1. How many beings live in your house?
two during the week, three on the weekends.
2. Last board game you played?
3. Last card game you played?
good question. maybe uno.
4. Last thing you ate and when?
i ate pizza last night for dinner. its after noon and i havent had anything but coffee so far today.
5. Last thing you got for free?
good question. i was given late birthday gifts by my family a few weeks ago. that was nice.
6. What colours are you wearing?
grey, brown, white.
7. What is the last wild animal you remember seeing?
vividly, a squirrel.
8. How much debt do you have?
enough to stress me out, not as much as a lot of people.
9. Last song you listened to?
good question.
10. Where do you rank on the age scale in your house?
i am the oldest.
11. How long have you been tattooed? If you’re not, do you want to get tattooed?
i got my first tattoo a week after i turned 18, so its been a little over 13 years.
12. What is your belt like?
i am not wearing a belt, and i dont like wearing belts.
13. Last Anniversary you went to?
my grandparents' 50th anniversary when i was younger.
14. Last baby shower?
its been a while.
15. Last wedding?
last october.
16. Last funeral?
17. What is your mother’s name?
18. What is your band’s name? Or fantasy band ;)?
i dont have a band, and although im sure i thought of a bunch of cool band names when i was younger, i dont remember any of them.
19. How many different strip clubs have you been to?
just one.
20. Ever had a threesome?
21. Ever fucked a mother?
22. Do you have any nieces/nephews?
23. Don’t you just love sparkles?
24. And candles?
i like candles.
25. And chocolate? God I want some chocolate:
chocolate is nice.
26. How is your hair looking today?
greasy ponytail.
27. Last time you took a nap?
i think its been a week at least.
28. Last personal unnecessary purchase?
i cant remember. i buy snacks. i bought a video game last week.
29. On which day does / did your birthday fall this year?
iirc it was a tuesday.
30. Can you whistle?
31. Can you type fast?
32. How old are your parents?
they are both in their 60s.
33. Are they nice?
theyre fine.
34. How many schools did / have you go(ne) to?
35. What is your Instagram?
36. Can you touch your toes?
37. Did you have your morning tea/coffee?
yes, coffee. i only drank half a cup tho.
38. Last time you got laid?
last night.
39. How old are you?
40. What is your gender?
41. What is your sexuality?
im open minded.
42. What is your ethnicity?
i was born in america. i have polish, greek, french, and native american roots.
43. Cars or trucks?
44. Cats or dogs?
45. Name one trait you inherited from each of your grandparents?
oof. i prob have my busia's nose and my dedo's chin, strong genes there. i dont look much like my gram. she has always been short and rotund, and i am opposite of that.
46. Are you more likely to dance or sing?
47. Who is your youngest relative?
my newphew.
48. How many bank accounts do you have?
49. What kind of cheese is in the fridge?
4 cheese blend, swiss.
50. How long have you been with your partner? Or how long have you been single?
kyle and i have been together for 2.5 years.