Katy: Yes, Susan, I'm talking to my cat on the phone
Katy: Susan, are you majoring in everything possible?
Katy: Susan, we're not leaving the hotel to go to church!
Katy: I was like, 'don't kiss me, i just put medicin up my nose'
Mikey: Much lub..... er, luv
Katy's Away Message: what should katy do tonight? should she
a) be a good girl & stay at school
b) be a bad girl & stay at mikey's
c) be a very bad girl & get a hotel room
Mikey: D. Some handcuffs, a tub full of cool whip, and a video camera.
Mikey: Credit, I'll give them credit. I'll turn it sideways, polish it nicely and shove it up their @$$.
Gina(out in the hallway) WHOA WHOA WHOA!
Katy: (talking about Leslie, the student teacher from WCU) But at the same time, we're both scared of raw meat.
Katy: Mikey & I are doing do homework & listening to New Kids on the Block!!! We are going to have to get married, no one else would be able to put up with either one of us!!!
Katy: How'd you remember Hotdogs-Fishermen?
Susan: if the disciples hadn't had 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, they'd have served hot dogs!
after Susan put on the Riverdance CD
Katy: the Lord of the Dance is gonna attack me in my sleep!
Katy having an asthma attack...
Susan: Drink some water and stop thinking about it!
Katy: I'm not thinking about it, I'm thinking about Mikey!
Katy: We should put a bell on Mikey. We should probably put one on Katy too