So, a few days ago, I spent like over an hour trying to find this website which I occasionally stumbleupon. Couldn't find it. Tried google, tried going through my stumble likes (hello stumbelupon, some basic filters would be good).
Today, first stumble, I hit it. So I'm posting it here so I don't forget again.
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Comments 8
Three of my own humble submissions have been on tastespotting.
I don't like bookmarks.
There. I've said it.
For some strange reason, the only thing that ever ends up in my bookmarks is 1) something I will return to in 5 minutes, or 2) something I will never, ever, return to again. I always found bookmarks to be flaky. What with having multiple computers and inevitably migrating from box to box. Plus, once we entered the Age of Google, why bother? 3 keywords can find any site in a blink. Just on the rare I occasion I forget what those 3 words are.
I suppose I could get one of the umpteen million online bookmarking sites. But once you have a bookmark file, then you have to manage and sort and categorize them.
No, no, too much work by far.
doesnt solve your box to box thing, but you could do that with
i cant imagine a coder not relaying on some sort of go-to saved resource link list, but that's just me
Usually I research specific topics. If I need a site I cover, again, I google. I don't use URLs, ever. I google them. Even if I know the site. I know that sounds odd.
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