128. 5 Times Ryutaro's Hamster Spoke To Him

Aug 05, 2008 04:25

Title: 5 Times Ryutaro's Hamster Spoke To Him
Characters: mostly Ryutaro, JUMP
Pairings: small hinting to HikaInoo
Genre: Humor
Rating: PG
Note: This is PG because I was reading this over and I realized that this hamster comes off as extremely creepy. I was kind of spooked myself...so PG just in case. [[By the way, I am in an extreme "i want to write fanfictions" mode. so yes :]]
For the HSJ-thon


Ryutaro ran into his room crying. He had messed up his lines today during an interview and all the members had scolded him. Remembering his stupid mistake he quickly buried his head deeper into his pillows and sobbed for awhile longer.

After being like that for quite awhile he slowly picked up his head to look at his desk. There sitting on his desk was the cage that held his most precious possesion, his hamster. He walked over to the cage and pulled open the door. Petting the hamster he sighed and started talking to him.

“What should I do? I’m just really bad at remembering lines…but they didn’t have to yell at me! Right?” Ryutaro sighed again when his hamster, of course, didn’t answer him. He was about to close the cage door when he heard a little squeak.

“Revenge,” his hamster had squeaked. Ryutaro blinked and stared at his hamster. His hamster stared back. Ryutaro’s eyes became round and wide. So did the hamster’s.

“….Hammy, did you just say something?”



Ryutaro grinned as he walked into the rehearsal room.

“Guess what I brought you guys!!” All the JUMP members went over to Ryutaro and started squealing rather girlishly at the cage that Ryutaro was holding.

“It’s so cute!”

“What’s its name?”

“Wait is it a he or she?”

“Can I hold it?”

“I bet it has rabies.”

“Maybe we should let it out on you then.”

Ryutaro smiled and put the cage next to his stuff. They all walked over to the mirrored wall and started practicing their dance for Your Seed.


After a long practice everybody was exhausted.

“Dai-chan, go get us some water from the food’s cabinet,” Takaki ordered. Daiki mumbled something about Takaki not wanting to break a nail and stumbled over to the food’s cabinet that was given to them.

He quickly searched all the cabinets that he could reach and couldn’t find the water bottles at all….which could only mean one thing. He glared up at the very last cabinet that must be containing the water that the JUMP members were craving for. The battle against the cabinet and Daiki’s height soon began. Daiki lost. Yabu sighed and walked over to the jumping up and down Daiki and pulled out the water. Daiki sobbed and ran over to Chinen and started hugging him tightly, crying about how it’s not fair and so on. Everybody knew he was hugging Chinen only because he was shorter then him.

“Dai-chan, why don’t you hold my hamster? He always makes me feel better when I’m down,” Ryutaro suggested. Daiki sniffled and nodded his head. They walked over to Hammy’s cage and took him out. Ryutaro gently placed him in Daiki’s hand and Daiki instantly smiled and started cuddling his face against Hammy’s warmth.

“Thanks Ryutaro, that actually helped,” Daiki said sheepishly. He waved at Ryutaro and quickly went to join the BEST members in some sort of contest of manliness. Ryutaro turned to his hamster and smiled.

“Daiki seems to have problems with his height.” The hamster looked at Ryutaro like he was stupid.

“No duh.”


“Shintaro, don’t be stupid!! That’s MY manga!!”

“No it’s not!! I bought it, I get to keep it!!”

“What are you talking about?! I GAVE you that money to buy it for ME!!”


Shintaro screamed and ran out of the room, holding onto his injured hand. Ryutaro looked at the hamster that was sitting suspiciously close to where Shintaro’s hand was just a few seconds ago.


“No problem.”


Yabu looked at the list that JUMP’s manager had handed to him. These set of instructions aren’t going to come easily….better get started he thought.

((Yuuto - Stay out of the new shipment of fireworks for the upcoming concert.
Yamada - Stop eating strawberries that are for the next photoshoot.
Chinen - Stop giving the female staff puppy dog eyes. It’s already caused 6 injuries.
Keito - Teach JUMP more english, it’ll come in handy. And use your rationality to keep everybody out of life threatening situations.
Ryutaro - Work on your temper, I don’t want you hurting anymore BEST members.
Takaki - Keep up the good work on being the okaasan of 7.
Hikaru - Stop getting distracted by Inoo.
Inoo - Stop tempting Hikaru.
Daiki - Grow taller.
Yabu - Make sure that all of these instructions are followed by the other members.))

Ryutaro watched Yabu run around the whole day getting these instructions followed through. He thought it was absolutely amazing that Yabu could work so fluidly and get things done so smoothly and quickly.

When Yabu was almost done he laid down on a couch.

“I’m just resting, don’t worry.”

“You’re amazing Yabu-kun, you’re really the leader of JUMP!” Ryutaro said nicely.

“Thanks Ryutaro, but I still have to go pick up that medicine to help Dai-chan grow faster. If he doesn’t grow taller I’m never going to be finished with this list. Seeya~” Yabu ran to the post office and left Ryutaro with his hamster. There was a long silence.

“……Aren’t you going to say something?” Ryutaro asked.

“He’s a control freak.” Ryutaro looked shocked at the hamster but Hammy just looked back innocently and scratched his nose.


Hey! Say! JUMP was, again, practicing more dance moves. And Ryutaro had, again, brought Hammy to rehearsals, though he was becoming wary of the little critter. Over the past few days he had been talking to the fuzzy animal and just finally realized the obvious. He was talking to a hamster. And the hamster was answering back. He found that rather creepy so he decided to tell his fellow JUMP members.

“They’re not going to believe you,” Hammy said sweetly.

“I’m going to try anyways,” Ryutaro said. He went to the JUMP members and told them his stories.

“That’s insane.”

“Hamsters don’t talk.”

“Unless it’s in a dream.”

“Who would dream about talking hamsters?”

“I do.”

Ryutaro looked at them angrily. “I’m serious! My hamster talks! And if you don’t believe me, FINE!” The youngest member ran out of the room and slammed the door. All the JUMP members looked baffled. They all turned to the hamster that Ryutaro had left behind in his fury.

“You don’t think-“

“Nah, no way.”

“I know. It’s silly that he thinks hamsters talk,” Hammy said casually.

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