I haven't written in a while. Oh dear.
Title: Morning
Rating: K
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pairings/Characters: Sokka, Sokka/Suki
Word Count: 400
Summary: Post-finale. Some musing and incoherence.
Disclaimer: Bryke owns all.
He wakes up this morning wrong.
At first he thinks it’s because of what he’s sleeping on: the bed. It’s so big and so plush and nothing like sleeping bags, which tend to be constricting.
Then he decides that this bed is too comfortable to complain about, and proceeds to turn on his side and sleep some more, only to realize how red the room is.
It’s slightly disconcerting.
He’s spent weeks hiding out in the Fire Nation, and is almost accustomed to the heat the excessive red and gold fabric seems to radiate.
The way it looks wrong on his skin.
(Not like blue, so cool and soothing. Even green is better.)
He can think of no escape from the red. This is the Fire Nation Palace after all, and logically, everything is draped in the generic colors of this nation at its governmental head, of course.
He can no longer sleep, and stumbles into the adjoining bathroom.
(Adjoining bathroom? Better, at least. Less red. More cool stone.)
He’s almost forgotten his leg, until it bumps against the deep bath, and a shock of pain rattles him like lightning.
(Pain, pain, pain; don’t cry. Hurts, hurts, hurts; find Katara.)
He finds himself half huddled against the side of the bath, his splinted leg jutting out awkwardly. He just breathes for a moment, washing away the pain.
Then he realizes the ridiculousness of his situation.
(Fire Nation Palace. Bathroom. Broken leg.)
If someone had told him a month ago that he’d be curled up on the floor of a bathroom in the Fire Nation Palace, unarmed and with a broken leg, he would have laughed.
And yet this is where he is.
In the Palace, as a guest. After taking out a fleet of airships with Toph and Suki.
(...Where is everyone? Which hallway? Which chamber?)
And then a suffocating thought crashes down on him.
The war is over.
It’s over, and he doesn’t have to sneak around the Fire Nation trying to blend in.
It’s over, and he doesn’t need to make ridiculous timetables anymore.
It’s over, and he has all the time in the world with Suki.
(Still so much to do. Fixing the world. No more Ozai, though.)
He hears footsteps, and guesses that it’s Katara come to forcibly drag him out of bed.
He decides he prefers the neutral bathroom to the crimson bedroom, and waits.