(no subject)

Apr 07, 2020 00:36

Name 3 foods that you like that your mom doesn't.
Grape flavored candies, ground turkey... nothing is coming to me for a third one...

What flavor was the last popsicle you ate?
Probably cherry... I like to eat popsicles when I am sick.  Or in the summerime

Do you like mango?

What was the last thing you got falsely accused of?
Hitting a weed pen in the car with my mom.

What was the last thing you ordered online?
The Sims 4

Who was the last person you rode in a car with?

Have you ever been kicked out of a store?
When I was a teenager.

Which major holiday is your birthday closest to?
I think Labor Day?  My birthday is in the beginning of August.

Do you use a sunlamp?
My lizard has one.

When was the last time you cleaned your room?
Not for a while.  I should probably do that soon.

Do you feel like you accomplished anything today?
Not really.

Do you drink tea every day?

What does caffeine do to you?
Keeps me alert for a little bit, then very sleepy shortly after that.

What's a drink you have been loving lately?

What was your favorite Starbucks drink last summer?
My favorite Starbucks drink is always iced coffee with just a little bit of cream and a little bit of sweetener.

What is/was your favorite teen magazine?
I used to read Seventeen all the time

What were you almost named?
I don't know.

What would your name be if you had been born the opposite gender?

Are you happy with your life right now?

Do you ever feel jealous of others?

When was the last time you had a fever?
A few months ago.  No, I did not have the coronavirus.

Do you normally get fevers when you're sick?

Do you get the stomach flu every year?
I haven't had that in a while.

Which symptom do you get more often when you're sick: fever or vomiting?

What color hair would you have if you were a cartoon character?

Use 5 words to describe your dream wedding.
I do not have one.

Would other people describe you as creative?
I doubt it.

Do you trust all of your facebook friends?

Have you ever had a facebook friend betray you?
I don't know?

...a real-life friend betray you?
Of course.  Who hasn't experienced a shitty friend in their lifetime?

What color are your slippers?
They're all differen't colors.. They're this sort of sweater pattern

Would you rather paint or carve a pumpkin?

What state do you want to visit next?

If you had to live in another country for a year, which country would it be?
I don't know

things associated with France.
Eiffel Tower, Paris, Quebec

things associated with England.
British flag, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, David Bowie

things you wouldn't do at a wedding.
Say mean things to the people getting married

things associated with Japan.
Anime, sushi, cherry blossoms

things you hate.
Mean people, Donald Trump, dubstep, when the bad guys win.

trends you dislike.
People shaving their eyebrows off, fake freckles, obnoxious chunky FILA shoes, being a "witch"

fast food restaurants you like.
McDonald's and Chic-fil-a

wishes you'd make if you found a magic lamp with a genie inside.
For me to have a million dollars or win the lottery

girl's names you like.
I hate this fuckng question

boy's names you like.
And again

reasons you hated school.
Being bullied, struggling to keep my grades up, having to get up early, homework

reasons you loved school.
Being around my friends, most of my teachers

names of best friends you've had.
Katelyn, Caitlin, Steph, Teanna, Jess, Chris, Kristen, Kim, Marlena

things that have made you feel nauseous.
Cutting myself really bad at work, drinking too much a previous night, giving blood/having blood drawn for medical reasons, gross smells

fears that you faced and overcame.
Socializing as part of my job.

things you never want to experience again.
Living with an abusive person, having to deal with the cops

experiences you'd like to relive.
Falling in love for the first time.

things you love about spring.
Weather warming up.

things you like about being sick.
Well... I mean I guess if you're a kid, missing school is kind of exciting.  And being able to lay around and have someone take care of you.  Being sick is only sort of "fun" when you're a child.  When you're older, it just flat out sucks because you have to miss work and shit.

things you like about winter.
Christmas.  Then winter can be over.

things associated with Peru.

cultures you haven't heard much about.
Most of them

things you don't know much about.
Most things.

Do you have moments you wish you could erase from your memory?
I sort of feel like most people have those kinds of memories.

Are you haunted by memories of stupid things you've said and done?
Haha yeah, mostly shit when I was younger/angsty and then shit I DON'T remember because I was drunk... and the only reason I know about those things is because other people told me.  Which ultimately makes it embarrassing

Did you like high school or college better?
High school was easier.

Who was your favorite Olsen twin?
I never really liked them that much to be honest

Are you part Irish?

Do you ever listen to Celtic music?
What is with this fucking person and Celtic music?

What type of survey should I make next?
Something where you don't mention Celtic music every two seconds.  Jesus Christ

Do you wear slippers?
Yes I do.

Which accent do you like best?
I love British accents.

Tea or coffee?
I love both, but I would choose coffee if I had the option.

What show did you want to be on when you were younger?
The Price is Right.

Have you ever won a spelling bee?
I've never even been in a spelling bee

Were you one of the smartest in your class?
Doubt that

Do you think it's unfair that people less intelligent than you make more money than you?
Doing what?

Do you know a lot of rich and spoiled and selfish people?
I know of them

Are you still waiting for the guy/girl of your dreams?
I don't even give a shit at this point..

Do you enjoy being single?
I'm not single right now.

