(no subject)

Nov 10, 2019 20:08

Have you ever been to a Chinatown in any of the cities you’ve been to? i don't think so..
How old was the oldest person you’ve dated? i haven't really dated anyone..
Do you know anyone who has their own podcast? sure
Who is the first person under C in your phone’s contacts? How old are they? i don't have anyone under c
Have you ever been to couple’s counseling? no
How often does your employer ask you to work overtime? usually like once a month
What did you have for dinner last night? spaghetti and meatballs
How many children do you want, and how did you decide on this number? none
Where did your last kiss take place? i haven't kissed anyone
Did you often read for fun when you were a kid? yeah, i've always loved reading lol
^What were some of your favorite books? where the red fern grows, bob books, etc
When and why did you last feel lonely? recently?
Are you more of a visual learner or an auditory learner? maybe both at the same time..
Do you have any dietary restrictions? a little
Do you prefer Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze, or something else? google maps
What is your favorite coffee brand? i don't drink coffee
What is your favorite tea brand? i don't drink tea
Have you ever worn false eyelashes? i might have tried once, but i'm not positive..
How old does someone have to be for you to see them as an adult? over 20?
Do you ever ‘manspread’ when you sit down? at home haha
Which of your good habits has made the biggest positive difference
in your life? being positive lol, etc
Have you ever dated someone who was very lazy? no
Have you ever turned down a job offer? don't think so..
What was the last medical appointment you scheduled? med check
What are some of your favorite alcoholic drinks? fruity ones
Have you ever taught an elderly relative how to use a computer/smartphone? a little
Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing? title wave books in anchorage
How many people can be seated at your kitchen table? 4
.:What is the most immature item you own and actually use? *shrugs*
.:What is the first section of the grocery store you’d go to? where some snacks are, for one
.:Someone walks into your room, what do they notice first? hmm..my bookshelves or posters of cherry?
.:Do you like fans that blow directly on you or oscillate? blow directly on me
.:How much change did you receive from your last purchase? i used my card
.:What is one thing you worry about most in long-term goals? not having enough money to get there..
.:At what volume is your tv usually set on? medium?
.:Right before you fall asleep, what is your usual position? on my side or back
.:When itching your nose do you use your left hand or your right hand? depends
.:When listening to a mixed CD, who do you skip to first? i don't listen to mixed cds
.:If your area down there itches in public do you wait, or attend to it? wait lol
.:When you have sex, do you keep your eyes closed or open when finishing? virgin
.:When you have mail do you open the biggest one first, or doesn’t matter? maybe, or the most interesting looking one
.:If I stepped into your shower, what is the first item I would notice? shampoo or bath mat?
.:When you wake up what is the first thing you usually look for? my watch, so i know what time it is
.:How many times a day do you think you sneeze? depends
.:If you smoke, do you prefer lights or full-flavor? i don't smoke
.:Think of the last habit/addiction you quit. What replaced it? *shrugs*
.:It’s raining and your car is parked on the street. Do you run or walk? i don't have a car
.:When chasing a shot do you drink soda before and after or just after? i've never done that
.:Your phone rings but you don’t know the number, would you answer it? probably not
.:What is the last color of a t-shirt you would ever wear? puke green?
.:Do you have a separate e-mail that you get junk sent to? no
.:Have you ever changed your captions on your pictures or left them? sure
.:Do you shower after swimming in pools to get chlorine off you? not necessarily
.:How many cars have you actually owned? none
.:Where is the last place you went when it was raining? work or home?
.:Do you always take a shower after you have sex? virgin
.:Do you organize your movies you own in any sort of way? not really
.:What was the last dirty thought you thought of? *shrugs*
.:Do you stay sitting on the toilet when wiping or hover a little? depends
.:What singer or group are you a closet-fan of? harry styles is rather cute LOL
.:When you wash your hair in the shower do you face the faucet or away? away
.:Would you let the girl/boy pay on the first date if she really wanted to? suree lol
.:Have you ever had a friend who preferred the same sex? yeah
.:What was the name of the last alcohol you consumed that got you trashed? i've never been trashed
.:When watching a movie do you put your feet up on the chair in front? no
.:Do you let your girl/boyfriend drive, or do you prefer to? i'm single
.:Do you do your own dishes or let the dishwasher worry about it? i do them, i don't have a dishwasher
.:The last time you had sex was it in the morning, afternoon or night?
.:Do you always wash your hands, even if you just pee? yeah
.:What is one thing that you secretly dislike about people in general? pettiness?
i have blue hair and green eyes
i have red hair and hazel eyes
i’m very tall
my hair is really really curly
i have brown hair and blue eyes
i have freckles
my eyebrow game is strong
i have black hair and brown eyes
i have dimples
i wear contact lenses
i tan easily
i have small eyelashes
i paint my nails

