your Twilulz far too much. Every chapter has me literally laughing out loud.

I love your portrayal of Edward as a smug footface. And Emmett is just too funny. You're doing a great job.




harrietmary May 3 2009, 12:47:14 UTC
You continue to write exquisitely!

This is proberbly one of the best chapter so far (except for mabey the mall scene) but that may have something to do with my uncontrolable love of anything even remotaly erotic.

Something has changed in Carlisle , or maybe he is just giving into his feelings. I liked how this chapter promised more than 'this'between them.

I am also pleased that you explained exacly why Edward is so angry with Jasper (and to an extent Carlisle). I had a vauge idea but now I undersatnd fully.

I applude you for this line :'Jasper laughed. “I won’t bite.” He promised, a wide, playful grin on his face.' It made me giggle :D.
You were very clever to include that.

You made Japer seem like such a child (in a good way) in this part , wanting something he (thinks he) can't have. I particualy enjoyed the use of the word 'whined'.

Keep up the excalent work!



surgical_rush May 4 2009, 06:00:42 UTC
Cheers :)

I'm glad you liked that line. It just popped into my head and I thought, yes, thats perfect! I could just imagine Jasper saying that.



You my dear are a tease! post_script3 May 3 2009, 14:38:10 UTC
Seriously, I always feel thorn after each chapter. On the one hand, I want things to come to a head between Jasper and Carlisle. On the other, I want it to be resolve in a sort of pre-slash UST but still with Jasper (and maybe subconsciously Carlisle) finding a metaphorical release. Because despite the fact that Esme is understanding and Alice is (somewhat) coping. I think they might be heart broken if their respective mates decided to cross *that line*. And I don’t want to see that because despite having only gotten to know through fanfiction, I’ve consistently like Esme and Alice. And the way you portray them is particularly gut wrenching because this sense of foreboding that seems to hang over the four of them ( ... )


Re: You my dear are a tease! surgical_rush May 4 2009, 06:12:06 UTC
Can I just say how much I enjoy the fact that your comments are always so detailed and informative.

Hearing your opinions helps me write because its useful for me to know how others are interpreting my work. And I can tell that you pay attention because you have picked up on little things, like the two calling each other father and son and the subliminal meaning behind that.

I actually don't believe in marriage. But living in sin, I could handle that. I'd be delighted to write stories for you. And I'd be even more delighted for you to give me prompts and ideas to work from. And, obviously, your smashing reviews would be very appreciated.

So, cheers for your massive and brilliant comment.




littlevict0ries May 4 2009, 03:03:55 UTC
I just sat down and read all the chapters of this story in one sitting... it's fabulous! I can't wait to read more. :)


surgical_rush May 4 2009, 05:55:08 UTC
Thank you :)



comesaregular May 5 2009, 14:17:53 UTC
Wow, it seems this is suddenly going in a different direction, what made Carlisle change his mind? Is it because Esme seems/is so accepting? Or is Carlisle just accepting his feelings? But, I wonder, how accepting Esme will be if they actually have sex. And Alice.. I really want to know how she reacts to the theory and if maybe she's already seen what's going to happen? I mean, Carlisle has decided that they ARE going to have sex, so poor Alice must have seen it. I find Jasper's dislike of Edward to be a bit.. odd. I mean, he really can't understand why someone would find it hard to accept that his brother wants to DO his own father? And you said Edward 'silenty suffered', why is that? Is it because 1)he hates it that Jasper wants to have sex with his own (adoptive) father or 2) because he's jealous, HE wants Carlisle (that would make for a VERY twisted family;)). Or is it just because Jasper is getting more attention than he is? Though that's a rather recent change, so that can't have been bothering him for years. God, this is SO ( ... )


surgical_rush May 6 2009, 02:16:50 UTC
Indeed, what did make Carlisle change his mind?

I like what you have to say about Jasper and his not being able to understand why Edward "would find it hard to accept that his brother wants to do his own father."

That made me lol.


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