Do you enjoy mornings?
Not really.

Have you ever been to jail?

Have you ever feared going to jail or thought about what it would be like?
Yeah, a few times.

Is the criminal justice system fair where you live?
Not always

Is your country's government corrupt?

Do you ever meditate on Scripture and pray to God?

Which do you like better: your Chinese zodiac sign or regular zodiac sign?
I don't give a rat's ass

What are your zodiac signs (Chinese and regular)?
I'm a Leo.  That's all I know.

Did you know that the zodiac signs (the regular ones) are Greek?
Wow amazing

Have you ever learned about Greek mythology in school?

Did you enjoy literature?
I did

What was your favorite book you had to read for school?
Great Expectations

Do you stay up late?
Recently, yes

Will you let your kids have a youtube channel, do you think?
I don't want kids

Have you ever owned a designer purse?

Do you like the taste of Tums?


Do you find it fun to pray for people?
I don't pray, and even if I did... how would that be considered...fun?

Has your mom ever crocheted you a blanket?

Do you regret letting a certain guy slip away?

Do you call yourself stupid a lot?

What show did you want to be on as a kid?
I answered that question already

Do you have regrets?

Does anyone really know you?
Of course

What song do you want played at your wedding?
I don't know if I will even get married.

Are you a fan of Taylor Swift?
No, I really can't stand her actually

Would you ever dye your hair unicorn colors?
I have already

Have you ever been on a cross-country train trip?

List 3 of your pet peeves.
People who don't say please/thank you, people who loudly slurp their wing sauce off their fingers instead of using a napkin, when people shove their trash into their glassware.  Sorry, been thinking about customers at work a lot.  I almost wish I was irritated right now.

Do you type fast?

What do you like to put on your pancakes?
Butter and maple syrup.

Have you ever accidentally drank spoiled milk?

Name somoene you know who's baby died of SIDS.
What is that

^What was the baby's name?
Well, I don't even know what you're talking about.

Have you ever had your heartbroken?

When you were 3, was your natural hair color the same as it is now?

Have you ever received a scary message from someone online?

....that made you feel threatened for your life?
Not THAT scary.

Do you feel safe in your hometown?
I did when I lived there

....in your home?

List 10 careers you've considered or would consider.
Ten?  Why so many?

What do you think of the name Brimley?
Stupid white people name.

The first three are fine, Storm is stupid though.  Unless you're a fan of X-Men I guess.

Do you have a unique name or a common name?
I don't know that many people named Victoria, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that it's a unique name.  I just don't think it's that common anymore

What does your first name rhyme with?

What color hair did your first crush have?

Do you have freckles on your face?

Do you own pink pants?

List 10 names you think would be good middles names for girls.

Who is your favorite Lisa Frank character?
I don't have one but I do like Lisa Frank

Do you own anything from the brand Natural Life?
I don't think so

Does your family always have your back?
What type of wedding do you want to have?


Are you more of a leader or a follower?
Neither, really.

Do you know anyone with a profession in law?

Have you ever Googled yourself?
I sure have.

Do you have a regular vacation spot, or do you always go somewhere new?
I normally go to Ocean City, Maryland

Where were you working 10 years ago?

... 5 years ago?
The place I work at now (I mean, not working right now but you understand what I'm saying)

... 1 year ago?

Would you say you've had a good life so far?
It hasn't been too bad

What's the shortest amount of time you've had between relationships?
I don't know.  A month or something?

As a child, what comfort foods did your parents make for you when you were sick with a cold or flu?
Toast with butter or jelly, chicken noodle soup, tomato soup

What's a movie series where the sequel was better than the original?
I don't know

What's something you wish you could have delivered to your house?

What's your favorite art style?
Impressionism or surrealism

What time period is considered to be your country's 'golden age?'
The 50s to the 70s

How many trees are there in your yard?
I don't have a yard

What are some of your favorite ways to de-stress?
Smoke some pot, have a drink, take a nap, play a video game, watch Youtube or a movie

Have you ever done LSD?

What's currently on your grocery list?
I don't think I need anything at the moment

Are any of your coworkers currently out on maternity/paternity leave?

Would you be able to pinpoint Milwaukee on an unlabeled map?
Nope lol

What is your favorite parody movie?
I honestly don't really like those.

What kind of first impression do you hope others have of you?
That I seem shy, but also very nice.

Do you have a good sense of balance?
Do you mean, literally??

What is your least favorite ice cream flavor?
Vanilla, mint chocolate chip, cotton candy, moose tracks, cookie dough...

Does your car have heated seats?
I don't even have a car.

What's something that has been in your local news lately?
The coronavirus.

What's your favorite internet meme?
All the Tiger King ones.

What hair length suits you the best?
I don't know.

What is the strangest pizza topping you've ever eaten?
Pizza with an egg in the center.

Do you live in a very racially and culturally diverse country?
Yes.  America is "the melting pot" however our pReSiDeNt wants to make a wall and keep all the immigrants out.

Can you name any books or movies where all the main characters die?

What was the last hotel you stayed at?
I can't remember what it was called.

Do you live alone?
I live with my boyfriend.
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