1. Do you like zombie movies?
i do! they freak me tf out but i like seeing different interpretations of the same idea.
2. What’s the grossest/worst thing you’ve ever seen in a public restroom?
having worked in retail/customer service, ive seen a lot of shit, literally.
3. What’s the most wasteful thing you regularly do?
idk man. in 2020 its really hard to not be wasteful when youre just an average joe.
4. What’s the most difficult apology you’ve ever had to give?
i fessed up to cheating on a former partner of mine. that sucked but i respected him too much to not tell him.
5. What’s the worst relationship advice you’ve ever seen?
hahahaaaa! my brother once talked about me to my folks after i had broken up with someone at 23 and he said, "i dont understand what her deal is; it's as easy as finding someone and settling down." says a lot about the life he is leading versus the one i am lol.
6. Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to?
i would not want to. honestly, i dont want to volunteer my time period. my free time is precious to me. i have to spend 2/3 of my time working or sleeping.
7. What was your worst Halloween costume?
lol one year i didnt plan anything and was out of town so i tried to make a makeshift wound on my throat using what makeup i brought and some clumped up tissue. it fell off early on into the night so i just looked like a haggard homeless person lol.
8. Who has/had the worst reputation in your graduating class?
i dont remember. that was 2007 and i didnt give a shit about those people anyway.
9. When was the first time you can remember feeling mature?
the first time my phone rang while i was driving, i pulled off the road to answer.
10. Have you ever had a disappointing Christmas, or any disappointing holiday if you don’t celebrate Christmas?
yes. all kids feel disappointment. as an adult, ive been disappointed by people and their shitty behavior around the holidays. thats annually anymore lol.
11. Do you have any character bandaids in your house right now, or just plain ones?
i dont think we even have bandaids rn...
12. Have you ever had to give a pet away?
unfortunately yes.
13. What’s the junkiest junk food you’ve ever eaten?
hahaha i eat crap all the times!
14. Did you play pretend a lot as a child? Were there any recurring plots or themes?
yes and yes. i still daydream constantly.
15. How do you feel about runny egg yolks?
only good for dipping buttered toast in.
16. Has a teacher ever tried to teach you something that was undeniably wrong?
nothing that stands out.
17. If for some reason you had to give up one of your hobbies, which would you choose?
nail painting. i prefer gaming.
18. Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family?
19. How much do you know about first aid?
i only know how to tend to wounds.
20. Which of your relatives do you know the least about?
a lot of them honestly. they are all shitty people.
21. Have you ever meditated? If so, did it do anything for you?
yes. usually makes me want to sleep lol.
22. Have you ever given advice to someone who was much older than you?
yes. many times.
23. Have you ever used a view-master?
24. Do you ever listen to talk radio or podcasts? If you do, what are some of your favorite shows?
yes. i like listening to MORBID.
25. When was the last time you got ice cream from a truck?
when i was a kid.
26. Are any of your favorite bands broken up or on hiatus right now?
27. Do you know any sex workers? If so, how do they feel about their job?
i dont personally know any sex workers. work is work. as long as it isnt negatively impacting someone then fuck it.
28. What’s the biggest art project you’ve ever attempted? How did it go?
lol idk, maybe when i first got into glass etching, or painting. it was fine.
29. What kind of wild animals do you see most frequently where you live?
squirrels, deer, racoons.
30. Have you ever cooked anything other than s’mores over a fire?
31. Are there any items in your house that you use for something other than its intended purpose?
ooh interesting. yeah i use towels for door mats for the back door, dirty dog feet. uh wine bottle is incense vessel. tooth brush for cleaning paraphernalia.
32. What do you hope the afterlife is like?
i dont have any hopes or expectations. if i allow myself to have any then i will think about what happens after my body dies more than i should care to.
33. What’s the worst behavior you’ve ever seen from a child?
hahaha ive seen a lot of shitty kids. i think screaming constantly sucks. kids who lack respect for their parents, and i dont say that to mean that children should automatically respect authority figures but more as a criticism of the parent for not being worthy of respect and having kids anyway.
34. Have you ever planned an act of revenge?
no, but i daydream about it.
35. Do you and your parents share any of the same hobbies?
36. Do you think it’s more exciting or scary to get older?
neither. aging is a neutral experience for me, but i do tend to glow up.
37. How was the reception of the last wedding you attended?
it was fun! it was kyle's sister so roman had a blast.
38. Do you have any physical photo albums?
39. Would you feel comfortable working at a sex shop?
40. Who was the worst friend you ever had?
bahaha ive had a few.
41. What’s the biggest sacrifice you’ve ever made?
good question.
42. Have you ever campaigned for a political candidate, or otherwise played an active role in an election?
43. What’s the coolest hand-me-down you’ve ever gotten? What about the best one you’ve ever given?
lol i didnt get cool hand me downs from my brother. my sister didnt get mine.
44. Do your parents and grandparents get along with each other?
when they were alive, they got on mostly fine.