Team Daniel Spice - Heather and Rhonda
FUNDA. "Chambira" and "Morona," original tribal names this season, have both been cited as tributaries of the Great Amazon River as it runs through the country Brazil. Agua funda translates as "deep waters" in the Portuguese language, which is the native language of Brazil and the setting for the current season of SLJ14. Following this same Brazilian river theme is the idea of a river/tribe of a more theoretical nature merging into a situation often referred to as "deep waters":
"to get into deep water" is to become involved in a difficult situation. Therefore the new tribal name of Funda which means "deep" in Portuguese, possesses several angles of interpretation whilst sticking close to the Brazilian/Amazonian River theme coming to a merge, the same way this game is. Funda. Deep. There's no doubt these merged tribes are in deep water.
Team Jimmy Richardz - Andi and Josh
APALAI. It is a language spoken in Brazil and only 450 people speak it.
Team Andrea Romansky - Dave and Stephen
XINGU. We propose the name Xingu for the new tribe. We chose the name Xingu because it is a river that is at the end of the Amazon river. The Chambira and Morona rivers are at the beginning of the Amazon river. The Xingu river is home to the Xingu people, who represent fifteen tribes and all four of Brazil's indigenous language groups, but they share similar belief systems, rituals and ceremonies. Each tribe depends on the river for their livelihood. Also Xingu is the name of a Brazilian Black Beer. Black is the color of the new tribe.
Team Carrie Mason Jurr - John and Kyle
TAPUIA. Tapuia is the word for "Westerners" or "People with a strange tongue" to the Tupi Tribe, one of the most aggressive war-like tribes to live in Brazil before the Portuguese arrived.
Team Jennifer McGinnis - Cynthia and Jes
HI-MERIMA. Our suggested tribal name is Hi-Merimã, which is both the name of a reservation in the Amazonas state of Brazil and an isolated, uncontacted tribe on that reservation. It fits our merged tribal status as, like the Hi-Merimã, we have all also chosen a self-imposed isolation in Brazil and have only our fellow tribe members to depend upon.
There you have it. Now, regarding the voting process:
1. You can vote however you want. It would obviously be in your best interest to vote for your own, but if you want to be risky, you can vote for someone else's submission. Votes can be changed up until the deadline, after that, they're set in stone.
2. In order to get more votes, you can pass out the link to this post in an effort to get other gamers, friends, family members to vote for you. Do not post in
slj_reunion or the main community. I will be posting there; there's no need to have five seperate posts saying the same thing, different pair, when I can just post and tell the alumni where to vote and all that jazz.
3. If you have all the free time in the world, making new journals just to vote here is totally acceptable and allowed. It could possibly make or break the result, it certainly worked for me when I used to circuit these games.
4. Yeah, the votes are public for all to see, and the poll will be opened for awhile. Obviously you can take breaks, since this is going to be a lengthy deadline. Keep pimping, keep getting the word out.
- If there are any more questions, or any further clarification needed, you know where to reach me.
Poll SLJ14 Merged Tribe Name Challenge POLL CLOSES
Saturday, August 23rd @ 11:59PM EST
Failure to pimp = failure to gain safety.