Title: To Please the Monster Inside [ChapterTwenty-One]
Pairing: Carlisle/Jasper
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Fiction
Summary: The monster inside Jasper lusts for human blood. When the desire is too strong to resist, there is only one who can help. Carlisle tamed this monster once, and now he must try again.
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Comments 10
"I will give him what he wants, he can have me"
This chapter was really good, I can almost feel the tension. And for once , I think Edward is doing the right thing. I don't know what the out come will be but at the moment Jasper has the potentialy to seriously hurt Carlisle.
I hope Jasper 'get's well soon' in whatever way possible.
All these emotions over fictional characters, lol. The imagination is such a crazy thing.
Thanks xox
And I actually find cliffhangers easy to write. Maybe I am inspired by the suspense. lol.
Thanks heaps.
Sorry I haven't been commenting as of late. Strep throat is kicking my ass and I feel like bleh. This story is only getting better and better. People, *cough* EDWARD *cough* should listen to Carlisle. Oy. I can't wait for more. Keep it up.
And with that. I'm gonig back to bed. I saw your strep ... It was BLEH!!!! :P
Peace and Love,
I send you a massive hug full of vitamins in order to ensure a swift recovery for you.
Thank you for finding the strength to read my story and leave a lovely comment.
sorry I worried you. Didn't mean to disappear like that. But I've had quite a busy week and I've so tired lately. So I haven't had time to read over the last few chapters you posted or to comment properly. But things are starting to look up. So you'll definetly hear from me this week.
So how have you been lately?
I've been pretty good, thank you for asking. Just working and vegetating, you know, the usual.
But how are you? I have just missed you so much. You can't imagine the little smile that popped onto my face when I saw I had a new message and it was from you.
What has been keeping you so busy, if you dont mind me asking?
Well, anyway so YAY, you have to catch up on my story - its just starting to get to the good part! (even if I do say so myself, lol.)
Cant wait to hear what you think.
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