Already said but SPOILERS!!!!! MAJOR SPOILER ALERT for DW series 6, 'A Good Man Goes to War' and minor spoilers for the previous episodes.
SPOILER ALERT!!!! In case you missed the others lol
I've seen a lot of hate for this series and series 5, but I haven't shared my views as I have loved them and didn't want to get into arguing as I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just felt compelled to spread a little series love so its clear not everyone hates/dislikes/etc them.
I loved this episode. I've loved this series and the previous series. I love Stephen Moffat's writing. RTD annoyed me immensely at the end. I don't deny he did a fantastic job bringing Doctor Who back to our screens, but I gre bored of him. I felt like he was becoming repetitive, recycling old characters consistently. I just didn't like his plots. I couldn't explain why, I just didn't.
Moffat has always been my favourite writer, ever since The Empty Child. He always manages to scare me/freak me out in some way, and I enjoy how he likes to mess with our heads in plots. Most of my favourite episodes are from him. I admit, Moffat isn't as good with characterisation as RTD, but for me the plot is what counts. I can stand a little OOC for a good plot. He's always thinking so far ahead, like the introduction of River and where that has led us. Maybe my love of plot is because I really became a sci-fi fan after watching Babylon 5 - which featured a FIVE YEAR story arc, something I could get my teeth into and speculate about .
One reason I like Moffat is that he keeps things on the TARDIS, like they used to be in Classic Who. RTD showed us those left behind, which was a good device, but got repetitive. Moffat brought those left behind along for the ride (Rory!).
One problem I had with RTD is that EVERYONE (bar Donna and few others) fell for the Doctor. While Amy may have feelings for him, which anyone can understand, her one true love is clearly Rory. Yes, I may have been secretly hoping the baby was the Doctors for pure head messing reasons, Rory/Amy is my OTP and has been since Amy's Choice.
Now, onto last nights episode! I'll be starting with general responses before then discussing the big reveal.
RORY THE ROMAN IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Rory, how I love you! "Where. Is. My WIFE?" & "Do I have to repeat the question?" show just why I love you so much!
I like that the Doctor is calling in favours from people we haven't met. It makes the story more interesting as you want to know how they know the Doctor, and you can create your own canon about them, as he clearly can't request favours from those he hasn't met yet in his time line.
SO, onto the big reveal. I didn't catch the early River-is-Amy's-daughter signs until I saw the child's name, but I still thought she could have been the Doctor's mother when they were standing over the crib. For me, this was a big surprise. I understand the points that have been raised that it was an anti-climax, but I feel its more of a set up for the next half of the series (much as the end of each B5 series helped set up the next). There is still so much we need to know. Where has Melody gone? Is she the girl in the astronaut suit? Will Rory and Amy still be able to travel with the Doctor? Who killed 1103 year old Doctor, and what's he gonna do now he knows its coming? Who killed the Doctor?
I like that we know the end of River's story as well as the start. I feel it adds a whole other layer to the episodes she's previously been in.
Although much didn't happen this episode, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Please feel free to disagree. I'd love to hear your thoughts. I just wanted to show the series some love.