(Drabble 1 of 4 from
tinman100 Challenge 24 - "Cabin")
Title: Port in a Storm
Word Count: 500
Characters: Glitch/Cain, Raw/Jeb
Rating: NC-17 (mild)
Huddled against a wall and shivering violently, Jeb scowled into the darkness. “The storm isn’t that bad,” he grumbled, even as he heard the howl of wind outside the mouth of the cave. “We could have made it to the cabin.”
Raw produced a lighter from somewhere deep in his coat and lit the meager pile of wood he had scavenged from the ground. “Would rather Jeb survived storm,” he replied solemnly. “Come here.”
Needing no further encouragement, Jeb scurried over and made himself at home within Raw’s warm embrace. He decided that it wasn’t so bad here after all.
“Where are they?” Glitch fretted at the cabin’s window, peering out into snowfall so thick he couldn’t see the tree line anymore. “Do you think something’s happened? What if they’re hurt? What - “
Cain settled his hands on Glitch’s shoulders from behind. “They’re both good at surviving, you know that. If they’re not back by morning we’ll go out and look. No point us getting caught in the storm, too.”
Glitch sighed and leaned back. “I’m just worried.”
Holding Glitch close and pressing his lips to a spot just below Glitch’s ear, Cain gave him something else to think about.
The cave was growing steadily warmer from the small fire, though the necessity of having to place it below a crack in the ceiling to vent the smoke caused the occasional chill.
But Jeb wasn’t paying any attention to that, not when he had warm, soft lips on his throat and an even warmer hand tucked firmly into his pants.
Legs trembling and hands clutching at Raw’s thighs on either side of him, Jeb shuddered with bliss until he felt the sharp wrench of release tear through his suddenly too-warm body.
“Who needs cabin,” Raw muttered in Jeb’s ear, pleased.
Glitch stretched lazily, contorting his body in lanky, loose-limbed fashion, rubbing his head against Cain’s ribcage. A strained moan escaped as he worked the kinks from his limbs.
Bright morning light caught his eye and he squinted up at Cain, who was smirking at him upside down. Or, Glitch realized, his own head was upside down. “Morning?”
“Yes,” Cain grinned, swooping down for a kiss.
“OH!” Glitch twisted around until his parts were in some semblance of order and he could sit up. “We need to find Jeb and Raw!”
Just then, there was a knock on the cabin door.
Jeb stomped the packed snow from his boots on the raised step of the cabin door. He felt Raw’s hand brushing the snow from his hair. “Hey, Dad. Glitch,” Jeb greeted with a smile. “Hope we didn’t have you up all night worrying.”
The look Glitch and Cain exchanged was anything but innocent. “No,” Cain managed, rubbing the back of his neck even as his face went pink. “Figured you two could manage until morning.”
Raw snickered and Jeb flushed. Raw cleared his throat and steered toward the kitchen. “Pancakes?”
“Yes, please!” Glitch nearly leaped at the change of subject.