i hate wearing flip-flops
i don’t have converse
i wear foundation (almost) every day
i have stretch marks/tattoo(s)
i love wearing head bands
i hate wearing mascara
i have at least one pair of vans
i hate sweaters
i love wearing high heels
i own brown eyeliner
i love skirts/dresses
i own at least 3 pairs of jeans
i often wear scarves
i never wear necklaces

i’m the oldest child
i have an older brother
i’m from South America
i know how to swear in more than two languages
one (or more) of my parents is from another country
i have a younger sister
i have siblings that live in Asia
i’m an orphan
i have family that live in Australia
i know two or more languages

i’m in high school
i love history
i have/had a teacher that is great in explaining and actually teaching
i got fired
i know what i want to do in the future
i know more than 3.14 of Pi (the next two, 15 lol)
i don’t participate in extracurricular activities (since i'm not in school lol)
i learned more than one language
i love math
i already have a job
my grades are almost never excellent/very good
i want to go to college/i’m in college
i want to be a professional athlete/writer/artist
I have:
broken a bone
ridden a motorcycle
a best friend
a favorite song
sung in the shower
been told that i’m smart/pretty
punched/slapped somebody
told somebody they are pretty
my own room
a star crush
kissed a boy/a girl
online best friends
spent a whole night without sleeping

I’m afraid of:
people disliking me
somebody yelling at me
somebody finding out a secret about me
favorite character dying
stormy weather
having to talk in front of people
kissing somebody
small rooms

I love:
sleeping until 12pm
reading books online
fluffy blankets
watching movies
channing tatum
hot chocolate
harry potter
cold showers
my hair
my wardrobe
Today you…
…got angry at something.
…lost your metro card.
…lost money.
…wore your glasses.
…got your order from the internet.
…got a new t-shirt.
…got a new bra.
…chewed gum.
…drank water.
…drank coffee.
…shaved. (not yet, soon though)
…talked over the phone.
…asked for help.
…played sims.
…ate breakfast.
…went to sleep at 3 am.
…woke up after 6 am.
…woke up at 12 pm.
…were still hungry after eating.
…ate ice cream. (not yet, i think i will later though..)
…used the bathroom in a restaurant.
…had plans for tomorrow.
…took photos.
Your walls are pink.
You have a single-person bed.
You have lots of posters on your wall.
You sleep with pillows you made yourself.
Your closet is overflowing.
You have condoms/birth control in your dresser.
You have a magazine rack.
You have a yoga mat.
You have a full-length mirror.
You have drugs hidden away somewhere.

You like artsy things.
…But you’re not the best artist.
You love to read.
You listen to music all the time.
You like to write.
You collect beer bottle caps.
Scrapbooking is amazing.
You love the beach.
You love to travel and want to see the world.
Astrology interests you.

Your parents are still married.
You have a younger brother.
You’re the youngest girl in your family.
You enjoy family events.
You have relatives in another country.
Someone in your family is gay.
You only have one living grandparent.
Overall you have a good relationship with your parents.
Someone in your family is estranged from the rest of you.
You have pets.

You don’t have many friends, but you’re very close to the ones you do have.
You have more than one best friend.
Almost all of your friends are in relationships.
You have a friend in the Marines.
You have a friend who is Russian.
You have a friend who is Persian.
You still have a close friend from elementary school.
You only have one virgin friend. (not sure..)
You’ve done illegal things with friends.
At least one of your friends has had a baby.
The Smiths.
The Rolling Stones.
Andre Nickatina.
Fleetwood Mac.
David Bowie.
Amy Winehouse.
The Beatles.
Alice in Chains.

