The Kitchens!

Mar 09, 2003 22:10

I fixed up my journal, complete with icons. None of them are actual Narnian illustrations, because I couldn't find any of adult Queen Susan save one that just showed her head. =^_^= I am very proud of my icons, despite the fact that they are merely paint. Please ignore the inconsistency in haircolor on the Miranda one. ~_^ I like that pikature very much.

General Announcement
From here unto the day of the feast, Let Not a Male Be Allowed in the Kitchens of Cair Paravel or Be Allowed to Sit on the Council of Welcome, for they are Hopeless in the Areas of Domestication. (By order of Susan, Queen of Narnia.)

Personal Account
Faugh! Men may be handy when it comes to fighting and winning battles, but the diplomacy is better left up to the women. I gave that notice to one of the servant to nail to the kitchen door this morning; all the reports of the fauns in the kitchen during the party preparations have been especially dreadful. Their little goat-prints are all over the castle in jelly jam, and it's taking an especial toll on the servants who feel obligated to keep up after them. It's well and good that I have time to see to these sorts of things; Lucy approves them all, and Peter and Edmund are far too busy with their own preparations to notice the trouble.

Not that I'm disapproving of the feast, mind you! I think it's high time we welcomed the Calormenes to the court; I was speaking with Peter just the other day and we have both agreed that as long as Calormen seems ot want a peaceful alliance, they shall have it. We've heard all sorts of dreadful stories, of course, but we will assume they are just hearsay until something convinces us otherwise. This land has seen enough of blood, and we do not wish to propogate it with any of our actions, this welcome feast included.

Keeping the fauns out of the kitchen should constitute a good start to both measures.

To Lucy
Lucy, darling, we simply must find time to get our busy queenly schedules together and meet in the wardrobe (aha!) of the castle. We're queens now and we mustn't run around in fur coats or any old rags that we have upo us; what's the proper dress for this sort of thing, do you suppose? Please let me know as soon as possible as I'm absolutely dying to get a new gown.
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