A Father's Day Sushi!Fic Drabble...

Jun 18, 2006 11:47

Title: Fatherhood
Author: Paige (Paiger1218)
Category: Sushi!Fic Drabble
Word Count: 689
Timeline: Before "Inara's Gift" by http://hfleming8.livejournal.com/profile, but after "The 'Rithmetic of Love" by http://users.livejournal.com/__dream_on/
Characters: Mal, Inara, a two-day old Alley, mentions of Simon, Kaylee, and Jayne
Pairings: Mal/Inara
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Joss's toys, I just borrowed them. Sushi!Verse belongs to terimaru. Alley is hfleming8's creation.
Warning: SUPERFLUFF!!!
Summary: A fluffy Father's Day Moment in the life of new parents Mal and Inara
Author's Notes: Inspired by Father's Day, I HAD to write Mal's first Father's Day. Thank you to all Sushi!Fic writers for starting this incredible series... you guys ALL ROCK. Thanks to hfleming8 for creating a basis for Mal/Inara's offspring!

“Happy Father’s Day, Mal,” Inara whispered as she placed their two-day old daughter on his chest. She kissed Mal lightly before she turned to feed Sushi and Sashimi and their babies.

Mal’s heart ached when Alley was in his arms. She was still so tiny, but Mal was starting to feel more confident that Alley wouldn’t break when he held her.

Alley was still so new to the ‘verse that it was unclear who she’d look like, though she had a full head of hair, jet black like her mother’s. Her eyes were still newborn blue, but Mal had a feeling she’d have dark eyes sooner or later to match her mom’s. She’d be a looker when she grew up, and Mal would be ready to deal with those suitors, he thought to himself, but for now, he was content to hold her and feed her and make funny faces at her. He didn’t even mind the dirty diapers; however, it had only been two days so far.

Inara smiled wistfully as she watched Mal with their daughter. He’d looked so frightened two days ago when Simon had asked Mal to cut Alley’s umbilical cord. He looked even more frightened when Simon held Alley out to Mal for him to hold. Mal told Simon to wait until he was sitting down, he was so terrified he’d drop Alley or she’d fall to pieces in his hands, and Inara did her best to reassure Mal that she wasn’t porcelain.

Mal was amazed at how he could find every little thing Alley did as adorable. Just now, his eyes went wide as Alley yawned and arched her tiny back as she stretched her little arms out towards Mal’s face. He looked at Inara then and smiled goofily.

Inara had to laugh at this; they both acted so incredibly silly when it came to their baby girl. Even Sushi and Sashimi hadn’t been this silly when they’d had their brood, Inara thought. And then she felt even sillier for comparing hers and Mal’s parenting euphoria with a pair of fish.

Inara was amazed at how quiet she and Mal had become since Alley entered the world, as if speaking would shatter the moment and Alley would suddenly fast forward to a teenager, telling her parents she hated them for not letting her dye her hair purple. Inara liked how things were now, and was secretly grateful to Kaylee for coming over every now and then with her capture and recording these little moments of tranquility before real life set in and Alley tested those lungs of hers.

So far, both Mal and Inara had failed miserably at putting their daughter down in her crib, not even three feet away from their own bed. Mal had mastered sleeping on his back with his daughter on his chest, or so he’d thought. Once he was asleep, Inara would gently lift their baby off his chest and put her on her own. When she fell asleep, Mal would wake up to the baby’s sudden need to be fed and would feed her, falling asleep in the rocking chair Jayne had made them with his tiny daughter attached to his chest in the tiny baby carrier Simon and Kaylee had given them.

As sleep deprived as they were, Mal and Inara had decided the past two days were the best of their lives so far.

“So,” Mal whispered, looking at Inara as he straightened Alley’s baby Blue Sun tee about her.

Inara looked at Mal and smiled. “So…” she said quietly, lying down on the couch next to Mal and putting her feet on his lap.

“When d’ya wanna try for baby number two?” Mal asked, grinning sheepishly.

Inara let out a giggle. “Mal, I can’t even believe you’re serious about that right now!” Inara replied, giving Mal’s thigh a gentle kick.

“What can I say, ‘Nara. Fatherhood suits me…” he smiled sweetly at her and then looked down at his daughter, his eyes getting misty for the umpteenth time as he kissed her forehead.

“Thanks li’l one for the best father’s day gift ever,” he whispered.
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