Headache be gone, I say. I hope the UCSF Headache Center can do what your former neurologist could not. Glad to hear the hand is healing nicely and sorry the head is still achy::snugs::
At this point I am my own primary care physician. I've found it really works much better that way. Luckily my insurance doesn't care about written referrals to specialists, so I just go straight to the specialist. My mom and sister, both with severe migrane issues as well, do pretty much the same thing. "Primary Care" physicians haven't really been worth shit for a lot of years now with the way most offices are run. I no longer feel the need to pay a $20 copay to sit in a waiting room for 30 minutes, the exam room for 20 minutes just to spend 5 minutes with a doctor who will then tell me only things I already know.
I'm pretty much the same way, but in this case, I wasn't sure where to start. As it turns out, the headache center won't see you without having a referral, medical history, and all test results first anyway.
Gabapentin, Lyrica, and Cymbalta are all apparently notorious for unwanted side effects. I suppose they may help some people, but the side effects seem to be very disruptive and wide spread.
Comments 8
"Boo!!!" for the doc.
"Daaaaaaw!" for the Tig!
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