snurched from
sofie_sanctuary List your 5 current favourite TV shows and answer the following questions.
[1] SG-1
[2] SG-A
[3] Sanctuary
[4] Heroes
[5] House
1. Who's your favourite character in #2?(SG-A) Samantha Carter, even if she belonged to the main cast for only one season :(
2. Who's your least favourite character in #1?(SG-1) That's not an easy one...let me think about it... Anise/ Freya I guess
3. What's your favourite episode of #4?(Heroes) don't have a fav... love the whole thingy
4. What's your favourite season of #5?(House) season 2, I guess... I loved Hugh Laurie & Sela Ward acting together
5. Who are you favourite 'ship in #3? Why?(Sanctuary) Don't really have one till now... I'd love to see some relationship building up for Helen... maybe Ashley/ Will... but I'll come back to that question after season 1 aired
6. Who are your antiship in #2? Why? (SG-A) Teyla/ John .... I don't like Teyla much and I'm completely in the Elizabeth/ John thingy ^^
7. How long have you watched #1?(SG-1) Gosh since it first aired in Germany... dunno that must have been 1998 but I'm not a 100% sure and I don't wanna google it... so let's say since DAY 1.
8. How did you become interested in #3?(Sanctuary) Let's be honest here.... it's AMANDA TAPPING... I don't have to say more to that one, do I??
9. Who's your favourite actor/actress in #4?(Heroes) don't have a fav
10. Which do you prefer; Season 1 of #2 or #5?(SG-A/House) SG-A... it's Stargate ^^
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of; #1 or #3? (SG-1/Sanctuary) SG-1... not that difficult ^^
12. If you could be anyone from #4, who would you be? (SGA) I guess Hiro... he has the coolest ability of all.
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in #1?(SG-1) Killing Sam???? NO WAY... NEVER.... Okay I got one thing which I could live with... marrying Jack, making babies and live a long and happy life and ascending together or something like that... OMG I'm such a shipper!!!
14. Give a random quote from #5.(House) I honestly have no idea!!!
15. Which character in #2 do you love to hate/dislike?(SG-A) Michael for sure!!!
16. Would a #3/#4 crossover work?(Sanctuary/Heroes) no I don't think so... both series are dealing with 'abnormals' but on such different ways... so NO!!!
17. Pair 2 characters in #1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.(SG-1) ... unlikely but strangely okay for me would be a Sam/ Teal'c combination
18. Has #5 inspired you in any way?(House) not really, I want more sarcasm in hospitals but inspired not really
19. Overall, which show has a better cast; #2 or #4?(SG-A/Heroes) SG-A ... it's still Stargate... Although I love the cast of Heroes!!!
20. Which has better theme music; #3 or #5? (Sanctuary/House) Dunno if they'll cange the theme from the webseries to the tv series for Sanctuary... till now it's House!!!