Donnie Darko
Buffalo 66.
Fight Club.
Black Swan.
Mysterious Skin.
Sweeney Todd.
Alice in Wonderland.

TV - you like/watch any of the following TV shows
Breaking Bad.
Jersey Shore.
Project Runway.
16 and pregnant/Teen Mom.
Skins (UK version).
That '70s Show.
South Park.
Family Guy.

You’ve only had one genuine relationship.
You got your first kiss at 17.
You have rejected someone.
You plan on moving out with your partner someday.
You are not a virgin.
You have sex often.
You’ve spent the night with a significant other.
You have never cheated.
Your partner is much older than you.
You are on birth control.

Random, so what’s in your purse today?
Birth control pills.
Chocolate kisses.
Spare change.
Water bottle.
Have I ever…
Watched the Ghostbusters remake.
Eaten food that fell on the floor.
Wanted to be one of the Kardashians.
Made dumb faces at myself in the bathroom mirror.
Dressed as the opposite sex.
Tried to see how many marshmallows can fit into my mouth.
Watched Spongebob Squarepants.
Stayed up for more than 24 hours.
Cried during a Pixar movie.
Had a crush, or man crush, on Ron Swanson.
Dropped my phone in the toilet.
“Cleaned up” by piling everything into a closet.
Sung karaoke.
Chugged a beer in less than 10 seconds.
Watched the “Gangnam Style” music video.
Had a crush on someone from “Full House.”
Dyed my hair and had it turn out terribly.
Watched an episode of “Gilmore Girls”.
Pretended to know a stranger.
Sang a Justin Bieber song in the shower.
Worn sleepwear as if it were outerwear.
Said “excuse me” when there was no one around.
Been kicked out of a bar.
Scared myself in a mirror.
Missed a high five.
Gotten a tattoo I regret.
Heard someone else doing it.
Sang any song in the shower.
Sang terrible karaoke while drunk.
Blamed farts on an animal.
Secretly wished I were a wizard at Hogwarts.
Ruined someone else’s vacation.
Slept in regular clothing.
Stalked someone I just met on social media.
Had a nightmare about zombies chasing me. (possibly..)
Jumped from a roof.
Danced in an elevator.
Pretended to laugh at a joke I didn’t get.
Been scared of clowns.
Taken part in a talent show.
Thought a cartoon character was hot.
Faked being sick so I could play video games.
Thrown up on a roller coaster.
Liked Star Wars more than Star Trek.
Tried out to be an extra in a movie.
Dyed my hair a crazy color.
Scored over 100 while bowling. (don't remember)
Used an Instant Pot.
Had someone slap me across the face.
Played Candy Crush.
Won a game of Scrabble. (maybe..)
Watched Game Of Thrones.
Thrown something into a TV or computer screen.
Made a duck face when taking a selfie.
Set my or someone else’s hair on fire on purpose.
Looked out the car’s passenger seat window and imagined it was a scene from a music video.
Actually laughed out loud when typing “LOL.”
Had a bad fall because I was walking and texting.
Reread an email immediately after sending it.
Daydreamed about being on a talk show and what I’d talk about.
Been in an embarrassing video that was uploaded to YouTube.
Googled my own name to see what comes up.
Pretended I was running from zombies while on a run.
Fallen down in public because I was drunk.
Sat in the shower.
Tried something I saw on Pinterest.
Wet my pants in public.
Ugly cried for no reason.
Made a prank phone call.
Went to the wrong house when I was drunk.
Grabbed the wrong person’s hand.
Screamed during a scary movie.
Posted something on social media while drunk.
Had a hangover so bad I wanted someone to shoot me.
Lied to my parents about being hung over.
Spent a night in the “drunk tank.”
Woken up drunk the next day.
Gotten drunk to make someone look better.
Drank so much I didn’t remember the entire night.
Had soda come out my nose.
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