*yesterday* award type-thingy where they got all of our certificates messed up i never got the rite one then hannah came over and we had crab dip and she <3s cricket
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4days in this week!!! but 2 projects due 2marrow --bummer-- han, kyle, and me went to starbucks to work on our english one 2nite hah work, we didnt do much of that but we did get it done i have alot. latte!! i had decaf but somehow im bouncing off the walls ahahaha beach friday? i hope!!
---2marrow is my little sisters birthday!!! yay!---
pretty normal school day then after my family, my cousins and hannah went to tijuana flats my cousins were rubbing all up on this tree. we took pics, its hilarious! then we went to church where me n allison played a great trick ((literally)) and...the susan/talia word of the day is lisp can you use it in a sentance?
2day my cousins came over their new favorite game is "lets throw everything in the pool" it took me 4-ever 2 get it all out and then they came back outside and threw it all in again