Hetalia Day meetup in Orlando!
Definitely not the huge cosplay extravaganza that I've seen around here, but we still definitely had a good time! And good food! (And Hetalia themed Apples to Apples.)
Organized by
fluffymaru, we met up at Lake Eola, which was lovely. There was a cute little pagoda that we claimed in the name of food and awesome.
I brought the pineapple upside down cake and corn bread, as those were the two most American things I could think of other than bad beer and burgers.
Hamburger Cake - A tasty ploy for (a future)Russia to pull America into his trap...
We played Hetalia themed Apples to Apples, and this one was by far my favorite. (Another favorite was "Easy" to "Slobodon Milosevic")
Group Shot! And then we all had to go... Because I work at stupid times.
SurprisebuttsexPunk! England:
0nightwing0 And also:
rmea and our wonderful organizer and cake bringer
Here's the rest of the photos for anyone who's interested!